Top 10 most BEAUTIFUL Irish funeral BLESSINGS (2025)

Irish funerals are a really unique thing. They make us laugh, cry, and everything in between.

Top 10 most BEAUTIFUL Irish funeral BLESSINGS (1)

Irish funerals are known for being big, loud events – occasions where everyone swaps stories and reminisces about the deceased. They can sometimes be as big a celebration as Irish weddings!

Funerals are, of course, solemn and emotional occasions. However, they are a great chance to celebrate and rejoice about the life you and your loved ones have lost.

There are some stunning Irish funeral blessings that won’t leave a dry eye in the house, many of which are comforting and reassuring that whoever has passed isn’t really gone; they’ve just moved on to the next stage of life.

Table of Contents

  • Irish funerals are a really unique thing. They make us laugh, cry, and everything in between.
  • Meanwhile in Ireland’s interesting facts about Irish funerals:
    • 10. Irish prayer for the departed –a goodbye
    • 9. Those we love don’t go away –a reminder
    • 8. Remembered Joy –a reassurance
    • 7. Feel no guilt in laughter –a memory
    • 6. May the road rise to meet you –a celebration
    • 5. Nature and Saint Patrick – for nature
    • 4. Irish death saying –a broken heart
    • 3. An Irish funeral toast –for perseverance
    • 2. A simple blessing –a guidance
    • 1. I’ll see this side of green no more –perspective
  • Other notable mentions
  • Your questions answered about Irish funeral blessings
    • What is the traditional blessing for an Irish funeral?
    • What is the Irish last goodbye?
    • What is a good Irish blessing?

Meanwhile in Ireland’s interesting facts about Irish funerals:

  • An Irish funeral is usually preceded by a wake, where family and friends celebrate their passed loved one in the family home. They usually last for a few days before the funeral.
  • Keening was once a huge part of Irish funeral traditions. Keeningexclusively involved women crying out loudly in grief and anguish to mourn the dead.
  • Blessings are a huge part of Irish culture and funerals. They often speak of good fortune, faithful friends, good luck, and much more.
  • Irish funerals are one of the occasions that bring Irish people together the most. They celebrate the life of the one they lost with a drink, music, and shared stories.

10. Irish prayer for the departed –a goodbye

Top 10 most BEAUTIFUL Irish funeral BLESSINGS (2)

“Death is nothing at all

I have only slipped away to the next room.

I am I and you are you.

Whatever we were to each other, That, we still are.

Call me by myold familiar name”.

This Irish funeral blessing is a really beautiful one because it reminds us that, no matter if our loved ones have moved on from the physical world, they will always be with us at heart.

RELATED: 10 Irish prayers and blessings for friends and family

9. Those we love don’t go away –a reminder

Top 10 most BEAUTIFUL Irish funeral BLESSINGS (3)

“Those we love don’t go away,

They walk beside us every day,

Unseen, unheard, but always near,

Still loved, still missed and very dear”.

Similar to the Irish blessing above, this one reminds us that our loved ones are never truly gone.

8. Remembered Joy –a reassurance

Top 10 most BEAUTIFUL Irish funeral BLESSINGS (4)

“I could not stay another day,

To love, to laugh, to work or play;

Tasks left undone must stay that way.

And if my parting has left a void,

Then fill it with remembered joy”.

‘Remembered Joy’ is one of Ireland’s favourite funeral poems. It’s a beautiful poem from the perspective of the dead. It reminds loved ones not to reminisce on the sadness of death but to celebrate the good of life.

7. Feel no guilt in laughter –a memory

Top 10 most BEAUTIFUL Irish funeral BLESSINGS (5)

“Feel no guilt in laughter, he’d know how much you care.

Feel no sorrow in a smile that he is not here to share.

You cannot grieve forever; he would not want you to.

He’d hope that you could carry on the way you always do.

So, talk about the good times and the way you showed you cared,

The days you spent together, all the happiness you shared.

Let memories surround you, a word someone may say

Will suddenly recapture a time, an hour, a day,

That brings him back as clearly as though he were still here,

And fills you with the feeling that he is always near.

For if you keep those moments, you will never be apart

And he will live forever locked safely within your heart.”

‘Feel no guilt in laughter’ is a beautiful reminder that it’s alright to carry on living your life, even in mourning.

6. May the road rise to meet you –a celebration

Top 10 most BEAUTIFUL Irish funeral BLESSINGS (6)

“May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon you,
And the rain fall gently down.

May God hold you, ever hold you.
May God hold you, in the palm of His hand”.

Originally written in the Irish language, the author of this famous traditional Irish blessing has never been known. This blessing is heard at plenty of Irish funerals.

5. Nature and Saint Patrick – for nature

Top 10 most BEAUTIFUL Irish funeral BLESSINGS (7)

“May the Irish hills caress you.

May her lakes and rivers bless you.

May the luck of the Irish enfold you.

May theblessings of Saint Patrick behold you.”

This is one of the Irish funeral blessings that is popular amongst Americans as it encapsulates all that Ireland is known to be.

4. Irish death saying –a broken heart

Top 10 most BEAUTIFUL Irish funeral BLESSINGS (8)

“Death leaves a heartache

no one can heal;

Love leaves a memory

no one can steal”.

A simple yet heartbreaking testament to offer anyone who is grieving.

3. An Irish funeral toast –for perseverance

Top 10 most BEAUTIFUL Irish funeral BLESSINGS (10)

“May joy and peace surround you,

Contentment latch your door.

And happiness be with you now

And bless you evermore”.

This is a great Irish funeral toast for those who have just lost somebody dear to them. It encourages light and happiness to be brought into your life in a dark and saddening time.

2. A simple blessing –a guidance

Top 10 most BEAUTIFUL Irish funeral BLESSINGS (11)

“May your neighbours respect you,

Trouble neglect you,

The angels protect you,

And heaven accept you”.

This is a simple but effective blessing that can be read at funerals, for a toast in the pub, and for general well-wishing.

1. I’ll see this side of green no more –perspective

Top 10 most BEAUTIFUL Irish funeral BLESSINGS (12)

“I’ll see this side of the green no more,

Or feel those gentle mists.

The warmth of the sun as it breaks through the clouds,

Will no longer find me in its midst.

For I’m off to meet my maker and

I hope in Heaven to remain,

Though departing from this emerald isle

Gives me a stab of pain.

Yet part of me will remain here,

Beneath this soft, blessed ground.

Please take a moment to remember me,

Whenever you come around”.

Other notable mentions

Top 10 most BEAUTIFUL Irish funeral BLESSINGS (13)

Funny Irish blessing: “As you slide down the bannisters of life, may the splinters never point the wrong way”. The Irish are known for having great wit and the unbelievable ability to make light of a situation. This is a funny blessing to do just that.

May your glass be ever full: “May your glass be ever full. May the roof over your head be always strong. And may you be in heaven half an hour, before the devil knows you’re dead.

Do not stand at my grave and weep: ‘Do not stand at my grave and weep’ is not of Irish origins, but it is commonly read out at Irish funerals.

Peace blessing: “May peace and plenty bless your world with joy that long endures. May all life’s passing seasons bring the best to you and yours”.

An Irish farewell: “May you have love that never ends, lots of money, and lots of friends. Health be yours, whatever you do, and may God send many blessings to you!

“May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night, And the road downhill all the way to your door”.

Your questions answered about Irish funeral blessings

If you still have questions, we have you covered! In this section, we’ve compiled some of our readers’ most frequently asked questions about this topic.

What is the traditional blessing for an Irish funeral?

Numbers five and six on our list are two of the more traditional Gaelic blessings for an Irish funeral.

What is the Irish last goodbye?

The wake is a vital part of Irish funeral traditions and is considered an opportunity for everyone to say their last goodbyes. At an Irish wake, these Irish funeral prayers will often be spoken.

What is a good Irish blessing?

We believe our list of Irish funeral blessings above includes ten of the best Irish blessings.

Top 10 most BEAUTIFUL Irish funeral BLESSINGS (2025)
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