'Igor' Explained: A Guide To The Story, Themes, And Devices Of Tyler The Creator's 2019 Album (2024)

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - OCTOBER 31: Tyler, The Creator performs during his "Flower Boy Tour" at The... [+] Warfield Theatre on October 31, 2017 in San Francisco, California. (Photo by Tim Mosenfelder/Getty Images)


The overall story of Tyler, the Creator's newest album,IGOR, is something many have lived through. You fall for someone. They reciprocate but refuse to go all-in. So you exist in limbo, waiting on them to bring you heaven or send you to hell. Consumed by the lack of closure: you wallow, you hurt, you rage. But. Eventually. You come to your senses and move on.

Welcome to the giant explanation of IGOR. What follows are the vital details, studied, analyzed, deconstructed, dissected, unraveled, and presented for your enjoyment. I begin with a few macro topics before exploring each track individually.

Table of Contents:

  • Album Analysis
    • General structure
    • Structure analysis
    • Jerrod Carmichael
    • Who and what is Igor?
  • Song Analysis
    • Igor's Theme
    • Earfquake
    • I Think
    • Exactly What You Run From You End Up Chasing
    • Running Out Of Time
    • New Magic Wand
    • A Boy Is A Gun
    • Puppet
    • What's Good
    • Gone, Gone/Thank You
    • I Don't Love You Anymore
    • Are We Still Friends?


General structure


Igor's Theme

Part 1: In Love


I Think

Exactly What You Run From You End Up Chasing

Running Out of Time

New Magic Wand

A Boy Is A Gun

Part 2: Moving On


What's Good

Gone, Gone/Thank You

I Don't Love You Anymore

Are We Still Friends?

Structure analysis:

Most of us are familiar with themes in narrative art—in movies, TV shows, books, albums. Themes are broader concepts created by repeated (and often contrasting) elements. For example, a theme in Disney'sAladdin is"how wealthy you are doesn't define how good of a person you are." A theme in Kanye West'sMy Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is the excess of celebrity: that celebrity involves too much power, monstrous indulgence, and appalling materialism.

Buttheme has a more nuanced application when it comes to music theory, usually in combination with the concept ofvariations. Here's a description by Jeremy Denk, a famous pianist, in an interview withClassic FM:"It's an idea [theme] with a number of riffs on the idea [variation]—in all kinds of styles and moods...You take the theme, you take the original idea and you begin to alter it or add things to it."

The implication, then, of "Igor's Theme" is this serves as an establishment of musical and lyrical concepts that the rest of IGORwill alter, add to, andriff on. This helps explain why the lyrics here are fragmented and repetitious in a way that doesn't happen elsewhere. Rather than a song that's describing a specific emotion or event, it's a painter showing you the palette with all the smears of colors that'll be part of the painting.

Despite the overall chaos of "Igor's Theme," two main phrases emerge:

-Ridin' round town, they gon' feel this one

-Got my eyes open

The first is immediately relevant, as the following song, "Earfquake," has a chorus of: Cause you make my earth quake, oh, you make my earth quake/riding around, your love is shakin' me up and it's making my heart break.

Ridin' round town is used nearly verbatim. But the second part of the original idea, they gon' feel this one, is riffed upon. Instead of declaring someone will feel something, Tyler describes what he feels: a love is shaking him up, making his heart break.

The second phrase doesn't appear until the final line of the last verse of track 9, "What's Good." Tyler raps, And I got my eyes open, now I see the light. Contextually, this follows the previous track's decisive twist: Tyler has come to his senses, realizes the relationship is bad for him, and so decides he must move on.

The prominence and dominance of those two phrases (and their fragmentations) on "Igor's Theme" serves, then, as a microcosm of the album as a whole. Part 1 is an emotional journey that you feel. Part 2 is about awareness/seeing things for what they are/moving on.

Jerrod Carmichael

A major consideration for writers is how much they show versus how much they tell. Mark Twain could have simply said, "Tom Sawyer was a very bright kid, able to convince other kids to do anything, whether it was good for them or not." Instead, Mark Twain showed us by creating a whole scene where Tom Sawyer has to paint a fence as punishment but manipulates the other neighborhood kids to do the chore for him. And they actually pay him for the chance.

As with most things, a balance of showing and telling allows a work to have nuance but still be accessible. If it's all showing, you end up with deep-but-obtuse results that polarize audiences, like2001: a Space Odyssey orThe Sound and the Fury. If it's all telling, you run the risk of sounding like a children's book. Both have strengths and weaknesses.

An excellent example of balance comes from Kendrick Lamar'sTo Pimp a Butterfly. Over the course ofTPAB, Kendrick reads out, at the end of certain songs, increasing amounts of a 24-line poem. Track 3 reveals only the first line. Track 5 increases the total to six lines. Track 7 adds two more. The surprise is that the poem (which you don't hear in-full until the final track)is a summary ofTo Pimp A Butterfly's narrative. So at the end of Track 5, the chunk of poem finishes with "Found myself screaming in a hotel room." The very next song ("u") just so happens to have Kendrick screaming in a hotel room.

Show-heavy works, like To Pimp a Butterfly,will often include specific moments of telling that help audiencesunderstand what's happened and why. I call these momentsin-roads.

OnIGOR, Tyler uses quotes from Jerrod Carmichael, comedian and long-time collaborator, as in-roads similar to Kendrick's poem.

-Exactly what you run from, you end up chasing....Giving it everything that you can. There's always an obstacle. (track 3)

-Sometimes you gotta close a door to open a window. (track 5)

-But at some point, you come to your senses. (track 8)

-I don't know what's harder, letting go or just being okay with it. (track 9)

-I hate wasted potential, that sh*t crushes your spirit.(track 10)

Each quote provides context for the songs that follow. Tyler is both fearful of and longing for his unnamed love interest. The "obstacle" is the girlfriend Tyler's guy won't kick to the curb. This love triangle plays out throughout Part 1, with the girl eventually becoming a door that Tyler would like to close. Part 2 contains the last three quotes, all of which deal with what happens when you start moving on.

For anyone who can't add up what's happening on IGORthrough the lyrics alone, Carmichael's quotes tell you what you need to know—making it easier, hopefully, to decode the album (or at least a song or two).

Who and what is Igor?

The major in-road for Igor is on "What's Good." Specifically, the first and last lines of the opening verse:Turn my lights on...if the cop says my name, bitch, I'm Igor.

"What's Good" is the 9th track onIGOR. It might seem strange to not have the title-character make an appearance until 75% through the story, but it makes sense in terms of the story's progression.

Leading up to Igor's arrival, Tyler's spent the album detailing this complicated love triangle where he's seeing this guy who's also seeing some girl. Tyler's frustrated because the guy won't commit either way. All the while, Tyler's a mess, caught between wanting to love and the fear of being unloved. We get the highs ("Earfquake") and the lows ("New Magic Wand"). It isn't until track 7 ("A Boy Is A Gun") that Tyler first starts breaking away.

I'ma leave us as friends

'Cause the irony is I don't wanna see you again

Stay the f*ck away from me

On the following track, "Puppet," a similar rejection happens after Tyler is, once again, giving all he can. And, once again, this guy can't focus on Tyler and is concerned about this other person (the girl, presented here as Rudolph).

You're number one, one on my list, to you I'm Santa

Where is Rudolph? You're parasitic

I do not have self-control

I am starting to wonder

Is this my free will or yours?

"Puppet" ends with:

  1. Kanye telling Tyler toBreathe on a song.
  2. A pitched-up Tyler (or someone) sayingCut me loose.
  3. Jerrod Carmichael stating, "But at some point, you come to your senses."

Tyler often uses the final moments of one song as a segue to the next. For example. At the end of "I Don't Love You Anymore" he starts to speculate:But this might just be better for us, you kn—. The line implies that maybe they can have a relationship that isn't romantic. In other words, friendship. The next track? "Are We Still Friends?"

A similar thing happens throughout his previous album,Flower Boy. "November" ends with a voicemail recording saying no one can take the call, to leave a message. The next song, "Glitter," an emotional outpouring, ends with the same voicemail system saying, We didn't get your message, either because you were not speaking or because of a bad connection. The attempted voicemail is a narrative device that ties two songs together. Otherwise, listeners might not view them as intercontextual.

Given Tyler's repeated use of connecting one song to the next, it becomes clear the end of "Puppet" is about the arrival of this Igor persona. This was actually foreshadowed on "Igor's Theme." There, we hear He's comingas the last line of the intro and bridge. And then a singular, semi-haunting Igorsoon follows.

Cut me loosecan be understood, then, as "Igor" talking to Tyler. That request gets restated as the opening line of "What's Good."Turn my lights on.

As Tyler comes to his senses, he's able to tap into the darker, less-romantic side of him that had defined his discography and public reputation to this point. It recalls the don't-give-any-f*cks attitude of the skater punk who madeBastard,Goblin, andWolf. All archetypes associated with unruly attitudes. It's fitting, then, thatHow the f*ck you quiet with the mic on?is the rhetorical question that followsTurn my lights on. Igor has, indeed, arrived.

Tyler, having suffered in love, seeks to re-empower himself through a turned-up, loud-as-f*ck display of ego and bravado. I think you can describe this kind of venting and forcefulness as "breathing on a song." By breathing, by cutting loose, Tyler, as Igor, can reset from the "flower boy" who was so in love.I got my eyes open, now I see the light.

Generically, "Igor" is considered an archetype in Gothic-inspired stories. A physically deformed lab assistant who works with scientists and monsters. The figure is most-often associated with Dr. Frankenstein. There are certainly discussions to have about how that archetype applies to Tyler. I don't want to get into them here, as, for the most part, I don't think they're necessary to explaining the core story and themes. The good news is there is one application that's crucial. The bad news: it doesn't come up until the final paragraph of this piece.


Igor's Theme

A fragmented introduction that establishes the main lyrical and musical themes Tyler will riff on for the rest of IGOR.


Sets the emotional foundation of the album. We understand how necessary this love interest is to Tyler. But that, up front, things between them are complicated. This isn't some honeymoon phase. There's as much heartbreak as there is affection. Tyler's fearful the love interest will leave him.

We get the first mention of the "obstacle."And she wicked/Like Woah Vicky. Tyler also introduces the lack of closure that will bother him, increasingly, throughout the album's front half.I just need some confirmation on how you feel.

I Think

"Earfquake" intros with several repetitions ofFor real, for real this time. Notice how "I Think" picks up the fragment and finishes the thought:I think I'm falling in love/This time I think it's for real. This kind of subtle progression happens a lot throughout the album and is why I talked about "theme" and "variation" up front. It's similar to how stories will have the main plot and subplots. "Igor's Theme" introduced us to the main themes, but there are subthemes that appear within a single track or between several.

You may also have noticed the end of "Earfquake" has Tyler count:


One, Two

One, Two, Three

The first words we hear on "I Think" arefour, four, four, four.

While "Earfquake" divulged the existence of complicated emotions, "I Think" shows just how intense they are.

We also get more of the stress and concern:

-What the f*ck is your motive?

-You are such a distraction

-You drive me cuckoo

-How can I tell you?

-I need your attention

While those could be seen as innocently romantic, they also are the seeds of unhealthy dependence. One imparticular stands out:I'm your puppet, you are Jim Henson. That line isn't given much weight, here. But, soon enough, we'll have a whole song where Tyler uses the puppet metaphor to detail how messed up the relationship has been. Unfortunately, at this point on IGOR, he still hasn't opened his eyes and come to his senses. So while Tyler can recognize the puppet/master dynamic, he can't see how just how toxic it is.

Exactly What You Run From You End Up Chasing

The first big in-road Tyler gives us (see the Jerrod Carmichael section if you skipped to this point or need a refresher on in-roads).

This brief snippet from an interview with Jerrod Carmichael summarizes the front half of IGOR.Tyler's giving this guy he loves everything he can give (despite his fear and stress and hurt). Carmichael's quote ends with, "There's always an obstacle." Unfortunately for Tyler, there are several obstacles.

Running Out of Time

The track title and intro make it clear that time is one obstacle Tyler faces.Runnin' out of time to make you love me.

So far, we've gone from Tyler becoming aware of his feelings (track 2) to trying to figure out how to express his feelings (track 3). Now we're at the point where the depth of feeling is unrequited.I been runnin' out of spells/to make you love me.

On top of time, Tyler details two other obstacles: a "her" that's in the picture, and the love interest wearing a mask/costume and lying to everyone about who he is. The most likely interpretation (based on the context of the entire album) is the male love interest has hidden the true nature of his sexuality. Because he'sliving in pretend, he won't commit to Tyler, won't tell his friends about it, and keeps seeing this girl.

New Magic Wand

The idea of the wand is a variation on the previous track's line: I been runnin' out of spells/to make you love me. Tyler has some new magic up his sleeves, thanks to this wand.

We open with Carmichael stating:"Sometimes you gotta close a door to open a window." As we'll see, "New Magic Wand" focuses on Tyler's jealousy and planning of how to get her out the picture. Her being the girl the love interest keeps dating. Initially, the magic wand may seem like a reference to the editing tool in Photoshop that helps select specific parts of an image for you to edit.She really f*ckin' up my frame...I can make her leave...like magic...new magic wand.

But the wand takes on a more sinister context.

You under oath, now pick a side and if you don't

(Run, run, run, run)

I'll pick you both

(Run, run, run, run)

It's not a joke, murder she wrote

Tyler, sick of being in a love triangle, tells the guy to choose someone, either Tyler or the girl. But if the guy remains indecisive, Tyler will pick them both, implying murder. Which gives another way of viewing the repeated "run" that's part of the soundscape.Runnin', runnin, runnin,was also a fragment from "Igor's Theme." Tyler's riffed on it in consecutive tracks: 4, 5, and 6.

The soundscape, overall, is far darker than anything on the album up to this point. Tyler's become more obsessive and desperate. Which comes through on the final verse, which has an alarm-like sound happening right before Tyler raps. The burst of ego in this section is reminiscent of "What's Good," so there could be an argument that this is Igor starting to breathe. Whether Igor or not, Tyler's not doing well.I wanna share last names, I wanna be your number one/not the other one, keep it on the low/I'm in my right mind. Someone saying they're in their right mind usually means they aren't.

The final lines of the track imagine Tyler and his love interest robbing a store, and the concerned look on the face of the guy. We hear new magic wand one more time and then cut to the next song opening with, No, don't shoot me down. The wand completes its transition from digital editing tool to a gun.

A Boy Is A Gun

The dangerous undertones of the relationship become apparent to Tyler.

How come you the best to me? I know you the worst for me

Boy, you sweet as sugar, diabetic to the first degree

My spidey sensies, got me on the fencies

In short: you treat me well, but you'll potentially be the death of me.

The back and forth continues on the second verse, where Tyler describes a fight they have.Oh, you wanna go home? Cool, you better call you a cab/I ain't taking you home, yeah, I'm brushin' you off.But before the verse ends, Tyler reverses himself—Don't leave, stay right here, yeah, I want you right near. Except what happens?You invited me to breakfast, why the f*ck your ex here? There's the girl Tyler just can't get rid of.

All of this leads to the breakthrough:You're a gun 'cause I like you on my side at all times/You keep me safe...Wait, wait, depending on, you know/You could be dangerous to me.

Tyler's finally reached the point where he rejects the guy:I'ma leave us as friends...I don't wanna see you again/Stay the f*ck away from me.

Tyler can be a gun, too.


At the end of Part 1, "A Boy Is A Gun," Tyler starts to regain perspective, becoming fully aware of the baneful relationship dynamics. With that in mind, we return to one of his first, seemingly innocent descriptions: I'm your puppet, you are Jim Henson. He's now aware of how that affair plays out.I do not have self control/I am startin' to wonder/is this my free will or yours?

The track begins with Tyler very much in puppet-mode, willing to do anything. But in the middle of his offerings, the song pivots. We saw a similar pivot happen on that second verse from "A Boy Is A Gun." Tyler and the guy fight, make up, then the girl's presence causes another fracture. All in seven lines. There was also the bridge where Tyler romantically portrays the guy as a gun, then realizes, "Wait...you could be dangerous."

Here, Tyler is all sweet—You're number one, one on my list, to you I'm Santa—then completely pissed off after the guy seemingly mentions the girl—Where's Rudolph? You're parasitic.

The rest of the track is Tyler trying to reassert control of himself. My theory is that Kanye represents Tyler's "conscience," much in the way Jiminy Cricket did for Pinocchio. Which is why Kanye says, Did I wait too long? in the background of the chorus. Then talks to Tyler like a kind of mentor:You lost, son, and you've been tryna find your way to me. The song ending with Carmichael's "But at some point, you come to your senses" would seem to indicate Kanye is, if not Jiminy Cricket, some sort of grounded representation of Tyler.

A few of the background lines indicate the arrival of Igor on the next track.Yeah, we 'bout to scream/Catch me 'bout to scream...Cut me loose....Cut me loose.

What's Good

On the albumYeezus, Kanye tells the story of Yeezus, a character who uses extreme ego and bravado as a means of hiding the pain and longing and vulnerability he truly feels. The story is similar to Adam Sandler'sBilly Madison, in that both characters start off as bad people, then, over time, grow into better people. Tracks 1-4, Yeezus is his most egotistical and rebellious and independent. But tracks 5-8 show he's actually been heartbroken and is longing for love and only acts tough to mask his pain. On the penultimate track, he rejects the Yeezusian lifestyle of clubs and woman, opting, instead, for a chance at love. A chance Kanye describes on the closing track,"Bound 2."

I bring upYeezus because there are some direct and indirect connections on IGOR. "Bound 2" uses a sample called "Bound" by the Ponderosa Twins Plus One. Tyler employs that same sample on "A Boy Is A Gun." "Bound 2" also features Charlie Wilson, who Tyler included on "Earfquake."

The most explicit reference toYeezus is the interpolation of lines from "New Slaves."


Y'all 'bout to turn sh*t up

I'm 'bout to tear sh*t down


N****s turning it up, well, sh*t, I'm tearing it down

Hard to believe in God when there ain't no mirrors around

One of the iconic tracks fromYeezus is "I Am A God." Having just referenced one Yeezussong, is it wild to assume Tyler references a second?

I think Tyler's using the Igor character much in the way Kanye did Yeezus. They're the personas that help cope with heartache and pain. When you have, in Jerrod Carmichael's words, "[given] it everything that you can," what other option is there than to focus on yourself again?

Too much ego for too long is a problem, but a little bit here and there can be just what someone needs to get back on their feet.

What we get on "What's Good" is that outpouring of ego, thefull-blown Igor persona, that helps Tyler cleanse himself of the heartache and confusion that had consumed him. He re-establishes the free will he had lost.

Gone, Gone/Thank You

Carmichael ends "What's Good" with the quote: "I don't know what's harder, letting go or just being okay with it." What we see onGone, Gone/Thank You is Tyler reflecting on what happened between him, the guy, and the girl. Where the first part of the album was in the thick of the disastrous romance, this portion is beyond it. Up front, Tyler frames the relationship in the past tense:I know my temperature was set/You finally flew south.

Verse 2 reveals the girl won:I just hope to God she got the taste/to put you on some sh*t you never seen.

The song as a whole serves as a summary of the love triangle (through the metaphors of weather, construction, and tenancy), while showing Tyler's emotionally ready to get on with his life (though not quite ready for another relationship).

I Don't Love You Anymore

"I Don't Love You Anymore," is all about the next steps.I will speak up/And realize there's more fish in the sea, I'ma re-up...What now? Move it on, but how?

Can I have my heart back? is a surprising question after Tyler ended the previous track withBut I will never want to fall in love again. It seems like he's bouncing back (as we all eventually do). I won't walk around with my head down like I got beat up.

A thought emerges from Tyler's willingness to move on. With the tumult of the romance over with, is there still a relationship to be had? Something more platonic?But this might just be better for us, you know?That burgeoning question gives rise to the final track.

Are We Still Friends?

The sample of Al Green's song "Dream" washes over and through "Are We Still Friends?" Sometimes when a musician samples a song it's purely for the sonic qualities or the radio-appeal. Other times, musicians applysamples as an allusion. The purpose of allusion in music, cinema, literature, poetry, or fine art, is to add or contrast the context and meaning of the outside work to an artist's own.

One of my favorite examples of allusion is one of the final episodes of the TV showBreaking Bad. The allusion is in the episode title. "Ozymandias." The name alludes to thepoemof the same title, by Percy Bysshe Shelley. The poem's speaker tells of encountering a traveler who shares having found an immense but shattered statue in the desert, engraved with the lines:

'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings;

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'

The speaker then describes what's left of those works:

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Ozymandias thought he was more powerful than he was. The main character ofBreaking Bad, Walter White, has had a similarly poor journey with hubris. Given what we know of the poem, you can probably guess what happens to Walter in an episode called "Ozymandias." That's allusion and the power of allusion.

When you look at the lyrics of "Dream," they're all about a dream coming true and lasting forever. The application to "Are We Still Friends?" is pretty straightforward. Tyler hopes this dream of being friends with his ex can not only come true but also last. A guy can dream, right?

To that end, the second verse details how Tyler can make the friendship work:Don't get green skin, keep contact/Don't say, "Goodbye, smell you later."In other words: be kind, don't be petty.

This urge to stay friends has roots in Jerrod Carmichael's quote from"Gone, Gone/Thank You." There, Carmichael says, "I hate wasted potential. That sh*t crushes your spirit. It really does. It crushes your soul." Tyler can feel the potential he and this guy have (could be your favorite if you make it your friend). Because of that, he'd rather end up as friends than as nothing at all. The wasted potential would be far more upsetting than any other outcome.

You too cool for me, Tyler admits on "I Don't Love You Anymore."With that in mind, remember that the generic concept of "Igor" is an assistant to a scientist. Second fiddle to a more dominant personality. To fulfill the role of a loyal friend and a comical sidekick, who better than Igor?

'Igor' Explained: A Guide To The Story, Themes, And Devices Of Tyler The Creator's 2019 Album (2024)


'Igor' Explained: A Guide To The Story, Themes, And Devices Of Tyler The Creator's 2019 Album? ›

Igor follows a breakup story centered on a love triangle between Tyler, his male crush and his crush's female love interest. The narrative cycles through different stages of this complex, dynamic conflict, which finds Tyler at his happiest and most hostile, sometimes all at once.

What is the theme of the album IGOR? ›

Igor follows a breakup story centered on a love triangle between Tyler, his male crush and his crush's female love interest. The narrative cycles through different stages of this complex, dynamic conflict, which finds Tyler at his happiest and most hostile, sometimes all at once.

Why is Tyler's album called IGOR? ›

Themes and narrative

The character Igor is mentioned by name on the tracks "Igor's Theme" and "What's Good". Igor follows the Gothic "Igor" archetype as a villain's assistant and represents a darker, apathetic side of Tyler that is revealed.

Who was IGOR written about? ›

For starters, IGOR is about love. Specifically: unrequited love. If you believe the general (though disputed) reddit/r/OFWGKTA consensus, for some time now Tyler has been in love with someone called Wyatt, a nice looking young man previously seen in Instagram posts, interviews and paintings alongside T-dog.

Is IGOR an experimental album? ›

But overall, Igor is an experiment from Tyler done right. Just the storytelling of a relationship through 12 songs is great. Mixed in with the beat production of all 12 songs are extremely well made.

What is the moral of Igor? ›

The album's creation expresses the adventures of romance: initially explaining interest directly, the understanding of the impossibility of working romantically, leaving one to bask in anger, but eventually maturing.

What note is Igor's theme? ›

Uploaded on Sep 12, 2022
KeyD♭ major, B♭ minor
GenreHip Hop, Jazz
6 more rows
Sep 12, 2022

Did Igor hit number 1? ›

Igor debuted at number 1 on the Billboard 200 chart, earning Tyler his first number 1 album. Released to widespread critical acclaim, the album was ranked among the best albums of 2019 and the 2010s decade as a whole, even earning Tyler his first Grammy for Best Rap Album at the 2020 Grammy Awards.

What genre is Tyler, the Creator? ›

Tyler, the Creator
Musical career
GenresAlternative hip hop neo soul West Coast hip hop jazz rap hardcore hip hop horrorcore (early)
LabelsColumbia Odd Future Sony RED XL
Member ofOdd Future
12 more rows

What are the emotions of Igor? ›

We hear the Igor character experience some complicated and confusing emotions for the first time as he falls in love with a man, becomes violently angry when his love interest becomes involved with a girl, and finally realizes what he's become, getting over the crush and hoping to remain friends.

Is Igor about a guy? ›

"IGOR" follows the titular character stuck in a love triangle between his male crush, and his ex-girlfriend.

Did Igor win a Grammy? ›

As Tyler, The Creator took the stage to accept his GRAMMY award for Best Rap Album for 'IGOR' — his first golden gramophone — he brought two very special people up with him.

Why is Igor a masterpiece? ›

Deceptively Cohesive. The album fosters some fantastic songs, such as “EARFQUAKE” (featuring Playboi Carti), “RUNNING OUT OF TIME”, “ARE WE STILL FRIENDS”, and a handful of others. The album is deceptively cohesive, as it meshes together perfectly and almost makes the listener miss the transition into the next song.

What is the concept of the Igor album? ›

Igor is an album released in 2019 by Tyler the Creator. It tells the story of love and heartbreak through a unique style of sound.

What is IGOR known for? ›

Igor, or sometimes Ygor, is a stock character, a sometimes hunch-backed laboratory assistant to many types of Gothic villains or as a fiendish character who assists only himself, the latter most prominently portrayed by Bela Lugosi in Son of Frankenstein (1939) and The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942).

Is IGOR a human? ›

Being a doll created by Philemon, Igor ponders upon the question of whether he is merely a doll or perhaps even human. Thus, he shows an interest in human beings.

What is the central idea of the tale of Igor? ›

The main themes of the story are patriotism, the power and role of nature (at the time of the story, 12th century) and homeland. The main idea is the unity of people. The Tale has been compared to other national epics, including The Song of Roland and The Song of the Nibelungs.

What is the song of Igor's campaign about? ›

As in the great French epic The Song of Roland, Igor's heroic pride draws him into a combat in which the odds are too great for him. Though defeated, Igor escapes his captors and returns to his people. The tale was written anonymously (1185–87) and preserved in a single manuscript, which was discovered in 1795 by A.I.

Why Igor is a masterpiece? ›

Deceptively Cohesive. The album fosters some fantastic songs, such as “EARFQUAKE” (featuring Playboi Carti), “RUNNING OUT OF TIME”, “ARE WE STILL FRIENDS”, and a handful of others. The album is deceptively cohesive, as it meshes together perfectly and almost makes the listener miss the transition into the next song.

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