The Weekly Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois (2024)

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The Weekly Pantagraphi

Bloomington, Illinois

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Air Line Houle Chicago to St Louis llisccllancoax IllsceUaneous illisrcellaneoH ixrellaa cons Hance Taiflor New irm Bryant Mercantile College BOOK AND STATIONERY I101SE I tncintxrt HANCE TAILOR OREIGN AN DoME DRUGS Head Quarters tiJass uuci Mrwarv latest St It rnti LvitiN Andrews rs in the Swwt tj Amunls Lecturers Business Cue uud iu target kM'kis tlun vtltrr simitar WAR Ll ELD 1 To Hie People of Central Hlhioh IStmwolcni Sssocuitiotix CAN IND 1I(H( ARTICLES S' AjKVr'aJ Leefurrrs 1 lit ill'llHKVS POKT ka 'inincrtou tueeu on Tuesday evening of tin ti The i tigine nine fee! long hi an euilrt tm ii eylind etun Segal Id rerlixeuieuts CIDER MHVteti iug 44 tuta JS6 iueht long and 2Siuclt 1 line CJi A co The eng ine ilj Slu ic store 1 Medical Cards iewmou lib the mill ITIces A Ilin Uridl Prickett Add Unknown RV PIANO ORTES N1 amtf bars sw mill in nititiiui (OHAtUL (liOHE TNOM' SCOTT 1650 whu the addition of 1 Pnuhug Minn: HI NiPHKfVS A CO OJHro and leaidene IHEESH vunng tu hint an Acres Iner'i'Him Portability ami I'reiirlita i'ihiiib TxJu) Law IiH Just Heceiietl from the Importers Jui A BHO Chnniir Insottees New Books 'ffice Bloundiigtoll ill ISJG' In Chancery MILTON PHILLIPS of Henry Ci ty How Much it will Do The Lafayette Bank it'll: a Riiirtuagii I bl will afford an ew Ik itt umor Notice Clerk Hit I AV CRIST are euffirhtft sawings I went iir long A Splendid Assortment of nd artiste alxHlt twenty jta4 Pninvlpi Karr 1' pTIiltHliintly Incited Copartnership jumlH cvi pitolurod THIS DAY Tu Correct a Mistake an Im Joint (' remont 4 mid Ilf JC I KKMONT Legal Cards hicago Business Cartis Alagneto Eleetricit) New Store WOODSON BRADNER ri'fiit mid liiantiful il kinds of BOOTS 110 In the Mi Irin Circuit Coiut tu then a I iTKAW G(M)DS eKC PRIME Patterns of Goods lor Gents Wear Petition fur a 3Iechiuic'3 Lieu STOLT A Parke Bros Taylor JSO 1 SCOTT Chicago ll'hofexaie Iclrx A ftrnovi at Law Blomingion NA 111 ntt nd nromntlv to I 1 I 1 Triintiiiuu Ac emale High School Bl it KELL DRUTHERS Tete ti iete BAH It ERE eV It EEVE There will fo three De)rtmeiita in tiie institntiun Primary Ill 'Mi Broriin ILibdles far sale ilmup by Kansas Aid Convention RVJi KfII Citslite County Rink Bl Britts if T'atiuu yer Session 'if' Iff TA CO Miss Parsons' School for loung Ladle iiiih: iiK'tno ui crush fr nay iiuantlty of Hutter of in original Tow of Bloomington mill receiving i a mitlii ienr rerutiuiii inlittirm with my Paint r's hand iexstninge Ulll' ati'l TUBS TIPTON sew liiacksmiin shop Grover's Advertisem*nts Harrison's New Clothing Store Charcoal described 1 unis towit: Keep leati Erout Street two doors below esi io it for be btisbeh of good f'hntronL LEV ERiNL All which will Cistern Pump New Arrival in also tiicilitieo i entering at any the Land Of I'tiill'lAh Business Cards pimis Railroad Scrip Indiana Money Grain Man use ASH 111' KN DILI Lot tv iu block 1' mi srotu: Look Here wrttti it ofull kinds Kkh lose tt iti'i''iit tree Tallow AVantcd came the pnirba i'lnrr ntinc Mosnk ntnl Unite A 1 i mg Notice arm for Sale IlOldllTON eV BRIGHAM Stone or Sale evil (it niechtosuit all lecti with great ea and ofsizi vdiippcrl The milhKribi would refer by lwrmisim to tin lonH mAltn1r ntlnOlVif till Zlri A (lllttlv 11 Mini Nestings i idif And timt the linn for the redemption thereof will "xplre on the Excellent Bargains 7untcar fr dr THE PERlTi'TinyO ELEGANCE UTILITY! Oxen for sale nt the Ser KlOING Ipuidicaal ILIAVliRAoKh CtiMPOSIT Il tli West itta lHking Head Quarters Removed HEREBY reiciiIatingAVInd Engine Dietrich i Bradner ill give bar Wi" Kilpiining twiihling BOSTON CLOTHING HOUSE I share 4 th pntmngr bestow il upon the said firm Grain when siBeoftbcinightieat api 4te 'Mt Land Sale cate shot ULAD HONOR If In wtett nooi' A assessed tii erinii of Penman: hip in nlhU iyitilSj: ly3 Particular Noli New Merchant Tailoring 1850 that it) ncrv Latnl 4'( New store and New Goods 1 1 iinniitf tfni'irn ihfJoS 13 "6 66 SNu'oO i ww 5tii(ni one two niiimteii nm nns iw 5 BBL ST'H TA rib Jtoii'ltDi tfla kford it mill nt urniture ie: aLoHni street ItlmsniingtunlU vdaar ware and WMo from the vid i ON AND ATER IM trains will run follows: Trees anti Shrubbery 4t Ute Bloomington Xut sei to go knee deep in tuud in seme tdotinh hole and couuwlling them hr drink Muter iritirely nt a nieniimi4 lung in from that it 1 cnpibk el Izeen making drudge of them Helves by I'limping water for their vanlo and inu ttirew ur have di pen led IQKiM cutting by any otablish re engaged tog' tlpr in the busitti ss I cun yon and a iL ni en iid' according totbv prayer1 jomitigtim th! 27tll day of N'm i nib A I860 lilyabk tn tulvnm (by purchiwe nf Scho iiou'i in gMHi ore rviceo to the cltl AU ni nriii! ir etitiri ly iliw urded iia kx uat deMio good gixida and cheup will vinctiiU fti tuber 17 I'M Vcjr SSoolc LE THE OR LAVORING Ml 1 riiu'l im'iux 1 avilllvil i XUlUlBUUip Uuud comWuig In part of an nudhw variety of GBNTLKMEVS tn mod by the fire in this city ou tlio 16th October ulL Thu Alt mi has paid to Linns Graves $3060 nO Miiiau vv I IV NV A Elder McL an ikitititv kink during the dav Bli tningtini Aug 156 ii ete uvui' M' te uu Cuimly Hunk VIIUO Total The Star Co has taid to Bvttruaii Co War with England orty Thousand Americans kiHvd! DII HVtiblt nil I 1 1 in cllillla to lH obtaini in WWchim ry uitlmicUaru ter 1 nm always Il AKitlSON PARKE AVH1THER HOOPES Mnoii i i tf Dr emale High School Surgeon libMuiugteii Offiro nn Main st corner Umiles and Alb rt stiv mtii 0( tagv '54 46tf in the iibpfn aot Sir Thomas call on HOOD at bis of flee in th" Court House Bloiiningten January 16 1856 6tf Etna Insurance Co of Hartford Conn II VM l'sTIKKNVEATHEB A A BLANCILAJ!) Edy (Ung North at A AL and 4:45 Going South at 4:27 LeAVK CftfCAGO M'dlTminat A (Sunday excepted) Piiiitnington 18'6 or Sale Cheap n'id adjoining ernint: JT i nipt uttentiin glvi tn oJl i iirns "iir 1 lo iMiiy in iiiiiii 'i nnii iiacM piuu ou pious Bbywiieru in 1 1 1 uejj Luke L'kicbmil Ohio and Buftalu NY tnBXCT'uis: L' rn 1 jiing Matches 155 New all ami Winter Goods 15( TOR nsi'i is sulliei nt tit* each i Jl'JjU per 1U0 Dwutr Ait Mamlawl and Htrnrl 1 to 4 Cheap urniture urniture! a EA I i1H Urt wide 4 the Combination Patent Portable SAW MILL! PABKE A WHITMEIt uvurns Gas itting TH ARE EABY TO I NT Rd HI IE HI Ptiie into stun public A short noth a sub tantial manner H''M LETT A Cl A RY cause no AVimi Machine "a it invent' that emild 1 safely loft in a high wind without an nt tettdsnt Ku)at it niotiuite Tim lilHcitlty Inw now been overcome and we now offer to the tir oeiv and the stock men 4 the AVext a nmchine which is fully nude: the control of a mlfaetinii regulator a is the steam engine Thi umcliiue luw Ismti thoroughly tested for tin post year Enci avineL deM iintiom prices and testlninnialsof vaunt armers and Railroad men now uetng this tuachitiv will be sent Address WESTERN AV1NDMILL CO at Chicago Hl Chicago Nur isiij botf tie ul on Inuid a Iwg" and stlrndid a sorfme'it of AVfMMHV PAPER OIL PAINTED HAIIES HOUSE SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER Grain Glazier Varnisher Carriage and Buggy Painter ZUIontuiugton Illinois 1 Hi shop is on the cormrof Wiwbinglnn and Center streets one door est of the square Bloomington Jan 23 ijl TTT Deshnju perlflrettins arid Eetinou fiirtii'hed nt short notice It 1 1 IT I 1 Ti 111 11 11 I 1 I 1 I US url'd far thr li OE 'blETllK'H BBADVER Dissolution EH ETfllMt As jKft Ti CO is this dny dissolved by mu IJtsnstU I ANDElUktN SPENCER CO rs tinv iug hire wH Li i I Tp' tital and ether vviih Al dio i IT Almonds Quiti' es Lan hui klrs bituwlmiis Sj ritigus Pm onii Lilies Duh Dissolution CO PARTNERSHIP HERETOORE EX JL i'tins hetwtwn IL nl it A Pvxucrwy was diwIve1 July 19 yuibutual agreement aug 37 3etf ly iiik and in the tuwn of kiemiiingtiiii in said county of McLean and that the time of rudeuiptivn will expire on the 12th Origiiuvl towaui Hluuntitigiun on the bno ol the loud um procured it theTi ki Office jCf piwiigere are requested to procure tirk befu in thecur A II NlGOltE Jr ity at tuiil prixn RE i 1 AM) WILLtHV WAKE A KfHH 11 Side nf Mnds ter Taxes at the door cd the Court li 'iise in the County of Mrli un mi the Hili dny of June 1655 the under signed purchased the following lands towit: Sllwres? NE' Sec 7 T21 R4B bfige urn cry tuu by lulling and mj yi Wool! HI II l)R Comnquuilcnce Mlnin Commerce 'ulUitic KHl Gcog iph Ac CHOI ARSlilPS Ont are utiitei ni in prim and secure to rhe EoliVr nir PreiHjH AitfutioQ paid tool! IlANCEATAYLOR Bloumirigtmi 1T Ii 13 1 Waketielil Thompson WHOf ESALE AND RETAIL lHt I ill 1 elr I A II TAYLOR ik CO ST''NB AND LIME DEALERS Stone and Lime divered on care at lIrt wirttoul de efesU lay A HTAYL011 ebruary 13 1856 'tal And is still willl ng to itisiin all kinds of property mmimt tn ZZTiie Ih sign 4 the Institution is to nff rt pcrf ct tu illti' I inquiring iiinn exis uiuuu manner a uiinoucn wuuweoge i i ti i i iht ifti and business pumuite generally cGr Odadatitins MHJTE OLIVER AltEV Attention! IllH DS TO HC1II): OR Jlic sutesinwrs re luw rereivin WllIIDS cwn iki Mibical rill: SlRSf UIBERS i Ivr il a it rnieiir i jf nrxciL OPPOSITE THE AMERICAN HOUSE Mary Bryant fi Pt NEJq 22 Tin: lime allowed by law fa the redoiuli iu of said lands will expire on theHthduyof June 1557 fD BAKER Dcc5 I860 3wl KEEN AN Tallow OU INE CO NsTA? UESERVESOVARIOrS KINDS ON II AND at Bead Owirtere HURT UREYS ACO HKttnvir Dr Ballard has removed to his sidenro on tin corner of We will take in uwh mid all kinds sabnUi eoiui trv jrotner a iiLJiriiiitinsvu aug '2 I) HOUNDS Bri'LDER Tenders his services to the public and solicits business tn his line Office in the McLane Co Bunk Building upstairs Bloom IttIIiT lr I 111 IS lT within llii city hi 9 pel rii' MM Blomnhigl'Ui Dec2' tf MAYER? BRii 100(1 Bushels of Madura Seed 1N11EV ARE ALSO etmged iftimte rtititt HEDGE SEED wii li ji riVRtSBlM OR SALE BY 1 LBS sprout seed for such a 33 tf o' Gas itting DIoomiugte'ii Nursery Sept 10 16 4itl' Booling! Booting! Roofing! BI Himingb ti Match 26 Special Notice Public Sale JAMES HARM1SON In tho McLean Circuit vs Court JOSEPH ROCKE and "there I of the State of Illinois PANTS VESTS SHAWL! 1 CLOTHING SH1KTS VNDER SHIRTS DRAWERS COLLARS HANDKERCHIES GLOVES AND UOSIERY' HATS 4 CAI'S All nf which are offered Cheap for Cash gy Cutting and Making uiOHi RLninington Oct 3 1 6 8n41 Moilicims burning I mid tnsB Ware an iHitbltabud Institution will nut lore sight AL INORMATION A flu re are no nn and no vacations A itKlNDS TWO BARRELS BY A isjr WEARL STARCH IO BOXES BY 2: OHLS Clarifud li rs'lii Silt Sulu Ji lianu'Sii Lentheit fii iL ri i mpt cah returns Is just receiving at the Cincinnati urniture Warenxvm the larges: and Iwn selected of urniture ever brought to the citv of Blcamiiuglmi which he is selling cheap for cash fHoomingtjnShirch lM 13tf HOR II 8 l' 0 Oltt TOWN' ILL tin Books Stationery and vviuitj Peoria A Oquawka Railroad ITsBKti gCb BBLSC1DER V1NEKAR 1 BBLS AM) 6 9 "1 'ini king Jaw i tf Bit MWANILLA ROPE 'OILS ASSORTED SfRS ATI nt lb tf BAGS (L A SAI 15 10 Removal Groceries ProvKIous Ac flHE SEB UEG A li fe Day Weight with Alum 8 without Alarm Spring 8 with 8) Hour an weight These are of nil the different patterns ns Round Tnp G'Mhkt Plain Band Marine 4c Please civil and examine at No fl Main Street Nov 50tf LIVINGSTON lJf HV OPEN TO THE JUNCTION WITH THE ILLI NolS Central Railn art PEORIA jc ST LuUlS IN RAILROAD CONNECTION Sliiirtent and Onlv ReKablc Route to Ilbxmiinglmi De catur SpnnntuldAlt11 St Louis rim mid all Smtheru Hlinuia Al to inctimati anti the lalicj 'J Utr Ohio Biver Stir Pnerengi rs ty taking thi route via Terre Haute A Indi rtijn iiuLii save So inuea in going to fJim iunati Time etween Peorui mid St Louis only 12 hours On and latterPteuda 1" l5 the 'j'reiue of the above Hoad WILL ILAY PLOfilA DAILY (Xuiulaps wepWi yun follows: PEORIA (St LouirTmiDJI45P Mirr at lC R345P SikiP 7 15 LEAVE IB it IW ao arr at ria 1200 tv Train) urrut Peoria 11 PM Through TicK to all the alwve place iuclndiug TWino rc hiluilrfghta may purdmaed at the (ttfi It tiriJ tMU'ted pfA tire Tickets before taking seats fi Trains leave East end of Bridge Otunlburtaa will )e in attendance at th Cars tn ennvev pivw nm rs tn any part of the City CRUGER 3 lei'fa Bi pt 4 1S416 tel i 1 1 1 1 a A Jv SPKXetR I 4i HL Se inbrr241SA 42tf The Ohl Mill StnHfnmlin COHN MEAL DEL with prompt nM nt nuftl priere all witliit Rlncmingbin Lodge No 43 inrets ou riday before tiie full After niwh practice in nring tin almvc rnonna the uinlerefened btv enabled to make an iniirtant vnprrtcrmeul in ft which now remain it secret with himdf He will do work uu time anl on the most litw ml terms to suit cnstonu rs ling a great Interest in the erection of Churches in our State will subscribe to the amount 4 oinixth of his work on the yobs to those employing him to roof their churches with the above inaterinls The gutters are itmdn of the same material thereby saving expense The price for putting on this Roofing is cheaper than shingles find warranted against leakage nr fire Price $6 and ft5n per hundred feet If thw who lire building will call upon the ibrmgned he will wnvini them of the truth of all he assert by sliowing th ni the work ii elf which is the argument Address A SMITH Bl xiinington or Pent Bl Appiii sri msfor Work or Cminrv Rights will be promptly attended to in the order their recvptn ti bv him Jus Biirum Wui Paul WinMw Bushnell 4 Cm 8 Ikiy A Crniksiinnk McUonnick Higgins Pent Itel lainro i Greenwood LawiHe Mr Ih nure Amboy Koger and eR Bhsuningtoa 1 Hannon Gilson and Ransom Chicago The following gentlemen of thi city have contracted with the undersigned for this ccmporitiim roofing tn tw put on their I 11 ell Win tt frothers i Chew Baker Wake I field 4 Thompaoe Adolph Sp tA Grover A hecks Rural Social Temple No und the i hnige of rmple of I lot" "mc i ts In the Ti Hipeniuci Hall on the ine Parlor urtiilure Hi' PIANO ever offered iu Central Illinois from the Celebrated Manufacto ries of STOBART MORRIS Leettirrrson fliiikiir' f'in ne'e fc cr i iji Mi iu" ii nt letirerj HJ'tiral Iters HYATT rMiTU ATKINS BROWN Lecturers on (inninrrchil BV'ies I18VS 11 VZ lI'iSMEH A RESH TEA IIHIU JT nil grades bv the box oi i iulby 2 tf wmiu at ai ni4iohi accurately putupatan iiuure RyTTII AtfTho public orc respectfully Invited I call and examine I building in mtsoof erection on the district? Out 15 1850 45tf Bloonuugv HL Whole aim paid $5724 7P And bi init the full un iunt of datnagi snataini'd by Mi 1 partii as rvvereil by their policies issued at tins Agency Persons de siring CERTAIN INDEMNITY agntnst Loss or Iwiuure by ire would promote their interests hy calling upon the undersigned and have their Property In nredat snixirlv dav EL A YS ARE DAXGERO CS ATES ns I ciy ip t)rae sterling companies any other RESPVNSlliLEcouiitany now doing bitsiw in th Wert RANKLIN 1'RICE Ajont 111 Nov Hog 4i ti 3wl Notice IHILH' NOTICE is HE all wii uu iltiuiv ci nrern that on Come at Last nARWOOl) HUGH ARB NOW RKCETVINH their Spring and Sutumer stock of Bouts and Shoes which they will sell low tor cash nioointngtoii April tom () i W'M McCl Cl' ik Notice The i having opened a Warehmtsc ar the ikdof th Chicago Alton 4 St la uis Railroad will pav the liiehcrt murkest prices Wheat Coi and Oats They will also ep on hnud asupply of the best Altai (W and XtW fur ealo The firmts of Mcl can county are re tp ctfiillv solicited to give us a rail Rlmnniigtoti 32 tf AGG ENEH VI ERR) MAN A CO Pianos Pianos 1 Pianos 1 armers Prairie Breakers A Laborers HAV A IRST RATE ARM IOO ACRE Ac reiulv to light up as sn the works iir in op 'i utten E' peri nred workmen are engaged BvWLETt 4 ULAH sei' its citizens an isitnnutidiug mumnnitj ii nine no fill jre 1 1 pii gi ii no: (life second story tim dour to the left niis on the 23d of Dm'tnber A 1856 between the lioiu of 10 A and 5 PM of said day to the highest bidder for cash in hand lli" tblluwiug premises to wii Li ts Three (3) and itr i4) in Blix Three (3) in Addition to the town of Concord tn McLean County Illinois Tha will receive a certificate of nnrcliase entitling him to a deed in tifb eu inunths from the day of sale jfsni 1 prem ises Li! nulpn viinwlvredceimil WILLIAM W' ORME Dec 10 tS5 Bwl Master in of an III yOTiCE undoreigtn purchased fur the tuxes and cowlue thereon to the of Illinois and Mclotan county for the year 153 nnd 154 the tollowing' desirifvd tracts of Land in the Coimty of MrL an and that Hie time of rotemptten will expire on the llth day of June 1 wit 2fi acres Sec 2(1 25 2 East 3wl HEN it CON LING To All whom it may Concern NOTICE I HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Di itel' INKD Admuiirtratund the estate ot William M'Cluti diHxawed will in pursuance ofa dnen of the Mi Uuiu County Couit on the 8lli day 4 January ISa Is tween thehoursuf lOo'cl sdi A ami 5 Mat ihudwrof the Court lloum in said County HL proceed to fell at Public Vendue th" undivided half (j of lefts No ton (10) and eleven (III in Block No sixteen (18) In the Western Addition to the City of Bloomington A credit of nine months will bo given by the purchaser giving bind with gxd jH rsunul security tend by taking mortgage upon raid land JOSEPH RAMSEY Bloomington Nov 26 ISfitJ 6w5l I WILL PAY CASH OR LAND WARRANTS Atigudt 27 lb56 3m38 li KOuD INA RAI ERS (AN ALW market for vrgetnldi teitn ('(H i EES Mail Train nt A irnndays excepted) Night Express at 4:00 (Saturdays Tito trains on this road corim with tiio Michigan Central lint! Rond at Dike Station thus making the sln rtest qim kert and iii 'sr direct and relitd li route for all pc rsutw traveling tv New York nod other Eastern cities Also (Mniii cting nt SPRINGIELD with i trains of Great Western lUulnvid stwurd to Jaek vtiville Naples etc East ward toDvcatur icul with stages for Petersburg and Ha At rfilzTETwitli prclr Tdatid Rail Road for Ottawa Peru Ilwk timlall wifons of Iowa Ai ('Hi'AGG trains mnrot with Express Trains of Mi hignn Souther i uid Contra! Rail reads thus alfording a direct mid cmi 1 tintwin route Railroad from Alton ro Citi itinati Bluumiiiirt CARD AN I ll (MILLEN AC TOR Tepircl to do nil kit: is of Card more durable and more etH knt in it oja ratiun diau uuj uuu T11P Mnlhn Power ggldsmitil hoiaistlR fkltgn tut 'luillt 1 vnt jujrutiaft pj Bnsuiwx tf (jriuitw iitAl and Ltchtnrs p1 pLOrfc IHHCD BiEH TRi I'liiilnt 111 BBLS or 11 llyuiitln (s ioo too 125 3TI GEO ROBINSON Attorney and nii idfor at Law Reul Estate Bounty Land and Peii ii Agent Maint rec (oppe site the Leun Co Batik Bi niiiiingtoii HI I HARVEY IKKHto Attorn 'ynt Law Blut'miiigtini Will prnctb in McLran and a iuitig counties Ofticn over Clothing Storm Ci1ltiIU wit II US Olli to git" (HcAmhu in April I Hid loll BARRELS NOAHI (tJ House Mvei' fl an am uh i li1 i wicu T'erfcvt aafi ty i i on i uis roofing is cutiini 111 tcimo i or rotuni won me changes ill tin tom ratureol tliu reason ithout injuring it Tire foundation is sub April 23 1556 tf MARBLE WORKS HA 1 DEM AN A manufacturers and cieah nt in every va I I r'int ll IX( 1 GiKiSEHKUPtlS to Io cents NTH A IV 11ER ill KS 15 itii: in me i i i I 1 or lie i i i I (ST Ji'" ro per I'AW (to AGE 1 ur psnuts gi per hiv I I 1 1 III 'I 'X lirvi at hue am! Austrian Pinas iG Amcrii tn HIMPHREY? A CQ Rt Mmiugtoa Oct 15 LS ffl 4atf 1OONI I NCTON l' IT Tt 'fannfncturcil by Depew and sold at the remc old stand wlu in hm dHto business the last twelve irs corner ront and East streets IJr brut urniture of nfl kinds made at bis factory and warranted which he will fl! ns low jw ran be ptirchitecrl elsewhere JOEL DEPEW Bluimiugton Aug 11 (locks Clocks Clocks MtiiCllNT TAILOR Dwnlkirn Stmt (Third IN J'R I ENT I TO i BL I t1 i hin uili state that its rotlu li is sr TT 77 7rir HME AND KE tin rc Mile of ti iubiii tforL 4 i ra) of the in proetnid Ccj aaw' ksdl taivMH tuaj iuiiiMH luj i in I sw nun no ru viu burin rl iat tl vi at have xaliiim 1 lutii lD' I '7 tjms an 1 apr iijes ni tins iiHim tion and )igv ith 1 t7 AS Aci I lamp 8 Unm I tvi vr wr 1 several rfnmsaud iiu chiun tiilv i Xta rii in ti )ti bto use niv PyHfJ 7 fr7 Tiins ntirn iiimTy au ru 1 11 it a uc ii lur nvt vi vnu ebim rv for th in iniii rurevfhimla During th la ear we i jf 7 77 I i Itwii ita fivni' i ri III Have on hand i jgia A 1 E( E1MD fi ll EW OR Jjjv sold shipp' I to variotis jorts of tlds i uiin' iit warijr 7 7 1 7777 'i G't (S lratrf Also oilier inesaml liniiors oreign and liu ti for a i are citi iautb ei'iag the Sl bun Choago a Uige arid well i rti vd vi ae hundn am nulls th sult of ha 1 aif i a 4 Me In ilia! 1 ol 1' Sits! rirg isugni i si ca i pinv bi i a ng large xraonjft nra ti Ji! uitonmition tv the dimctilto 10 1 (I 1 1'1 IllVxlh llil4s 1 un si a in: io nr st 1 11 1 1 is oii au: ier uncil ii ij rtu uj vm in 1 vk Uv 3 les 11m sinvP imirurvinrut i which it may eml rvcc 1" it 1 sir njiT i iirtrv i saii ra aju ru i nro miM iuuih iuiiwovl uh ms wnnai imi nos Im ii uiliiin sinv nue binr a i ll tr which lib Viral 1: 1 1v 1 1 I a1 tlurs 1 V'h if'l I 1 UtC' 1 fcSSAll! S3 Ij! urtl ft Iwr tk nrsllv ntnl ti sle 'I nv I' West 4 the Court Ifotire tl 1 has en cxunitnwl bv a large untnls'rod' well kin wu wieu EZZ3 Iin I IX I I'IVI i rr title suit exK rn tn ni cnanii Wo 1 huo Eg BV LOI li AN I il i I LK I IM Ah 1 l( LI titibllsil alt nf whom iirii ire ii mo) MUir ie KI its totem union I Tstru co tnjirt)i 'wisi 'geissw Kept reuManuj uu iuui uii invrvj in uu) isixv me is 'it zrr nnr i ii a ir i lucansanlkrsfrcim3tWiHN rv Ii HpHt? 1 BSf HERN PRO ar tv I I no ngin arm witer uun navi i piiriit i mini iwum 9 el for! rillitt Mil 1 un Uto tv A IV 1 1 it ss 11 vA 1 1 I in t'l tmta ntrilsn oallv lira lager 1 Hat uimirsi every exit nsjvv isuurr lLCJV 1 ol lot and itf lit 1 i PltREf A (i i th 1 vv tu ran rii rn 5a 1 I'iait wiiii uiu lui mu 9 1 1 1 will 4 the Irt id di 1m st OpTe A slt ZiTY Vi I ET 1TIZENS AN A IWA YS ati 4 1 I yv ny HOftAfE MAN 5r for sa a lat rinM in 1 'u mi nt 4 Pui uitis rv 4 vk wePk ft 'M to 't ii' iii i mnig cii'ju so mis A A' in JAJCA find a variety of eg Iln't Eggs Uud Poultry at or dim uitv in ruin tri taking car ot it I tking iu every mmitli vinvii riiti 1 i iiii 11 11 csv rr in isuvre i i olin I mw il an 1 reiicn rna i 1 inanra oil rantrs OII'UII ha 1r uss itii nr er (roll hr to hi uuiicia li hi Will uni tin instrUi in lc al Wi 1hui iji i 1 Cl I II 11 TH XI "SJ1 clii ns limes rags MH sil ill lUVIl 1 i ti vi i is 1 0 rtii a ii 1 ivr 1 su in in srr lt ir tui in nm iaru si i anti os i vie 1 iiivei I niiii 1 null Willi lil ri IHH tiuhl 1 i i tie i i puu 'o a 1 1 A IL I Ila 11 ls 1 iTOirmwoMfr Ml vrrvMoiukiV clnnrC :1 nie or luirn'i i'Aitriiui' li zsl jui I ill' I I'T 1 1 (a 1 5 upuuu blltM IIA I A th ir lbll in mIw i7r 1 i7ii! a Bui ol iamis atm uiwu izts lor lux on the ihv rn' a 1 luj iusoii'i' it i Wltlrll title moi nun iiinniiiii i i rrixe irnm'v iiniiiiiiTg 2 inches in 'larneter (ill 1 sril'l 11 IO 1 I 1 1 mm uiieritiati a aiiv 11 i tiihit axii II soil i ft ip UAIvl Hr11' lK i'ir 1 Wcr Otd orefnll and nriimvltv nil nd to r1iM Is irirri in ilitini'liT slid feet lihg i I A II 1 1 Hill) on LU i lulls rU LVI S' tlU 1j aain inn 1 1 1 1 ar I I I I1 II II ir rlu an at geuier wnu vin mar imw eiiuigiv iiuu in (I othi trau Idrn rv of 11 MiniLir Ar xuriilns ol juni I ll i'l' JU jiiJ vert 1 11 1111 av iviiikcu 1 a Ivantjo lli i rhe pmiTWa uualB tlirilieU nr 11 IlTI ts tlii 01 i'll I uuTs 3T11 llhhc ill ITOil flU IU side nt I lie 1 111 ihr fo ill I itri' 1 flt I wrtli 1111 A It III Vf 1 Ibui (lev hnv 4 jr pl ci a ruisim Ei in i i a kniil of Ml (' A Ml f( II AN bf 1 xN 1 1 isr LI tlf1 Court 1 1 ins esiuar orn linor urbr "I i Ku ritLiifl on liai1 a snh iulti a sorrni Qmirli 1 to up Hl MpHREYSAC 1 yi nt tlto Mt 1 1 tL Jli ter A rorn uiiuiui vv nr noiti wnei' wvui ii" V' NJa is IUUiVUI 11 vv I iir A 1 ill tr li sn tn is a nd i Iibltoro nuri ns1 ama a Pnt 7 Jy ttpeiuiig a gen i mi lusori cn ui oi ii uium no i i 1 iv ini ri forvjni ii tn iiigh ovrti pin rm inni ti 1 IIts iw ltnL' union wrerieliro a 1(( imi in o' Illg liuft Wc roil otter ni iu eiui Tii i our incline to If i CH Jvrv thiiL i aMrv tote 11LI iu irods nt th lal uv iiaiuiit cgv in me 1 IIHCU Ttuiea a siia riir MiivKnrii a tir rt in ariiinitoin anu tinw Inu llu luo 11Z I 1 IKInsslu Hu Woul ii1l i a A BX li nulvm Iir IILIIIt 1 lil U1 to ml Jn ahir th aii vi i in iM lesrt II ISSls tll si IMtt ''''I': antrmkmgTibniroat HUMPHRET A wil pntminnll 1 and! hunJ this tv on 1 I rh TTT 6m35 I llrf tnrilrhi'i 11 1 til ti I II 4un uu ff 111 I KV 'l'( ATA IIUUI ill 'II I 'll" I Uli ZT cr I tH flit I I 1 1 A I II 81 Jv II VrL I wu wuunir uuiuui is urinu ol inds own Lots Tor I (LXis oil he 1 th illiV ot I TS li I If Ik II IV 1 I iv MOOI kv tr sou 1 1 To I 1 1 1 Sslll Util I iVtlll 'i 1 null fVfot (OJJI) hit MltlH Jufte (V th nndi isiotu d'mii hiLs for tire taxes trad Curts due tuiUr of rirr i niasr i i i' uu iicqs ir (i0 LRS WiiSTERN ER "dwP mill oiuisuui uuriaii) ihim Ilh i4tho tnllowni" ten tractnot hind iu thy county htiu tudentcopn saro written lman and th tin tjin 4 i dehi)tkn will xime uu the HI June I cftILi PSf fl 1 i a 1 nr I 1 I WOU tuu itt I 1: nre I hr Ill I IJ ll'i Hill! CBpl lllHinVl ul Whu ti will I VI a uii Ht nth fov to I VI 1V 1 ar vn gv: re ichui i rii'iif rin ii uioi i rLiivtic rmwLin inn in ki TO i iliiv I tnnrei'clal I ak nlatK'iiis vi (upi vieitntv in tin inn Mirc rr ma til oo iiuiuvrciiii i inns luuirutuuuir 1 a i if iirou i i i i it ia 1 i ii a ss inn ie i suii Kes: tn rnr lrU'1 lt tr is i nt iT i irri'irv it Hire tires Ie sn iH Tain inntiire At inbins Tim i vc(t i i ire ii i ft i vs i niivi i rioni) tun i i nn un ice in WaKi iettf timiiwuri Uniu Stnr istf Tit A Hft Alo jkI aMrtlli n1 of Street Music mid In jv Platel Wan and ancy fo Which will ll a NK t4' 1 Mary It rnard south of public sninini ly9 nt ssu Ot U'reii io cftenis 1 i in tin rot es dim i Hoch in tin Soft' 'in i mu gxt fr ft vears nil the idv nita in le terne i ni rai iki BOXES CIIEWIMITOIIACI'O uisM i ir re io? uwiiTi ii: i Lrn iiuttcrnsnm! di sigrre of JvWt lry and blhi 1 an uruh ccrr tgi rre or irm ks ran i a iiy iiiim ai inc nur re i I 4iivi roro i ri otr EJg 12 21 5 OL Melhiinov DRS Dl'NN WEED 31558 3wv2 JNu sU nuvinrragiu iati 1 tin unicti irf 'jiireitmthic Medicine 1 lUatle to fl I I nilt' lt iHlitz Tlr rsno i oiorirr il Khin rn a It I I ST 'P 1 nV i IKOI i Iih ter 111 ir pr'tesMomtl erviTs tu the cftiz tre 4 Blooioftigtoii til 3 til I so 1 1 vsrvat i i roi oi ii a i i ri'aii oiiinv tub a in it riu a i iaa oinoit rf 1 ik true" i I i iu ri rhuti titireiue by tt l'l ini 9 IISY lf 1 ires hours and Dr i 1 at night uilirex nmti vsii nn I rw IrVltlg IIIP Il I gtol I tin in i(ifl1 nli wii iiirtisl i to ti ti Uh neat Iles mid oil As will ts rmn iivi ii men re iio noi iu Work uinri ii uni no I 1K 1 th 1 1 11 i "ii "JIMI Jfc Ifrlf ''ll I bj i bin iti 'Wiin il a Bill rind uttetitiori will ic tvvt it uu the opmuinrs honi Hie ctlbi I i11111 i li ir sntdiea with I1 AV 11 with ti a "ht 'f ri iu rm lasses By tins in rraireiii nt rr i tnd ut is 11 1 i Jhtcufc form" nee Phyn inn nin Ail I If at'lVI 11 I I 10 IH riiuItLii in lino iros iia rarnHv its In ml ri rio mi li will resit It nrs an lit ui ii a iu iorevi niiii a iiiavti itavtns uecu nieii tn it tintce ui me trcuit i re nt in ls a II tv KKl I ill nt I i it nr i isl Tr 1 tfl iis "11 I ton 'Hues ca I IM it per minute and tin 1 'iom to of an Vt rv s'nikp 1 iurslilp) fetation ry Will 'St 5'1 rf i ta font I on nr Is in rl 1 1 biaisrro n'o 1 hat in i is ti' il aguiurit him it ur nnblt on the first 4lj uf he nffiee nninv (Nil vsi 'tir i i i irii si it rice fill I IS BANK DLCl NTS ALI SlftiHT I the saw Would cut through a log Iwolvi I a 1 uno his lire rivi nutt ex H'n I' rs si VI til to yon tire said 'lillm that I'm rUrove 'nutted suit re ''(mai ou 7tf uuriuus ie mi: i hiM cr ili ii intresr nil rinie 'trieuf nn sal hr iniea I to re to the I of Ann 'I 11 tt 1 11 Al A A I Iisiivis APPLES AND I and cii ol lioireaihb'tt nd prompt)) uni Ruth eirting abcnit ifo'Hi et of uv tetante in 12 mro I 1 "5 ucvt nti tiii of i hold li n( the (regt Hou Hlredii JT foirg re Ih ntret (Ionin ly of KentuckvAhaT 'i ili bes lol sale by 'If 1 A II lit1 fnite to tH (11 Hi: i tall: Illg lo Jtalikuig gi lre rally IT will saw mie mi idly rtiunntiy Mill we imvr i ver soidi wliile vuo lllirtiu on the Jrrst Monday ot April A I run plead nil ing rniure a tuianeiit til i ti in Hliui liL ton fc ol Ik tK its lulrn uta ITS uet tile rin lllni A fill ar Hint if is Ilsh 1 I al 1 uly IS bill lt Idt lSAUlfory to elite I Illg the Clare "rune 11 siihi kilt llu toiru will Ire ire lull AJ I rr sisTtl oil trofors )B 1: 17' I ivs n111 viu rov 1 nL111 1 1 1 I ti one rn torus nr otirl lol Uhl losr tNW Mbs PI 1 1 11:1:111 11 vi viren iirveini tviiett niinci's i 's i Nr' UUH jr It A n'e en' A iTVv' 4 LI PERSONS HAVING NOTES OR IJOOk att nding if like the circuliu tuiil aixi i of cutting win ii 1 ttnmir ik Hro rapumui win net Hvxvc flew Uonjrte Sul WM MciTIL'H 1 Miaie svri iuits i la are tile 1 11 lie rm ine mi i A uriul Iirei rtim no ougu ot uni uoh iuib: Louiurei iit II rn I 1SSI 1 tf llI a llv( Ma if i a 1 lst March must call 1 heir old n'Jii i birei ac mreiu ai1 riel (an luls wt ftvnisl for ti I 1 ele I 111 ti i sslll eMUIIlli troll i I AVJw 1 I' I wni' no i ii ns) in ur Me ur aii irrti iiun iu Hie nuvrnor rnr siiicl ji in th liaiith "fan "ilu tor ri'lh ctioll ite irisl no I uifttlr Tire t'lllnn I Pim th ai anu "Jiiat i te tnugnt iy Muiimr in iniwr April 1 erm a iron Rritiiir ti tin iu vts iv iv it i 1 1 I li ret lit 1 i ti i i stand It ur II I It it as mill az 1 jorereo ture lq i iiv i i iz us or ire I Me It 1 1 run I I I re I I tr ue a oi ii iou I NTnUTi BRO lor (si'li' fuiius suit nil Airo a litre i ancy tire leiil' from a gn uter pfh force pnuip will be fiirnirln i 11111 J' uim in oi internets iimon yjm William Aaron 4 il I ami nn Almchtit e' miu! it DciwhiL ntvl full xiliiirit "li Nrhnte have no unital nti 1 nnined lllity linius Evnl ine il limns Ai run 1 naAtvl tim list rre'eivir nr rei ti it imji i yvb fl I il in tins rre I 1 I It fMI II I I 1 IV 'I iiH nr Willi ernh mill tli oanmiplete mp rtiuwlug all the ri 'I l't' 41 mb to refer dijm pofty hole th time in lilts luiuetou in ronn tio with In I put re pui ragiiK i i'll 11101 SUU" mi 11 i nmuio r' I ini "I i iniaure ire a uiuini i Kltr Snroeoti Ireuisl Offlt Hko srrl rre 111 rr St nllilll' IHlI Illi V1' Htl TI 1 IT DIS If A I i Hire ine ivwnrain re iieiurr tuiiuiy sun unit ritiutit iti rail to i ii rerr i irv iriut ivnir lottn non nai I A rs to A 111 if 1 StoWK Ulrentragtom tone 27W jp tf put uj tire huh iiini run it without rroiiide I "numt" dcrortnwit dev Peniiiinli it lim a 1 humus Jowa ihom A BOW ALAN TTo Coin 11 rriitbn XI ilf is tl i 1 1 11 1 1 it ore 1 1 1 1 0 1 illoitf ol 1 1 1 ilr 1 1 1 ois it 1 si: 1 1 1 a it: or 1 ii' iiTinr ui nir ou 1 1 oi 1 mui 1 ire nu reci iv it lire irrtrrt ir 11:10 0 I ft no: to aril 1 1 ttiuii on pm' 1 i'vo' ai uuivriiui WL utot or louttk ran to Iti'etum I lint tlv torrs ill tins iiit i'eiiirn are mmreeiat il i ir iniiui 9 in 1 i iti ll not 1 Bs ot 1 I I I I 1 vt 1 1 ml I SL rr or xu Br STu 11 II I I I rr riee 1 10 0 1 11 1 iiu av wi itr r'i iu nV I 24 12 Hl'i'E A TfYLHR formed (nsirtTreisliip for Hu tiurnose of enrrviug on ft BfT All enters ith mld be ndiinro to Hncin tu njr Hire department nttiarihi' n'I fnl in th" htoliesl i Jl Pl 14 llt (' Hl I l'tr nn ui 1 inline Iih uii utin tli nrm nt I ininie sft Isuis Mr So A tor the zr i vrosv i i iri stt Urd v' WHend at is! hi: 1 1 oil tath to fa "i him with tii ir i i et usr vu'ii res niore a 1 nv i i irniHi" rro niini laL'f tvi'nitulir hiiim la on i ko i 1S L1 Mill Hid' I 1 ii ii(i smith a to 1 1 1 1 A i i 1 ciin i nrt org 1 li i a i i ri oiik 1 htv 11'11 I tr I' rim ft Mtisre iu 1 1 pi't re 1 fTf i ran onio rirt ci i on uun uoi iu i agm uiiiinu mir rnuM 5 H1 EET fflMlE ACTHENTHt AND I OMP IjCTE A LSMliTI St Lni by railing nt ur 011k" cor i now in mitf' of tmblieilron hi fi nmtnins much valuable in County ratteftutorily sh aving that said defeivlnnt Itote rt ufo ikr it VTi i it it 1 1 r1 olive 1 i xi ii vr lo I editireiol th" Lit" mid I ll June 27 ilretf i i i nirinaii ira will lie lurnistieu live vi crreige 1 1 11 I 1 lot 1 to: Viii i rp laVlllL' li ng Uhrt I'IIH urnal'b oil tin first Moll' lay It IS YND 25 BO BV 'r 'i 01 in 1 1 1 1 i rn it 11 if A ni it in Now her tore re lien is hi'H bv giv to vtii fhn re 00 1 II gil 1:" 11 11 IS tt 'I I 'V Ilk" nu 11 t101 1 1 i hi ui i uu i lie 1 "ii i 'i tu i re now penui nu gilt DI NN vV AS EED HAVE I PAlfUfll nppi at hetotc said Ciiiii'toti the fnt dav of the next term thi reof I ST A 1 irk vv iivi 'ii i tor In it 4 It rv A Z1 to iru "i in i nt ijiii i ihuiseiu nitionirago on tin 111st ATt 'rner iiml initi I I If 4 I ix rtt A Al It li fix Molli a ot A nr ll A 1) li mid 11 end airewi or it tiiur to said tie th rol rn 1 tr Sol I 1 1 1 i 1 1 shek of 1 Km VT1V tel teita wn SI: ANDitrTAtr PAPER dealers bill the si nit will take lias eitf auiuUnl vou anl a ik vrce eoriioi of Main nnl I Tui i i i i'iuiik sitin' iu 1 et 1 itcin tun ui iuiciiiititi rvnuiriiig mi num 111 tin ti ar marei 1 is uvr tn street 1 cago ia niud nu lings iiw Il'iiT'it'U luioiuniu I nir iiiij'i iitvrvot suivjii 0" "1 Daft'! nt HI toil in to 1 1 ire ''ii 1 la ol soveiiilrer A fl ISih a' I tioire ivvir rein Itx H'? I I VI' Cui Iiitii' lu III ll ll ill 11 1101 tie will rme lire li Itribin (Vr nm 11i 1 IVVI MIT I 1 1 11 tf A Vh VV I "1 I lv 1M1 KTul'T lill'i i HATS ('APS Uli' line iiu Xuieii' 'll Hl RUILI A SMITH "st pri to for i'1 hmi'l fnrnlr 111 4 all kitute CoDie tnt? Bloomington il b5'i 4wte2 Uh rk Attorney at Law Atlniitri Wil! pnicliyc in tire counties of I ell re Vlthoure uru loll fl i I li 1" III" rrotltlirent ill colli" nit arm tv ui jii mm viurrmu I hi tu: lire i re 7 io ikvvn 1 i trs 1 1 it i 1 1 it i i 1 1 1 it ii tti a 1 it ii ntlnvn' nuria reiri 1 1 In snivels til 'll tin jruilliini st urwavl foguro JU1wwwurt? i tu siii' Tb 1" trn ts h' for the mmro I obh attely cv ry blv as he IRELAND 14 I i ill llii'ilv fir I' I I 1 1 i I ire rt 1 1 It 1 III 1 1 A 1 1 Cl'l' 1 I I'' 1 1 liilt'd If'tf iiiinjm nii'i tw oo I ton in i ii uiL't' 1 on till i niui'n 4 li' flb'oiniti'gt'n May 22 1 rnilE PR (M'lPAL PLEASED Tl sui nw kT'ix will eii fouror ohmin the bfgbert going puce" for the sniu" Hi Mtsyn Warren I K1l 011 1 rel AOIIU I ft IV JllftVll I Will I il Ht VI 11 Lav HT ei'Ilt lVl lb III Vltf 11 IS Cl'fwOk 11 ll 11" 1 1'1 s' IlESTS 2U BOXES 1 It 1 tu 1 re re re I i i t're CT fi 5 '1 I 'T fl I'll itei nJ hi in ut I 1 lit I 'hl no Inn ri Bst sit I It if cre Vl 1 ri ronri nuiv rtv vt rsi riiAt vvn Missh iSEl'II I PE 1 B'lH) from )rk JU' tOOHH JfVil ItLtVli Gid tl' iijo Ifsi hnrli litre nngten tlreef Militow Thmmis Bryan TT OLD srOHLRS AND a Mfreif Jttee Pteiremv w1llwueoJ Hl Ans' Item ly Jani' Umnpht Hinrv 0 1 11" ttihlii etiut Hill mt I nm lluW nu ulie of I hr: 1 sxntu th 1'imio ri1' ll UH i It lilt' A i I tlilr lirg'rt and ch'irrort Soring and Serum te ever L'4 i i ll a Li ii iii to i it 1 1 rw iA re tva vi an rea tor shipment to tiny imi til the i Ki hard li bl John tw italltonmllrendH am IhVGre te mul Drm toX i Ma Bkek Bi ml mntly minted always (x dug stuff dress rmW ON HAND LARGE i I llivuig iHiiThnss il my gooth tjiri rf from the nimiiifoctu tea in Er? imu hvi riu 'O in yj Mmrinolihiti liire kt gli alii ih ri I to mi rehutoiili uli t'i lie in ine etituiiii ji eun tiie ast I itia nfiilvnl that 1 can ghe Ikirgtiitre Ilian tiny i niLUgu uitou i ly i i mi iiii ui i I'uLii Wear nreti a 1 1 ihr that aii I fl lra i VI s' tisoLksw fl i I i is ini gi nur I i re ust'i rvrv lit 1 1 ii our me uooure oi vvunc Of OUT Wil lilac Cure 1 ot no Him ouj vioii uuu win tiimni loan tarei Bi ll new and lutiliii rti tilMitu JOHN ILL JL ld'roin iXrNBiVuon romtnMuii rrirnnta for Sal of 1 'f dtcnm itako in afi lil viiti iitjiuA isr L' lining tuu ns April gm ii lonuav i cm 'iu su litol I i IsOV 1 III 1 CH mrr I'UklV it VC I tf re ni rami not'! ml to iu IU inti in I ItrejL re re I I Ml 1 tl kfsl tf Si Illvlil ii i is a iv si iii'azi ruinui hi ii' hi i inr timi i risu (nice jigt'ii is 111 utm I ol'ting I Illis prctss fttg Ui vsi 1 1 itiiu 1 mi'i evi no LB IlCRi'H fort islii Tt biengti Batik1 liieigiv wi" "ii iiitifo nu: vi ivm ri( Will attend t' rt'md Luine and the birej YXD fill NG HUI'SE UM HELD IN Till Ol 111 IIALO 2'J 1I4CZ4 Me Lean tlHIliligb A 1 Si7 ami pie I iiirewr i no on (t'litioH iuli! to ri Iccih Tn iVitTrauls for Bon tit Larit) ntidertlm ll tri: ll iv util iroviv ni ni atni iuzh mi ion UIL'II 1 I'lHire ILnltksk Ult 1111 1 1 'IV LOL I UUIIO IOO I oore res 0 I'riHH uHi'lu virreo rl Alul riftnel it: SIU I 1 1 Ot MV 11 It'er Ill the lUll tluridi! AU 111 I A OV 1 rar i 1 1 hi llllivi MIT WITH 1 Wil' Hire a 11 1 of IHOM' smmu tli tills 'tate Wil) wero 1 1'iileu ur blionungluu day Of I'Civmt'CT A I' 't' entii to am iiiufoi lui net ot Trn nmi 1 i iiiuma acott U''iit ret in I1IILT1 i simiug hire al tart oiHmed ami ilh it PROB A illi pt Jr lro ilt 1 HA li II A I'nticipi I and i mug to ut'eoiii moiikite A i uf tdM former eu tiuuors 4wl I'hilliiis' elotblnit stort ti it mi in I'lii'i'iil hiM I'n'i'L iliiT rtv rnmoklt to WWV IVB sol TV lv riWk ir oh (ilv Mt him Mmil RUrota i ww it i i'snvs vv rvi i 1 1 1 'i'll th i iti iiiv iirTlliiniiii" 'innirv rnnr re re auiiHirr utei iniiisi iu i niiu oit''itir in nitnwrr I is ll iiwrariK I spill yj zn BioimHiigtHi) thm sue ht sei III pleasant linuiiiv thin thee Lav fm iii'iijitH tm sliip uud wiljeindmf tfo lare tr ttt lei plara 1 to trelin in tn le unlsuil Ilia Mat Iall: kn of M' lvhllUt I'll If I II "fl till StlTi'l oil ilo ton rich A Mid SpiiuinK BJMrelIVslIlttr Ire JL Ht a sill" for ld i Ul'ioiuiiigton Hi OHbe on the sreond flH the sHltheHt ror iftl rof Uiif' BIvrk Mill tillcml froiitntlv toall hiiMiiess nti i 4 it i to ti i i tveni'fitvoi ii ii' in i merit i i i tri Iglll I 11 'I Hine A lM ol lie ivi i rvnr i "ni i ri i mi ieuserH chargi'i vuel'e Mie is ii nv i ngmit'it tu 1 varning ur enwnLi uti" u' i' lie in lippy in ir set 0 I ss I 1 III 1 ll vl I 1 il 1 1 1 I I It ul ttinr tool at lint's ui: II a 1'1 It: 10'1111111 I 1 Will IL ell lowing Lutids and Lots to wit lie Will rV i iiiii Huis i Htii'iiH sum ox siu 'iins1 nun inti emi'ti mis in i i eu nuu xs i iii i in ft i ff nt in Si IPta Ccii: )i': Ulltisilllg iixtii i tn i lu i I'a I ftitfiiftlt 1 totot Punrl 1 1 Tht Ibi flit attention oi b'l ann tin ir ami itiicr isui a in a i Attorney and futltreelh'r at I Uta nvir Vf PhftVnu a Hiuiiwnre M'tn riiMiici 1 Ti iih Mac 2'l )te lo lin ii airi i ti ini nt up in enict ing ni" mini si re iibi i'ii 'i hi ane ire A fl rills of initial i urr iiariri er Iiiiih Au re on tui rbln good fa ria Ittrv lioUS" in thu it Ciin ni! ill i I x'vre rii HCt ti A I 73 101) Ili'jes lot 1" 1 Bioxv U'i a nmeoi tipiin' tiriiiiliinigtun luutairtl Bl iks Ti ft I Tm in lulvmi'" No dediu lien nnttlc for alreeiice from kcIj'hiL eveid joaril' flf 'll lire employ i 1 itxg in ease of pt'il 'iig' ilbi' i No extra du: rfe nuulii for in Lrosb sUjiphi i by l'xfirei( lire received wi kly 1 kt me! ion in th 1 II' liluimts if lirawilie A good bld id fl HI: I' dliitiL j)s( jwivd fofftther with 111 he f'iradntthi! old vIl'N end A 10 VEk jd Alhu Grid'tey Tricsctt add Attorney nt Law Conier Main amt ront Streets Blooming 1 1 ubiii'd snop ii't'e I am pre st nt mm Irigiun 111 I St'i SSNmthWiiri' Si Smt "4 i5r an elegm ossui I lili llt of urili hillg gomfo Ac iLire I to uruiii colni'i JACGB MAY KUS 1 lilitogo nt 1 1 icsler I 1 1 ris'i exe' nte i iimmwir nl Hl Hint hr 1 I I fl re 1 1 i rv tvi I' rvl Iv 'i VI li I I Il 1 XTi IX i iiii to tr ti I'hlllimi I'm i'll'" xenviHi'ii'to xiivt ot yi'ixe I fl a a re si 'th ol Itn A I Xo Iklix A SI rn "IXH remit i nniH nu I In IssH Owl a i IIH I IU1H 'I I l' an COHIIL1 I I'JOM l'illhuJ IraHil re0 1 XV ret! vv'MtM I VUI xnTU' nilllUVLIl THAT I 1 BJK ESSED AND DOUBLE KIH5l ll VA MILLS TIHMMIN A niIMI Mr IL will promptly ihee far the jl irinticrs of Melan rmmly and Die of Bliiomingfiri I i i lt th i om I louse in ha OK I I 1 ui'lil il rm aper tlmil tin yr tint mu 'ii iuri 1 civil ui i I lt ri tel'n (mH ui iniH rADl SU IISI'KI IIKK flto JI ST (JPEM'D ATI an aimi in a so iv i nH Count of Litin mid Suite 4 Illi I Jlinitelt Ihfinol as g'Hrt a Iiuuiuy rt Mtu 'miyn jn B'hKS Mlul (I ATS A JL tin ton hi Mr Mdiers uilning east aide ol Pnldic Siiinri 'l "Untiri toil i itift rcteutimd' tern: lb has em nun ii iin 4 inn i' 1 the iind' i i gneil atiiv the 4 IT sale through ill' Wllii' 4 Al I'V itov ix ti AS'A''1 hlN A I el'l i'S 111 'rni' ily by Itn nuu ij Num mid Lsti vv "i ui" bim iioi n' Mioer tn um nite mi'i nurihTd 'ho ihmriu I A 1 Illi II xi lint vlwll tv it iuilta I 1 A CrSPi too" lnliur Sttvi' i res rl 1 1 1 tu 1 1 a 1 1 11 I I I I I 1'1 Oil "1 I I II I I I 1 II 1 I 1 1 't vv oi alio ui 1 1 1 i ClrtVT A VIV IT If Ik 1 A i IVT I A A I II I it i A I 4 'I st ltd as tionidv IK iirlirkw ot eiinal 1111a itv Hiwa 1ft1v (U tC in ran a 1 at mu Jia olrm tit I ur mi itlii'C etnr in row to mil 1 po a nt to 1 isnil 111 su' i'v tui kmi 1 'inettiiv mir sroiT is on cm" lA'or somu tirtp tntl jsiilfiili made and sol ip wei JA 'iKC'V lh A j4 1 ft ('all ntid me and tudge fiir youna lv 5 rorner 1 llellln ptii' hiw' aii'i ale i binds Tokdo 1 nma eoiinty 1 't rek iv 1 ft ill intend ililbllsineM ItertaillflTll Land Aitenev I S' I 11 11 It I 1 srexxiv 1111 WLB4 5 NW 'riwr 2 evioixuiiin nu'i icxuiig uiiro paying laV" Ac AC 1 a Ito a 111 10 2rn 1 I' irl AV miiM'rpvu IHIIIU IWU UI hiliHrlli I iUIKI Vollllty HUU SM1IU' ft! 3 LM iiTirtTitmisnixo it tv i vv a i itHijii i "in uv lire eiureeien wi'ii i io i jint i AYS PAR IIIIIITM iiiiimitniuit itmivxz i 1 i i ti iml lint il tim I ini ibs I hv law for rhe reib rnntlmi of nald "Ilt'A's mill 1 ii ks'ir John Wats m's thedift iwiigb' nl VO per ci'Ml so lies of eieri drortptfon fi P'y I A LL WHO HAYE I 156 4 "if JA4 GKOVI A GO fD STONE A EN A I I T'D 4 I A Iwtol tort lror1 I IT GP ItUid wdl lW "ll he 1 1 1 'illy ot Ute xi 1 m' axHi ra xvivia xs i i Spring 'raft wicu many otii Iransplttixi I I giLvit I 1 vi Ti i I 1 bf'ts el xings vev Links and Muds il 1 1 tl! Wil i a xi nit iikmt 1 tii A II N(HI Ll Sl'INf I ft i i ic i 't: i i ir i it i 'ir in: 1 1 lev th at jl vi mw suhii i I 1 ft "denhi'liii's fc It'' 'uh f' iRd liiitei a large aii'l well wli'i ted tn of iurnt rill k'enpt foils 2 A ing New i tods evt rv lay 1 th': HIM I'PS 11 IN'r i Igi I TimfuT Ialh Slumrles Ac Atl Huilililig Stm Lime Ct a rort of which ire llu fillo tmi atuimni 1 rues atm can iresunt onr enrtoim giHixi r' jou rUy iiivii) "vd rt 'I'lalrtV nxwrtin' mt nml shm Iv of thriftv vdiulite Trees ami 1 1 J1 i utlce Um kuess ihimm I Ibm 1 Moj rt it 1 1 1 1 It I ti i i tfii iti ot Bloonioiuf nUi tic Louiifs Let a and lao nt in 1 Mietn kni'ai lotta 1 I ras rrmVft I nt nml Alton ill All of which we will Ml ill th lowest KI I GOAT Hol nil 1 ih i Hn(1 1 1 mi be 1 I A bl' rtl :1 it i i 11 I I L'V nil! 1 11 ton uiinui'i 1 1 xit wii gx I iris I iiti uil rl rJi i I i ris xi it ni'iiH rem 'ixxzii i nun ini tuu in cui ii re xr i iwv me ou aut mo omoi re i it ix Il i 'go' Yntl dtjet' mi the Peoria llroi oi'i'oslh' ixsfin Did ill Ivi AN A 1 1 1aj a I id Idch will be soldo the low I xi ika ras 1 a 4 rv 1 I i ii I laky 1 Vre tnnl si lumi (flit ni putvn ret in rtf Ur 'tn 1 i Ci A it i I' kill 1'ISTtll It IIZLI olio looiLXVi 1 'l I IT'' ll' io il nit loo 1 nllivi iTvtv i oil re rev i Ore TB ir St INDIANA MOM IHH Hil i' the same Mor" on Alam stroet mmusite iH trieb A imr Vi i vvA nrre mgion anu a in i a nt aura ni If JA' die lit 1 lllil Wa xijl lol ltn nhtl irit 1 a to it Eni inhi1 I1" ivt re rev I RI I 1H 10 Klims 'HHi i 8 adiiHiiin bl sum AK' lltlEt ENT XX 1 I I 1 ref I lo i 1 1 1 is re I re Itn "I re I rereo I rere vn ln VV I 1 1 I I 1 rel I 11 I It IIIL XIXV 4 Xl XXU I II Jfn re1 I I I TVNPEGT THE SI BSI GIBER BACH TO IT i INE AS 'm With a Iru tiil mil nek Idmr mil nurfner in ft ert in 1 rrm unit fo1? nth dav June viHfe otx a Olliee as H'S'lt us uo i nn nu i in' i nm niini oi u'" ep Hint ft rowing whose I'harm ter and nitirr are ttk Jgeil tn rival AIM (ilNIPS GOODS jl tiie a ii'tif om xixni nu maac i i so xx tj 'W'efHlI A SP N( I A II Asr 1 1 I i sn with eiislvmers lint Lrenirnntv cni hovers ot trait trevs 'LL (Miavus a irven I dies for Nitinim ai wull us for ft Utter Li'i i uu'n pn rail br'Ux'tm fvr ii no i si st rx in 1 AAtiigainst fniitdtind improdtum in defiling' with strangers IB" S' th side Public Stinare BliH ininizloii 1 IL ti lire 1111I trei HUil Wooo rre txreni olv I iasllit CIU "Hr ini'T'll IV 11 1' lUVU tn I Hili' l'IUkT If TP ixavti orei receiver: unit an1 now oneiitltg tw ot tiie Lirwwi resh 1 1 round to want to hire inun to run ni tennis ehi'nnest aim tss xr i units wa liama Knhiwn msisrinxr I 7 hr iucA ronite ttx te rt rni unrV i mucks vry cmmis ttint lias ver rn (n llu' City ot i 'l rWVlK MARKET IN PAID HIK Cauu II ret 1 lLLL 1 ltireXll "I Ii nd imlflro tu ht? broken the crossings for and it 1 ast Tivelve Cheiitn mu ever i ro ni'r i i i "'ii't i tiv Ht I't lx irm 'Miii in is 1 jn te nnd ancy expressly tr the lily and UumiUv Trrnie lD rnlthit re nili town 1 I'llll'Vv tut ioxt xt 3 1 I re 1 1 2 11 1 vxv O'' 0 1 Hill till" VV I SI II loTS ri nr till rrnsl re I HU I I I 1 Iii'r inin IL If I I I uioiri 1 re ii' i re: i is tear vrxs' ami Lara wnixiii ro" um" irCmnar IlCranh suits it a nr ext wnLiiCT' i ona mid lmgmisWt by th" (' A A ta II AHuWltll i 'Id nrnl VI I ell'll CH Io lint hl' saving ufikilf itrCrs 4 wheat at let vest time Ilnvnka tn liisoll frieiids for nfir liinuir hri rtil tntrmaxn (til URKANTS ito'v solo prxniri' tnr of the St iw fonwily owned by Tavtor (' rere XX I 1 ni iiiotimingt'in Aitni 2 teitn 7 ir mt in winii tfiiiiv soii rotiirn i tn iii re cents 1 V( VVX III" I I 0'11 ovix iixo iw Htoirs utm cxiiA au siti lire iitviwu ui can anu ex Illi 1 1 Hto a voursmi gitrtti vi'iiti i in icrn ffllYVO AND JO( KET II LIYiN(STON HAS nrighboth) urn) all callaml fximim for theuiselvea i and Ntenan I IV ll IX xx 11 llll I 1 on the 12th llu June A Itia at ti ante fur trnves hd'l Are ctttanly feceh ing at th It stx n1 ront rtraet JL Acres 4 Prairie mid ifteen 4 Iimon 1 kV' fl just insl a fine tre ortm'id of the celebmh 4 Vosieu LUV irtwku I 11 nrl a neres rff plowi tand urn I btineros in wheat holm Pot ket uml L'mi Ividros Nu Aliiu trtrerl LB mA II A TI I BAY Of ER AT Ol 1 VV QI AR IH in Ah Lean Coiinti Illinois we became the imrohas rs cd the tul glare tB opbwft' Ameriemi lloit tn'b supplies at xufwz lowing tracts "ITaiid 1 wit lionery amt dimce litwy GroiTries which they are teund jM A gutot HUH ivurix wui is oy nine I WU re'x Im ft nave Iw eiir'1 null at very low rash I Hi in 1 lite tlvacintl tlio Vv (tit* iu ill lr 1 mm ixtn 1 in oukil to in iytieviii" xrse oxue xuiix llirill wit i rooms: irtrn ny 4" met anu i't nt' Ba Ar rrin lt tpe taspnx cifi nnt wpi 1 mi'HK ruiuuutu mm tei'iu ik sitiiifntl nil th" rnulltSMCUZSr I Vs TIK1T I I Ullll ii I mH ft l)ti lK1oU stone from wo inches in ftnekhes nti tt th Ll inc 1 1 irwril' 4 aM bbe 2 nnd an in bl 1 1 Lol a in blocR JlllU'f (itugb ta ui 1 i 1 ui tiHiii va lli nn lK11il iiik 1 Ii ix 1 1 1 1 11 1 Ti 1 1 1 1 1 HI t'4ir and iimuitv surivastot i bv num in the Srate I 1 ft" 1 I mi ii ii mi'i ii i Hiii ui't 11 jiiinxm on rs i i ffi lor Mima eirni ili xsrexi or in tlu li I xatt BOOTI re nu ixxvi uu 1 in xirm uiii I 7 Hlur too lt Li Mi 1 omowiim' givtoi i ronM trag tn isirt ot llfc'i mill ancy loth 9111 1 ii'ii i i neroy iuiu uie west ui uh i 111 viu ii iu ine vuwu ii vil' ikioili ixti'i rivs Ill lpr I hit gu IBJb W4l" OAliril 14WIU1UC I kll1u 1 1 rer ii 1 'ii 1 1 1 ii WMHA A A I A(i i I I (ft ilit'M Good in evurv virii ir (Jnecn uro AVorvl 'iil'iW Warr Nfiil (titles and Glaa Ilf the genmno Ani arina "ixignibjurt i bv irg" an vnrt' i A) ace Il i'h 'IVA UtVAl'V MU'liVL'UlllNU HOOTS re re i re g(l II KP1V 4 II I Goris ftabMhl fiftivrex Quifnru la rme uinixi i i' iv 'X Lands wlii'h the fi'llmv ine pir BL ew terns nl'i'airii iir mid Enamel! 1 Set I'm nin) Ear 1 I I tli cis may be enumerated Au improv xl hih Bj Kings imftcti inM terete ed by II LIVINGSTON 1111 tfl 1 so 1 nto fit the eitvl If flu 1 '3 ll I atal "lEtl Vn r' VI VI retr I tL vxxB (V uoi 1 ITU diss xttei inil' ft uf'toto teM sus vT orrm es i ney i oustr i5 no rrouuia II Mu thmr goods 1 orth of the city U1 a 011 to I Irimmru I i iw ill quality anil I si i in I on in i ciothtne Xlnre mill' IV tali: CH VVIII SCI 1 AT rail at im new I hem tr 47tl BEEVES 1 vntv Sale very tow hi HEAD M'Hilv CATTLE well will Is r' iuin'i in han I Eoi pnitwiilnts apply to the tinder neit mi otlier gram rniip use it i i iia two ai vv Vtli hi i bito ooinl ix 1 at I re iuli It i Miotl lo him at I Hriin'l will rnnl 1 1 I A Hmises uud Lute With four nmH in i uli a few rods bnst of the Westi I Depot latch he ofters for Mil" rel JAuviv rivtiKitoiiTCoitn i ntn issi kvm oih'a lu'iia (let I a it i re If cheap evi rnj vacant Luts ana iiiuj eighty ai UIX kl XIXX XIIV e' xax UIXX IU MXOX'U'ngl 11 IXlotWl ix xi ut sis ter ai re nan liaiiiiian nine io nnKi'hi'i'it iiiumpron vf'poritu the Pike llottse enter St HliK'niingtcm (let 2d 7866 1VE HAVE REAfOVED (H PLACE BSI vflf I NESS a few iltor oifth of the Old Stand in Dr CnoTH 4fnIls Grave' tms i ew liin itmmingsi x'pposm it oxeinan mnn tiriilfw I 1 tl 11 1 re gains and can't be unders ild and sec I Ki I Jl BVV AVHEl ier '7 wa thir 1 wS Dfifcw a jfc I "iJ RE et cr i.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.