Revelation 2 Interlinear Bible (KJV) - Greek Text and Lexicon (2024)

1 Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;

Tw'/ T-DSM ajggevlw/ N-DSM th'? T-GSF ejn PREP #Efevsw/ N-DSF ejkklhsiva? N-GSF gravyon: V-AAM-2S Tavde D-APN levgei V-PAI-3S oJ T-NSM kratw'n V-PAP-NSM tou;? T-APM eJpta; N-NUI ajstevra? N-APM ejn PREP th'/ T-DSF dexia'/ aujtou', P-GSM oJ T-NSM peripatw'n V-PAP-NSM ejn PREP mevsw/ A-DSN tw'n T-GPF eJpta; N-NUI lucniw'n N-GPF tw'n T-GPF crusw'n: A-GPF

2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:

Oi\da V-RAI-1S ta; T-APN e~rga N-APN sou P-2GS kai; CONJ to;n T-ASM kovpon N-ASM kai; CONJ th;n T-ASF uJpomonhvn N-ASF sou, P-2GS kai; CONJ o&ti CONJ ouj PRT duvnh/ V-PNI-2S bastavsai V-AAN kakouv?, A-APM kai; CONJ ejpeivrasa? V-AAI-2S tou;? T-APM levgonta? V-PAP-APM eJautou;? F-3APM ajpostovlou? N-APM kai; CONJ oujk PRT eijsivn, V-PXI-3P kai; CONJ euJ're? V-2AAI-2S aujtou;? P-APM yeudei'?: A-APM

3 And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted.

kai; CONJ uJpomonh;n N-ASF e~cei?, V-PAI-2S kai; CONJ ejbavstasa? V-AAI-2S dia; PREP to; T-ASN o~nomav N-ASN mou, P-1GS kai; CONJ ouj PRT kekopivake?. V-RAP-NPM

4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

ajlla; CONJ e~cw V-PAI-1S kata; PREP sou' P-2GS o&ti CONJ th;n T-ASF ajgavphn N-ASF sou P-2GS th;n T-ASF prwvthn A-ASF ajfh'ke?. V-AAI-2S

5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

mnhmovneue V-PAM-2S ou\n CONJ povqen ADV pevptwka?, V-RAI-2S kai; CONJ metanovhson V-AAM-2S kai; CONJ ta; T-APN prw'ta A-APN e~rga N-APN poivhson: V-AAM-2S eij COND de; CONJ mhv, PRT e~rcomaiv V-PNI-1S soi P-2DS kai; CONJ kinhvsw V-FAI-1S th;n T-ASF lucnivan N-ASF sou P-2GS ejk PREP tou' T-GSM tovpou N-GSM aujth'?, P-GSF eja;n COND mh; PRT metanohvsh/?. V-AAS-2S

6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.

ajlla; CONJ tou'to D-ASN e~cei?, V-PAI-2S o&ti CONJ misei'? V-PAI-2S ta; T-APN e~rga N-APN tw'n T-GPM Nikolai>tw'n, N-GPM aJ; R-APN kajgw; P-1NS misw'. V-PAI-1S

7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

oJ R-NSN e~cwn V-PAP-NSM ou\? N-ASN ajkousavtw V-AAM-3S tiv I-ASN to; T-NSN pneu'ma N-NSN levgei V-PAI-3S tai'? T-DPF ejkklhsivai?. N-DPF tw'/ T-DSM nikw'nti V-PAP-DSM dwvsw V-FAI-1S aujtw'/ P-DSM fa*gei'n V-2AAN ejk PREP tou' T-GSM xuvlou th'? T-GSF zwh'?, N-GSF o& R-NSN ejstin V-PXI-3S ejn PREP tw'/ T-DSM paradeivsw/ N-DSM tou' T-GSM qeou'. N-GSM

8 And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive;

Kai; CONJ tw'/ T-DSM ajggevlw/ N-DSM th'? T-GSF ejn PREP Smuvrnh/ N-DSF ejkklhsiva? N-GSF gravyon: V-AAM-2S Tavde D-APN levgei V-PAI-3S oJ T-NSM prw'to? A-NSM kai; CONJ oJ T-NSM e~scato?, A-NSM oJ;? R-NSM ejgevneto V-2ADI-3S nekro;? A-NSM kai; CONJ e~zhsen: V-AAI-3S

9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty,* (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Oi\dav V-RAI-1S sou P-2GS th;n T-ASF qli'yin N-ASF kai; CONJ th;n T-ASF ptwceivan, N-ASF ajlla; CONJ plouvsio? A-NSM ei\, V-PXI-2S kai; CONJ th;n T-ASF blasfhmivan N-ASF ejk PREP tw'n T-GPM legovntwn V-PAP-GPM #Ioudaivou? A-APM ei\nai V-PXN eJautouv?, F-3APM kai; CONJ oujk PRT eijsi;n V-PXI-3P ajlla; CONJ sunagwgh; N-NSF tou' T-GSM Satana'. N-GSM

10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

mhde;n A-ASN fobou' V-PNM-2S aJ; R-APN mevllei? V-PAI-2S pavscein. V-PAN ijdou; V-2AAM-2S mevllei V-PAI-3S bavllein V-PAN oJ T-NSM diavbolo? A-NSM ejx uJmw'n P-2GP eij? PREP fulakh;n N-ASF i&na CONJ peirasqh'te, V-APS-2P kai; CONJ e&xete V-PAI-2P qli'yin N-ASF hJmerw'n N-GPF devka. N-NUI givnou V-PNM-2S pisto;? A-NSM a~cri PREP qanavtou, N-GSM kai; CONJ dwvsw V-FAI-1S soi P-2DS to;n T-ASM stevfanon N-ASM th'? T-GSF zwh'?. N-GSF

11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.

oJ T-NSM e~cwn V-PAP-NSM ou\? N-ASN ajkousavtw V-AAM-3S tiv I-ASN to; T-NSN pneu'ma N-NSN levgei V-PAI-3S tai'? T-DPF ejkklhsivai?. N-DPF oJ T-NSM nikw'n V-PAP-NSM ouj PRT mh; PRT ajdikhqh'/ V-APS-3S ejk PREP tou' T-GSM qanavtou N-GSM tou' T-GSM deutevrou. A-GSM

12 And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;

Kai; CONJ tw'/ T-DSM ajggevlw/ N-DSM th'? T-GSF ejn PREP Pergavmw/ N-DSF ejkklhsiva? N-GSF gravyon: V-AAM-2S Tavde D-APN levgei V-PAI-3S oJ T-NSM e~cwn V-PAP-NSM th;n T-ASF rJomfaivan N-ASF th;n T-ASF divstomon A-ASF th;n T-ASF ojxei'an:

13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein* Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.

Oi\da V-RAI-1S pou' PRT katoikei'?, V-PAI-2S o&pou ADV oJ T-NSM qrovno? N-NSM tou' T-GSM Satana', N-GSM kai; CONJ kratei'? V-PAI-2S to; T-ASN o~nomav N-ASN mou, P-1GS kai; CONJ oujk PRT hjrnhvsw V-ADI-2S th;n T-ASF pivstin N-ASF mou P-1GS kai; CONJ ejn PREP tai'? T-DPF hJmevrai? N-DPF #Antipa'? N-NSM oJ T-NSM mavrtu? N-NSM mou P-1GS oJ T-NSM pistov? A-NSM mou, P-1GS oJ;? R-NSM ajpektavnqh V-API-3S parj PREP uJmi'n, P-2DP o&pou ADV oJ T-NSM Satana'? N-NSM katoikei'. V-PAI-3S

14 But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught* Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.

ajll# CONJ e~cw V-PAI-1S kata; PREP sou' P-2GS ojlivga, A-APN o&ti CONJ e~cei? V-PAI-2S ejkei' ADV kratou'nta? V-PAP-APM th;n T-ASF didach;n N-ASF Balaavm, N-PRI oJ;? R-NSM ejdivdasken V-IAI-3S tw'/ T-DSM Bala;k N-PRI balei'n V-2AAN skavndalon N-ASN ejnwvpion ADV tw'n T-GPM uiJw'n N-GPM #Israhvl, N-PRI fa*gei'n V-2AAN eijdwlovquta A-APN kai; CONJ p*rneu'sai: V-AAN

15 So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.

ou&tw? ADV e~cei? V-PAI-2S kai; CONJ su; P-2NS kratou'nta? V-PAP-APM th;n T-ASF didach;n N-ASF ?tw'n? T-GPM Nikolai>tw'n N-GPM oJmoivw?. ADV

16 Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.

metanovhson V-AAM-2S ou\n: CONJ eij COND de; CONJ mhv, PRT e~rcomaiv V-PNI-1S soi P-2DS tacuv, ADV kai; CONJ polemhvsw V-FAI-1S metj PREP aujtw'n P-GPM ejn PREP th'/ T-DSF rJomfaiva/ N-DSF tou' T-GSN stovmatov? N-GSN mou. P-1GS

17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.

oJ T-NSM e~cwn V-PAP-NSM ou\? N-ASN ajkousavtw V-AAM-3S tiv I-ASN to; T-NSN pneu'ma N-NSN levgei V-PAI-3S tai'? T-DPF ejkklhsivai?. N-DPF tw'/ T-DSM nikw'nti V-PAP-DSM dwvsw V-FAI-1S aujtw'/ P-DSM tou' T-GSM mavnna HEB tou' T-GSM kekrummevnou, V-RPP-GSM kai; CONJ dwvsw V-FAI-1S aujtw'/ P-DSM yh'fon N-ASF leukh;n A-ASF kai; CONJ ejpi; PREP th;n T-ASF yh'fon N-ASF o~noma N-NSN kaino;n A-NSN gegrammevnon V-RPP-NSN oJ; T-NSM oujdei;? A-NSF oi\den V-RAI-3S eij COND mh; PRT oJ T-NSM lambavnwn. V-PAP-NSM

18 And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass;

Kai; CONJ tw'/ T-DSM ajggevlw/ N-DSM th'? T-GSF ejn PREP Quateivroi? N-DPN ejkklhsiva? N-GSF gravyon: V-AAM-2S Tavde D-APN levgei V-PAI-3S oJ T-NSM uiJo;? N-NSM tou' T-GSM qeou', N-GSM oJ T-NSM e~cwn V-PAP-NSM tou;? T-APM ojfqalmou;? N-APM aujtou' P-GSM wJ? ADV flovga N-NSF purov?, N-GSN kai; CONJ oiJ T-NPM povde? N-NPM aujtou' P-GSM o&moioi A-NPM calkolibavnw/: N-DSN

19 I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first.

Oi\dav V-RAI-1S sou P-2GS ta; T-APN e~rga N-APN kai; CONJ th;n T-ASF ajgavphn N-ASF kai; CONJ th;n T-ASF pivstin N-ASF kai; CONJ th;n T-ASF diakonivan N-ASF kai; CONJ th;n T-ASF uJpomonhvn N-ASF sou, P-2GS kai; CONJ ta; T-APN e~rga N-APN sou P-2GS ta; T-APN e~scata A-APN pleivona A-APN tw'n T-GPN prwvtwn. A-GPN

20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

ajlla; CONJ e~cw V-PAI-1S kata; PREP sou' P-2GS o&ti CONJ ajfei'? V-PAI-2S-IRR th;n T-ASF gunai'ka N-ASF zavbel, N-PRI hJ T-NSF levgousa V-PAP-NSF eJauth;n F-3ASF profh'tin, N-ASF kai; CONJ didavskei V-PAI-3S kai; CONJ plana'/ V-PAI-3S tou;? T-APM ejmou;? S-1APM douvlou? N-APM p*rneu'sai V-AAN kai; CONJ fa*gei'n V-2AAN eijdwlovquta. A-APN

21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.

kai; CONJ e~dwka V-AAI-1S aujth'/ P-DSF crovnon N-ASM i&na CONJ metanohvsh/, V-AAS-3S kai; CONJ ouj PRT qevlei V-PAI-3S metanoh'sai V-AAN ejk PREP th'? T-GSF p*rneiva? N-GSF aujth'?. P-GSF

22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.

ijdou; V-2AAM-2S bavllw V-PAI-1S aujth;n P-ASF eij? PREP klivnhn, N-ASF kai; CONJ tou;? T-APM moiceuvonta? V-PAP-APM metj PREP aujth'? P-GSF eij? PREP qli'yin N-ASF megavlhn, A-ASF eja;n COND mh; PRT metanohvswsin ejk PREP tw'n T-GPN e~rgwn N-GPN aujth'?: P-GSF

23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.

kai; CONJ ta; T-APN tevkna N-APN aujth'? P-GSF ajpoktenw' V-FAI-1S ejn PREP qanavtw/: N-DSM kai; CONJ gnwvsontai V-FDI-3P pa'sai A-NPF aiJ T-NPF ejkklhsivai N-NPF o&ti CONJ ejgwv P-1NS eijmi V-PXI-1S oJ T-NSM ejraunw'n V-PAP-NSM nefrou;? N-APM kai; CONJ kardiva?, N-APF kai; CONJ dwvsw V-FAI-1S uJmi'n P-2DP eJkavstw/ A-DSM kata; PREP ta; T-APN e~rga N-APN uJmw'n. P-2GP

24 But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden.

uJmi'n P-2DP de; CONJ levgw V-PAI-1S toi'? T-DPM loipoi'? A-DPM toi'? T-DPM ejn PREP Quateivroi?, N-DPN o&soi K-NPM oujk PRT e~cousin V-PAI-3P th;n T-ASF didach;n N-ASF tauvthn, D-ASF oi&tine? R-NPM oujk PRT e~gnwsan V-2AAI-3P ta; T-APN baqeva A-APN tou' T-GSM Satana', N-GSM wJ? ADV levgousin, V-PAI-3P ouj PRT bavllw V-PAI-1S ejfj PREP uJma'? P-2AP a~llo A-ASN bavro?: N-ASN

25 But that which ye have already hold fast till I come*.

plh;n ADV oJ; R-ASN e~cete V-PAI-2P krathvsate V-AAM-2P a~cri?s? PREP ouJ' R-GSM a^n PRT h&xw. N-DSM

26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:

kai; CONJ oJ T-NSM nikw'n V-PAP-NSM kai; CONJ oJ T-NSM thrw'n V-PAP-NSM a~cri PREP tevlou? N-GSN ta; T-APN e~rga N-APN mou, P-1GS dwvsw V-FAI-1S aujtw'/ P-DSM ejxousivan ejpi; PREP tw'n T-GPN ejqnw'n, N-GPN

27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.

kai; CONJ poimanei' V-FAI-3S aujtou;? P-APM ejn PREP rJavbdw/ N-DSF sidhra'/, A-DSF wJ? ADV ta; T-NPN skeuvh N-NPN ta; T-NPN keramika; A-NPN suntrivbetai, V-PPI-3S J2-28j

28 And I will give him the morning star.

wJ? ADV kajgw; P-1NS ei~lhfa V-RAI-1S para; PREP tou' T-GSM patrov? N-GSM mou, P-1GS kai; CONJ dwvsw V-FAI-1S aujtw'/ P-DSM to;n T-ASM ajstevra N-ASM to;n T-ASM prwi>novn. A-ASM

29 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

oJ T-NSM e~cwn V-PAP-NSM ou\? N-ASN ajkousavtw V-AAM-3S tiv I-ASN to; T-NSN pneu'ma N-NSN levgei V-PAI-3S tai'? T-DPF ejkklhsivai?. N-DPF

The King James Version is in the public domain.

Revelation 2 Interlinear Bible (KJV) - Greek Text and Lexicon (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.