Overview of neuron structure and function (article) | Khan Academy (2024)

Introduction to neurons and glia. How the structure of a neuron allows it to receive and transmit information.

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  • Nafees Iqbal

    8 years agoPosted 8 years ago. Direct link to Nafees Iqbal's post “What exactly occurs durin...”

    What exactly occurs during a reflex arc?

    (11 votes)

    • Barbara Gonzalez Busta

      8 years agoPosted 8 years ago. Direct link to Barbara Gonzalez Busta's post “A reflex "arC" is not a s...”

      Overview of neuron structure and function (article) | Khan Academy (4)

      Overview of neuron structure and function (article) | Khan Academy (5)

      A reflex "arC" is not a series of actions but the structure that allows a reflex "acT" to happen, and it comprises (in a sequential order) a stimulus, a receptor, an afferent pathway, a synapse, an efferent pathway, an effector and a response.
      The reflex "acT" is an involuntary response to a stimulus, where the components I just mentioned interact. So what happens is the following:
      1) A stimulus activates a receptor.
      2) The receptor transmits the signal to an afferent pathway.
      3) The afferent pathway carries the signal to a place (e.g. spinal cord) where this pathway synapses (or communicates with) the efferent pathway.
      4) The efferent pathway carries a signal to an effector (e.g. muscle)
      5) The effector executes a response (e.g. muscle contraction)

      (29 votes)

  • Tim Wegmann

    8 years agoPosted 8 years ago. Direct link to Tim Wegmann's post “Why do we need interneuro...”

    Why do we need interneurons? Wouldn't a direct connection between motor and sensory neurons be faster?

    (7 votes)

    • Jack O' Light

      7 years agoPosted 7 years ago. Direct link to Jack O' Light's post “Interneurons also integra...”

      Overview of neuron structure and function (article) | Khan Academy (9)

      Interneurons also integrate signals, thus "determining" an appropriate response.

      (10 votes)

  • kakarorahahai

    6 years agoPosted 6 years ago. Direct link to kakarorahahai's post “Is it possible that the d...”

    Is it possible that the dendrites on the cell body receives strong impulses of more than one type.In such a case how are all transmitted simultaneously?

    (7 votes)

    • Ivana - Science trainee

      5 years agoPosted 5 years ago. Direct link to Ivana - Science trainee's post “GOOD QUESTIONThat is tr...”


      That is true and that is called synapse.

      Dendrites convert these signals into small electric impulses and transmit them inward, in the direction of the cell body. Neuronal cell bodies can also form synapses and thus receive signals (Figure 21-3). Particularly in the central nervous system, neurons have extremely long dendrites with complex branches. This allows them to form synapses with and receive signals from a large number of other neurons (1000).


      (4 votes)

  • kira

    6 years agoPosted 6 years ago. Direct link to kira's post “What is the purpose of ha...”

    What is the purpose of having different types of neuron structures?

    (4 votes)

    • Lara

      6 years agoPosted 6 years ago. Direct link to Lara's post “Different neuron structur...”

      Different neuron structures change the way the signal is treated and conducted. Imagine a big tree. You are sitting in the area where all the branches come together and the trunk starts, this could be the same as the soma of a neuron since all dendrites come together. A friend of yours is sitting on the grass next to the trees roots (which is the terminals in the neuron analogy). Think of the signal as a ball that you want to give your friend; you let it fall. If the trunk is long, then it will take longer for your friend to catch the ball, if the trunk is short, you might even be able to give it personally to your friend. So the axon is responsible for the temporal delay of the signal conductance, similarily to the dendrite. If the dendrites are long, it takes longer until they reach the soma. Therefore, weak signals will maybe not even arrive at the soma since they decay with time. Additionally, a huge dendritic tree means that it has a lot of potential for many many connections to other neurons. Therefore, for instance the Purkinje cell with its huge dendrical tree acts as an integrator of many different signals.
      So basically each anatomical structure has different functions to offer.

      (7 votes)

  • Sonakshi

    8 years agoPosted 8 years ago. Direct link to Sonakshi's post “Human brain consist of ce...”

    Human brain consist of cerebral cortex as its outermost layer below cranium . Does human beings have the capacity to use all areas of cerebral cortex or only few designated areas??

    (2 votes)

    • 8 years agoPosted 8 years ago. Direct link to myopicvisions's post “interestingly enough, so-...”

      interestingly enough, so-called idiot savants, do not have a greater capacity for computation, music, or art. Instead, the parts of their brains responsible for such tasks dominate the rest of their brain because the parts that would normally compete for attention are either damaged or unable to communicate effectively with the rest of the brain. Researchers have used something called TMS (trans-cranial magnetic stimulation) to induce small currents in parts of the brain, either shutting down or activating specific regions of the brain temporarily. Their research has shown that it is possible to temporarily induce a savant-like state in normally functioning brains. And, of course, some forms of brain damage can induce temporary or permanent savant-like states as well. I met a young man who had the ability to perform amazing feats of computation after a bad car accident.

      (7 votes)

  • ankit.javadev

    8 years agoPosted 8 years ago. Direct link to ankit.javadev's post “What are mirror neurons a...”

    What are mirror neurons and are these present in humans also?

    (3 votes)

    • Ivana - Science trainee

      5 years agoPosted 5 years ago. Direct link to Ivana - Science trainee's post “mirror neurons respond to...”

      mirror neurons respond to actions that we observe in others. The interesting part is that mirror neurons fire in the same way when we recreate that action ourselves. Apart from imitation, they are responsible for a myriad of other sophisticated human behavior and thought processes.

      And yes, they are present in humans. :D


      (1 vote)

  • yinqin09

    a year agoPosted a year ago. Direct link to yinqin09's post “is there relay neuron in ...”

    is there relay neuron in this section

    (2 votes)

    • ibsatit

      a year agoPosted a year ago. Direct link to ibsatit's post “its an interneuron in thi...”

      its an interneuron in this context

      (2 votes)

  • Potatosalad021

    3 years agoPosted 3 years ago. Direct link to Potatosalad021's post “How the neurons sense our...”

    How the neurons sense our taste and other stuff? sorry if the question is bad :P

    (2 votes)

    • Natrium Chloride

      3 years agoPosted 3 years ago. Direct link to Natrium Chloride's post “When eating, the taste re...”

      When eating, the taste receptor cells in our taste buds detect concentrations of different chemicals and fire electric signals to sensory neurons, which in turn fire a nerve impulse to the brain. That said, it is not the neuron that senses the taste, but the taste receptor cell. The neuron is the one that transfers the message (nerve impulse) to the brain. In the same way, the cell that senses the stimuli in any part of the body is the receptor, not the neuron.

      So about taste sensation, the stimuli is actually the chemicals in our mouth. When the pH is low, we feel that it's sour. When the pH is high, we feel that it's bitter. When there is sugar, we feel that it's sweet. When there is salt, we feel that it's salty. And certain proteins cause the taste of unami. When it comes to taste, it's actually the concentration of different substances that cause the senses. (pH is the concentration of H+ ions)

      And no worries, your question isn't bad. If a question helps you learn, it's not bad. Even if we ask bad questions every now and then, there's nothing wrong with that either.

      (3 votes)

  • Sindhu Gunturi

    8 years agoPosted 8 years ago. Direct link to Sindhu Gunturi's post “The word "active potentia...”

    The word "active potential" is mentioned many times. What does it mean?

    (0 votes)

    • Justin Cabezas

      8 years agoPosted 8 years ago. Direct link to Justin Cabezas's post “Action potential is a sho...”

      Action potential is a short-lasting event in which the electrical membrane potential of a cell rapidly rises and falls, following a consistent trajectory.

      (6 votes)

  • megarn.melling

    7 years agoPosted 7 years ago. Direct link to megarn.melling's post “In the axon of someone wi...”

    In the axon of someone with Multiple sclerosis what happens to the myelin sheath and nodes of ranvier? I know that the myelin sheath is not there so it slows down the action potential, but I would like a bit more in depth explanation. thanks

    (2 votes)

    • Ivana - Science trainee

      5 years agoPosted 5 years ago. Direct link to Ivana - Science trainee's post “Multiple sclerosis (MS) i...”

      Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common demyelinating and an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system characterized by immune-mediated myelin and axonal damage, and chronic axonal loss attributable to the absence of myelin sheaths.

      with concomitant degradation of myelin, oligodendrocytes and axons, along with reactive astrogliosis and activated microglia - meaning that there is no only the problem of demzeliniyation but of hzperactive microglia.

      additional T-cell subsets play a prominent role in MS immunopathology: Th17 cells, CD8+ effector T cells and CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells.

      There are different mechanisms for lipid antigen uptake depending upon the antigen source and its structure such that endogenous lipids are differentially distributed in subcellular compartments and internalized lipids are transported to different endocytotic vesicles.
      Lipids containing alkyl chains that have multiple unsaturation sites or shorter saturated tails are trafficked to early or recycling endosomes [62]; compartments surveyed by CD1c and CD1a that present these types of lipids.

      Demyelinated plaques and associated astrocytic activation (gliosis) are the results of local inflammation and the major pathological characteristics of the disease.


      (2 votes)

Overview of neuron structure and function (article) | Khan Academy (2024)


What is the overview of neuron structure and function? ›

While neurons have a lot in common with other types of cells, they're structurally and functionally unique. Specialized projections called axons allow neurons to transmit electrical and chemical signals to other cells. Neurons can also receive these signals via rootlike extensions known as dendrites.

Does Khan Academy have neuroscience? ›

Dedicated section for psychology,philosophy and neuroscience. – Khan Academy Help Center.

What is the physiological anatomy of a neuron? ›

A basic neuron structure comprises a cell body and neuronal processes – axon and dendrites. There is a change in the voltage in the flow of neurons from the dendrites, soma to the axon. The environmental stimuli in sensory neurons activates ion channels generating action potentials flowing from the axon to the soma.

How does a neuron work? ›

Neurons communicate with each other by sending chemicals, called neurotransmitters, across a tiny space called a synapse, between the axons and dendrites of nearby neurons.

What is the structure of a neuron and explain its function in short answer? ›

Cell Body–Each neuron has a cell body with a nucleus, Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and other components. Axon–Axon is a tube-like structure that functions by carrying an electrical impulse from the cell body to the axon terminals for passing the impulse to another neuron.

How are neurons classified and describe their structure and function? ›

Different types of neurons include sensory, motor, and interneurons, as well as structurally-based neurons, which include unipolar, multipolar, bipolar, and pseudo-unipolar neurons. These cells coordinate bodily functions and movement so quickly, we don't even notice it happening.

Did Bill Gates fund Khan Academy? ›

It turned out the Gates children were also improving their math skills with the free Khan videos. Barely a year after Khan quit his hedge-fund job, the Gates Foundation invested $1.5 million to expand operation of the Khan Academy, followed not long after by another $4 million donation.

Is neuroscience math based? ›

Computational neuroscience (also known as theoretical neuroscience or mathematical neuroscience) is a branch of neuroscience which employs mathematics, computer science, theoretical analysis and abstractions of the brain to understand the principles that govern the development, structure, physiology and cognitive ...

Is neuroscience tough? ›

In general though, neuroscience tends to be a rigorous major that combines elements of biology, psychology, chemistry, and physics. The workload for a neuroscience major can be demanding, as you may have multiple labs and lectures per week.

What are the two major physiological properties of a neuron? ›

Individual neurons have two major functional properties: irritability and conductivity.
  • Irritability = ability to respond to a stimulus and convert it to a nerve impulse.
  • Conductivity = ability to transmit the impulse to other neurons, muscles, or glands.

What is the difference between a nerve and a neuron? ›

Neurons are specialized to transmit information throughout the body. Whereas nerve is a whitish fibre or bundle of fibres in the body made up of number of neuron cells that transmits impulses of sensation to the brain or spinal cord, and impulses from these to the muscles and organs.

What are the three fundamental physiological properties of neurons? ›

Various universal properties of Neurons are:
  • Excitability. All cells are excitable that is, they respond to environment changes. ...
  • Conductivity. Neurons respond to stimuli by producing electrical signals that are quickly conducted to other cells at distant locations.
  • Secretion.

What part of your brain controls all mental activities? ›

The frontal lobe, located behind the forehead, does much of the work of complex thinking, like planning, imagining, making decisions, and reasoning.

How to activate your brain neurons? ›

Here are six things I recommend to my patients in order of importance:
  1. Exercise regularly. Exercise has many known benefits, and regular physical activity also benefits the brain. ...
  2. Get plenty of sleep. ...
  3. Eat a Mediterranean diet. ...
  4. Stay mentally active. ...
  5. Remain socially involved. ...
  6. Keep your blood vessels healthy.
Dec 29, 2022

What is the main function of the neuron? ›

Neurons (also called neurones or nerve cells) are the fundamental units of the brain and nervous system, the cells responsible for receiving sensory input from the external world, for sending motor commands to our muscles, and for transforming and relaying the electrical signals at every step in between.

What is the overview of the nervous system? ›

The nervous system uses electrical and chemical means to help all parts of the body to communicate with each other. The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system. Nerves everywhere else in the body are part of the peripheral nervous system.

What is the structure and function of a neuron quizlet? ›

The neuron is the basic and fundamental unit of the nervous system. It is the cell that transmits electrical signals and impulses for the creation of a response to the incoming stimulus. A typical neuron is composed of the cell body, dendrites, and axons.

What is the structure and function of the nervous system? ›

The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system. The CNS includes the brain and spinal cord, while the peripheral nervous system consists of everything else. The CNS's responsibilities include receiving, processing, and responding to sensory information (see Image.

What are the major structures of the neuron What are the major functions of the structures you just listed? ›

As you can see in Figure 4.1, “Components of the Neuron,” neurons are made up of three major parts: a cell body, or soma, which contains the nucleus of the cell and keeps the cell alive; a branching treelike fibre known as the dendrite, which collects information from other cells and sends the information to the soma; ...

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.