General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (2024)

Last Epoch has had a lot of updates and the game is definitely better than POE now.

Last Epoch (LE) has:

* Better smoother gameplay and animations than POE.
* Better and more manageable skill trees (not a convoluted mess like POE).
* Better graphics - LE is a much newer game than POE so this one is obvious and LE graphics have been updated and improved over time.
* Better music than POE.

Last Epoch is simply a superior game. However, when Diablo 2 Resurrected and Diablo 4 come out, they will no doubt be the kings of isometric ARPGs. But for now, Last Epoch is the best isometric ARPG out there.

Last bumped on Mar 19, 2023, 12:25:24 PM

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (1)

Posted by
on Mar 10, 2021, 9:36:13 AM

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id suggest you wait until that game is actually finished before marketing it so heavily.

does it even have multiplayer yet?

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (2)

Posted by
on Mar 10, 2021, 9:43:09 AM

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (3)

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General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (6)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (7)

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General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (10)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (11)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (12)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (13)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (14)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (15)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (16)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (17)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (18)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (19)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (20)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (21)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (22)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (23)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (24)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (25)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (26)

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It's always great to hear comparisons from people who haven't played the game.

And what about Torchlight 3? I thought that was your favorite arpg?

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (27)

Posted by
on Mar 10, 2021, 9:50:14 AM

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (28)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (29)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (30)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (31)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (32)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (33)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (34)

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To play devil avocate.

The characters design are awful & at time looks like abomination, even more so than PoE without MTX, as hard as it is to believed.

Why is my Rogue wearing a bermudas!!!!!

They need to hired some good concept & 3D character modelers

The character animations are awful, again, even worste than PoE, as hard as it is to believe as well.

The gears are one of the worse in ARPG. Rares, which are the usual BIS, has 4 stats, & are super boring stat sticks. Uniques for most part are underwhelming, even more so than PoE.

The skill treeS (yes, with a big S) are however, blows poE & every other games out of the water. Also its easy ot understand & the the points you put significantly chnage a skill to your needs.

& on top of that they have passive treeS.

If LE improve their end gamem, character design (over time) & have a working MP, & improve the gears, it easily win PoE.

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (35)

Posted by
on Mar 10, 2021, 9:56:23 AM

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Come back one month after it's been released and tell us about it. We're a patient bunch. Until then, you're just taking up space here.

Last edited by Shagsbeard on Mar 10, 2021, 10:07:07 AM

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (36)

Posted by
on Mar 10, 2021, 10:06:55 AM

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I love Last Epoch, but that game is still in early access. I disagree with many of the points you make actually despite how much I like the game.

* Better smoother gameplay and animations than POE.

No, there is just less of them. The gameplay experience right now comes to a halt once too much is going on on the screen, e.g. playing a Voidknight with Void Rifts, repeating spells like the Ice version of Elemental Nova etc. etc.

* Better and more manageable skill trees (not a convoluted mess like POE).

Path of Exile is not as convoluted as you make it out to be, it actually is very well organized. Sure, it is complex, but there is a difference between not understanding an organization and claiming a lack of aforementioned. LE right now just lacks a lot of the depth that PoE has already.

* Better graphics - LE is a much newer game than POE so this one is obvious and LE graphics have been updated and improved over time.

The art style is different. Better? Maybe. Up for debate.

* Better music than POE.

If Kamil could read this he'd be very offended right now. The musical score in Path of Exile is one of the BEST things about the game. The music in LE is great, no doubt, but far behind the pure richness of the PoE score.

The game has many issues that I hope will be solved with time. I play LE on and off and come back for every other patch, but it's not quite there yet.

The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (37)

Posted by
on Mar 10, 2021, 10:09:26 AM

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General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (40)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (41)

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In the end both PoE and LE (and TL3, GD, and all the other arpgs pretenders), are just place holder for the Diablo franchise.

PoE and LE are niche games. PoE has a few hundred thousand play at peak league starts, but then dwindle into barley 5 figures in the weeks that follow.

D2R and D4 will be in the multiple millions. So what does that mean in the end? Play what you enjoy. Maybe that's PoE, maybe its LE, maybe its both.

Better, more fun, more diverse, etc... is purely subjective on a relatively small scale player count wise.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (42)

Posted by
on Mar 10, 2021, 10:14:06 AM

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (43)

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I have no idea where the confidence in D2 or even D4 comes from. D2 remastered will attract a large group at launch, then only the extremely devoted fans will remain. D4 could be another cyberpunk, as I’m pretty convinced many hyped AAA games will be until the industry improves as a whole. Not necessarily buggy per se, but marred by overpromises and predatory/manipulative monetization.

I don’t think PoE’s monetization is perfect either, but I have a strong hunch ActiBlizz will stoop really low with Diablo-brand titles. Just wait - some p2w scheme or another will come to light.

We're all in this leaky boat together, people.

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (44)

Posted by
on Mar 10, 2021, 10:24:28 AM

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General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (46)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (47)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (48)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (49)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (50)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (51)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (52)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (53)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (54)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (55)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (56)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (57)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (58)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (59)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (60)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (61)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (62)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (63)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (64)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (65)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (66)

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Man, remember when wolcen was gonna CRUSH PoE?

Second-class poe gamer

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (67)

Posted by
on Mar 10, 2021, 10:28:32 AM

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (68)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (69)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (70)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (71)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (72)

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (73)

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demon9675 wrote:

I have no idea where the confidence in D2 or even D4 comes from. D2 remastered will attract a large group at launch, then only the extremely devoted fans will remain. D4 could be another cyberpunk, as I’m pretty convinced many hyped AAA games will be until the industry improves as a whole. Not necessarily buggy per se, but marred by overpromises and predatory/manipulative monetization.

I don’t think PoE’s monetization is perfect either, but I have a strong hunch ActiBlizz will stoop really low with Diablo-brand titles. Just wait - some p2w scheme or another will come to light.

Because, despite what you may have read on these forums, or edgy reddit threads, the entire Diablo franchise is fabulous.

D1, D2, D3 are all great games enjoyed by millions.

Dont get yourself all twisted up because somebody said D3 looked "cartoonish" or some bullsh*t. Hell in PoE we literally have emo clown clown mtx with glimmerwood wings and ridiculous pets.

So yes, D2R and D4 will be MASSIVE. PoE wont die or any other ridiculous hyperbole, but again it will be enjoyed by a much smaller fraction of players.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln

Last edited by DarthSki44 on Mar 10, 2021, 10:31:25 AM

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (74)

Posted by
on Mar 10, 2021, 10:29:44 AM

General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (75)

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General Discussion - Last Epoch is definitely better than POE now, and here's why..... - Forum - Path of Exile (2024)
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