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Self-acceptance and self-love are paramount and help contribute to a sense of wellness and, if you will, soundness of mind and soundness of body. Big noses, breasts (small or large), wrinkles, and so on are all a part of life. We can choose to live with them and accept them as a rite of pas- sage, or we can mourn every perceived flaw and evidence of loss of our youth. The problem is, most of us place too much emphasis on the superficial (wrinkles and such) and not on the more meaningful and long-lasting results of health, fitness, and good nutrition. We lose sight of the things that are most important and get caught on the liposuction treadmill. I believe that a healthy makeover can result in dramatic physical changes. Rather than submit to the knife to achieve these results, you will, as Jaime says, find the time in your busy day to honor yourself through some soul-searching and physically challenging and spiritually rewarding exercise and eating. The Ultimate New York Body Plan may (and probably will) leave you crav- ing for more. The mores in this instance, however, will be exercise and good nutrition. You will see that the best and longest-lasting results are achieved with that one-two punch. In upcoming chapters, you will learn about each element of the program: moti- vation, fitness, and nutrition. The Ultimate Body Plan fitness and nutri- tion plans are extreme and strict. You will need a certain amount of fitness and nutritional know-how going into the core program in order to achieve success. The following tests will help you to assess your physical, mental, and nutri- tional readiness for the core program of the Ultimate New York Body Plan. FITNESS TEST To assess your readiness for the exercise portion of the Ultimate New York Body Plan, answer the following questions: 1. Can you do a regular freestanding squat 10 to 15 times Y N without stopping? With your weight evenly balanced on both feet, bend your knees and sit back over your heels as you push your butt out. Can you hold yourself in the low position of a push-up Y N for at least 10 seconds? Can you hold yourself in a plank—the up position of a Y N push-up—for at least 10 seconds? Can you perform 20 jumping jacks without feeling pain Y N in your knees or back? Can you sit on a stability ball with your knees bent and Y N feet flat on the floor without losing your balance? From a seated position on a stability ball, can you walk Y N out into a bench press position, with your upper back and shoulders against the ball and feet on the floor and then walk back up to the seated position without losing your balance? Can you perform the following cardio routine for five Y N minutes without a break? Scoring Key: If you answered no to any question 1 through 9 and ranked your exertion a 4 or 5 for question 5, you are not physically ready to start the core program of the Ultimate Body Plan. You will still be exercising and improving your fitness—and body—with a routine that fits your current fitness level. B I have a busy lifestyle and eat fast food three or four times a week out of necessity. C I turn to fast food on rare occasions, and when I do, I stick with the salad and grilled chicken sandwich. If you circled B two or more times, you may also find the program difficult. Turn to the section titled the Ultimate Makeover Nutrition Preprogram later in this chapter to start the Ultimate Body Plan preprogram. If you scored well on the fitness test, you may start the Ultimate Body Plan while completing the nutritional preprogram. Complete the routine in a circuit, moving directly from one exercise into the next without a break, if possible. Cycle through the entire routine two to three times, taking as little rest as possible and totaling about 30 minutes of continuous exercise. CARDIO SCULPTING Do… I ONE MINUTE OF JUMPING JACKS WHILE HOLDING THREE-POUND DUMBBELLS. I ONE MINUTE OF CROSSOVER PUNCHES WHILE HOLDING THREE-POUND DUMB- BELLS. Punch your left fist out diagonally, ending at torso level in front of your right ribs, completing a crossover punch. Pull back as you bend your knees, as if you were ducking an incoming punch. Repeat on the other side as you extend your legs, driving up from your heels and into your butt. To do an uppercut punch, do the following: With your left elbow against your ribs and your knuckles turned up, punch upward, THE ELEMENTS OF YOUR ULTIMATE SUCCESS 15 TLFeBOOK as if you were punching someone in the jaw under the chin, trying to lift him off the ground. To do a hook punch, lift your bent left arm so that it is parallel with the floor. Throw a hook punch, as if you were trying to hit someone on the side of the jaw. Continue to bend your knees as you bend forward from the hips, placing your palms against the floor under your breastbone. Press your hands into the floor as you jump and extend your legs behind your body, coming into a push-up position. Bend your right knee and jump it in, bringing your right thigh under the right side of your torso. Jump your right leg back as you simultane- ously bend your left knee and jump it in. Once you are hovering just above the floor, exhale as you push up to the starting position. THE PLANK Hold your body in a plank position, sim- ulating the up part of a push-up for 30 seconds. Try to lengthen your entire body, reaching back through your heels and forward through the top of your head. Grasp a dumbbell in each hand, extending your arms toward the ceiling above your chest. Exhale as you press your arms back together, as if you were hugging a large oak tree. Grasp a dumbbell in your right hand and extend your right arm toward the ceiling. Bend your right elbow as you lower your right hand toward the floor behind your head. CRUNCHES Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Draw your navel toward your spine, tuck in your tailbone, and exhale as you lift your shoulders. Extend your legs toward the ceiling, forming a 90 degree angle with your body. Exhale as you curl your tailbone up and in, scooping out your lower belly and reaching your feet toward the ceiling. Place your feet under your hips, bend your knees slightly, and tighten your abs. Exhale as you curl the dumbbells toward your upper arms, keeping your elbows in close to your ribs. Place your feet under your hips, bend your knees slightly, and tighten your abs. Place your feet under your hips, bend your knees slightly, and tighten your abs. Bend your knees and stick your butt out, stopping once your knees bend 45 to 90 degrees. Bring your body weight back onto your heels as you bend your knees and squat down while pushing your butt out. If you scored well in the fitness test but need some time adjusting to the nutrition component of the plan, you can take some smaller steps toward the full nutrition plan by breaking it down into two phases. Week 1 During the first week, ease yourself into eating regularly and preparing most of your meals. Give up fast food this week, and begin to cre- ate time to cook and brown-bag your lunch. I also want you to give up soda and fruit juice, including diet varieties. Finally, get in the habit of eating regular meals, including three main meals and two small snacks. Week 2 In the second week, start to transition your diet away from processed foods (anything that comes in a box, can, bag, or shrink-wrap) and toward whole foods. For example, instead of having T-bone steak, opt for skinless chicken breast. For grains, choose whole grain options such as quinoa and brown rice over pasta and white rice. The next time you pack or buy a lunch, make it full of vegetables and whole foods. Put your brain in whatever part of your body you are working at any given moment. When designing your meals, keep it lean and green—pair a lean protein source with a vegetable. Exercise every chance you get by using stairs instead of the elevator and avoiding escalators and moving walkways. When you are ready, try walking up two stairs at a time to really work your butt and thighs. Jogging up and down stairs is more challenging than working out on an exercise machine. Whenever you cheat or backslide on the program, punish yourself with 25 push-ups and 15 lunges. I have found that by living a sound life—physically, mentally, and spiritually—people often find a deep source of motivation. As I continue to grow as an individual, I understand the increasing importance and the delicate balance of staying motivated while living my life a way that engenders motivation in others. Motivation, as I understand it, is the drive to succeed above all obstacles and the willingness to challenge oneself to rise above the fray. You can (as I did) nur- ture, foster, and develop a strong sense of motivation at any time in your life. Too often, people underestimate the impor- tance of mental readiness when starting a fitness and eating program. You will use lightweight dumbbells, a stability ball, a med- 23 IIII Copyright © 2005 David Kirsch. The nutrition component of the program is definitely a little more extreme than the six- week program I outlined in Sound Mind, Sound Body. You will minimize calo- rie consumption and maximize fat and calorie burning. To accomplish this task, you must strictly adhere to my A, B, C, D, E, and F of nutrition outlined in Chapter 4, which basically means no alcohol, bread, starchy carbohy- drates, dairy products, extra sweets, fruit, and most fats. It takes commitment, motivation, strength, and stamina to pull all this off. The decision to do the Ultimate Body Plan is a decision to change your life. In wellness, there are no shortcuts, no quick pills or potions that will bring about instantaneous results. To get the maximum benefit from this program, you will have to reach deep down and find the drive, determi- nation, and motivation that will take you to successful completion. You will need to engage your mind and your body in a way that will ensure success over the course of the next two weeks and will also help you maintain and improve upon those results beyond the two weeks. The strength, perse- verance, and motivation you draw on will carry you through to the end, in the same way that these elements contribute to successfully running a marathon. Once you are committed to the task at hand, there is no backing down or turn- ing back. Once the goal is realized, all the training miles, aches, pains, and sacrifice seem worth it.

These new data on the cost of Department of Orthopaedics impotence statistics purchase 80 mg tadala black, vertebral fractures will have an im- Malmö University Hospital erectile dysfunction kegel purchase 80 mg tadala black with mastercard, pact on health economy calculations erectile dysfunction drug stores buy tadala black now. Vertebral fractures are one of the most important conse- quences of osteoporosis erectile dysfunction injection therapy cost discount tadala black 80 mg mastercard. Vertebral fractures can be divided Radiologically detected vertebral fractures into those detected radiologically in large populations and in the population those that come to clinical attention erectile dysfunction drugs kamagra buy tadala black in united states online. For the fractures detected in population surveys, the annual incidence at 65 years of the most cited study is from Rotterdam [1], which studied age in the EPOS study is approximately 1% per year for the additional cost of medical care (the incremental cost) women and 0. The figures for caused by incident hip and vertebral fractures using a clinical fractures are roughly one-third of this, and a third matched case–control design for the longitudinal follow- of these are hospitalized. The incident vertebral fractures were recorded by mor- partly differences in pain, but also differences in attitudes phometric comparison of spinal radiographs taken at an in hospitals and by the patients, in that doctors sometimes average interval of 2. The matched controls were do not take an X-ray of a woman over 50 years of age, if randomly selected from other participants after the Rotter- X-rays are taken some of them are misinterpreted [4], and dam study. The cost for a vertebral fracture was USD 1000 the patients have learnt that very little can be done. However, almost half of this difference was al- tect all vertebral fractures, we must have a campaign for ready present in patients before occurrence of the fracture. This will of course have implications, in that the fractures will be costly. However, there are fewer studies on the those that lead to hospitalization and all clinical fractures. The quality of life reduction was similar pitalization for osteoporosis-related vertebral fractures. The cost did not include all nurs- used data from national samples of patients with hospital- ing home costs and therefore the total cost will be higher. Patients the total costs for this small group of vertebral fractures with metastatic cancer or severe trauma were excluded. For 283 vertebral fractures, the where vertebral fracture accounted for over 400 000 total incremental cost in the case–control study was almost hospital days and generated charges in excess of USD 500 USD 2000 per year. In total, vertebral fractures were responsible for Thus, the estimates of cost to society are only prelimi- almost 70 000 annual hospitalizations, about one-fourth of nary. The definitive data for vertebral fractures are still be- the number due to hip fractures, and it was found that the ing acquired. It may be concluded that radiological frac- average total charge for vertebral fracture hospitalization tures have an increased incremental cost of USD 500 per was about half of that of hospitalization due to hip frac- year. However, the average length of stay was shorter for pected – in a US study, up to USD 10 000 during the first vertebral fracture than for hip fracture. In European study it was also noted that the hospitalization that study there was a marked difference in length of stay, cost of vertebral fractures was more than 50% of the aver- ranging from 0. It is more difficult to es- ropean Union the hospital cost of vertebral fractures was timate the total cost of all clinical vertebral fractures. The cost estimate lot study has shown a rather high amount in Sweden, with was done using the average cost per day in hospital in the direct costs of SEK 30000 and indirect costs that are almost various countries. A new large study has been started to verify this in fracture was estimated at 8%. All this indicates that the cost of vertebral fractures has been underestimated; it is All clinical fractures high, and is substantial even in compraison to hip fractures. These new data showing a higher cost than expected, and A pilot study for all vertebral fractures coming to clinical also a greater loss of quality of life then previously calcu- attention has been done in Sweden, where patients were fol- lated, will have an impact on health economy calculations. Melton III LJ, Gabriel SE, Crowson CS, A, Hofman A, Pols H (1999) Incremen- pital cost of vertebral fractures in the Tosteson ANA, Johnell O, Kanis JA tal cost of medical care after hip frac- EU: estimates using national datasets. Osteoporos Int 10:66–72 publication ahead of print) 383–388 (electronic publication ahead 2. Gehlbach SH, Bigelow C, Heimisdottir of print) Study Working Group (2002) Incidence M, May S, Walker M, Kirkwood JR 7. Zethraeus N, Borgström F, Johnell O, of vertebral fracture in Europe: results (2000) Recognition of vertebral fracture Kanis J, Önnby K, Jönsson B. Osteoporos Int 11: Costs and quality of life associated with porosis Study (EPOS). J Bone Miner 577–582 osteoporosis related fractures – results Res 17:716–724 5. SSE/EFI Work- J (2003) Hospital care of osteoporosis- ing Paper Series in Economics and Fi- related vertebral fractures. Disc degen- mal images, and complaints is still eration, facet degeneration and hy- unclear. Lumbar stenosis is a very pertrophy, and ligamentum flavum common reason for decompressive hypertrophy and calcification usually surgery and/or fusion. Various condi- participate in the genesis of a stenotic tions can lead to a narrowing of the condition in the elderly. These neural pathways and differential di- changes can lead to symptoms by agnosis with vascular troubles, also themselves or decompensate a preex- common in the elderly, can be chal- isting narrow canal. The investigation of stenotic lesions are more central or more lat- symptoms should be extremely care- eral, this classic dichotomy is less ful and thorough and include a choice M. Szpalski (✉) present in the elderly patient, in of technical examinations including Department of Orthopedics, Hôpitaux Iris Sud–Molière Longchamp, whom the degenerative process usu- vascular investigations. This is of ut- 142 rue Marconi, 1190 Brussels, Belgium ally encroaches both central and lat- most importance, especially if a sur- Fax: +32-2-3446606, eral pathways. Some less common gical sanction is considered to avoid e-mail: mszp@win. However, degeneration in the spine has some very specific Although stenosis and claudication were described as characteristics. The three-joint nature of the functional early as 1883 [14], the modern description of this pathol- unit and the intimate contact with neural structures as well ogy was performed by Verbiest [32] in the 1950s. Lumbar as the existence of a large avascular structure (the inter- spinal stenosis is a common condition in elderly patients vertebral disc) account for this specificity. Degenerative and also one of the most common reasons to perform spi- disc disease is by far the most common cause of lumbar nal surgery at an advanced age [31]. A bulging degenerated intervertebral disc to radiculopathy or neurogenic claudication can be caused anteriorly, combined with thickened infolding of ligamenta by various factors, of which a number are related to de- flava and hypertrophy of the facet joints posteriorly result generative processes. This situation is, hibit radiological images of degeneration on spine imag- however, not the rule and most stenotic patients do not ing, as well in symptomatic than in symptom-free patients present with true neurogenic claudication. The latter observation is interesting, as most patients we consider as stenotic as stenosis all situations in which with severe osteoarthritis of knee or hip present complaints, radiculopathy and/or claudication is present and compres- but many with severe images of degeneration are symp- sion of the dural sac and/or roots is found on imaging stud- tom free [3]. Furthermore, abnormal images on magnetic ies (with the exclusions of herniated discs, soft arthrosy- resonance imaging (MRI) do not predict in any way the novial cysts and tumors). The participation of congenital stenosis to the later Autopsy studies on large number of subjects have found development of symptoms is controversial. It seems that, disc degeneration, facet joints osteoarthritis, or osteophytes excluding the true severe achondroplasia and some other in 90–100% of subjects aged over 64 years [19, 34]. Iden- rare congenital conditions, the so-called congenital nar- tification of stenotic images in the middle and exit zones row canals are merely the extreme of the Gaussian distri- of the foramen have been made possible by MRI studies, bution of normal subjects as described above. This is fur- and stenosis has been found in up to 80% of subjects aged ther stressed by the fact that these subjects rarely have any over 70 years [25]. Furthermore, a poor correlation between troubles unless they develop degenerative changes. Classically, central stenosis and lateral between complaints and radiological changes must be very stenosis have been described as distinct entities. These complaints linked to stenosis are canal size is too narrow for the dural sac size that it con- sciatic pain due to the direct compression of neural struc- tains, stenosis occurs. The exact etiopatho- fore be stenotic for one person but not for another who genesis of the latter is still under debate, but the theory happens to have a smaller dural sac size. Lumbar spinal presented by Porter and Ward [22, 23] appears to explain stenosis is therefore a clinical condition and not a radio- (almost) the nature of this symptom. In addition, a poor correla- the differential diagnosis with claudication of vascular ori- tion between radiological stenosis and symptoms has been gin is of the utmost importance to find the adequate treat- reported [11]. It must be stressed that stenosis is not a ment and avoid useless surgical procedures. This means that the size of Differential diagnosis the canal is only one component in the pathogenesis of symptomatic stenosis. Lumbar spinal stenosis refers to a In elderly persons many concurrent pathologies are often pathological condition causing a compression of the con- present. Among these, vascular disorders can be a chal- tents of the canal, particularly the neural and vascular lenge in the differential diagnosis in both acute and chronic structures. If compression does not occur, the canal should presentations of spinal stenosis. The func- tions able to mimic a cauda equina syndrome are ruptured tional status of the spine has also been studied in relation abdominal aortic or iliac aneurysms, acute aortic dissec- to stenosis and the worsening of symptoms in extended tion, acute leg ischemia, and deep venous thrombosis. It has been shown that subjects with degenera- the more frequent case of chronic conditions it is arterial tive changes inducing a borderline canal diameter but with- insufficiency causing intermittent ischemia that most re- out complaints have abnormal patterns of motion in sagit- sembles neurogenic troubles. Presentation of intermittent tal extension recalling those in stenotic patients [30]. This leg pain and discomfort, usually during walking, shows, suggests a sort of proprioceptive protective behavior in sometimes subtle, differences between the two patholo- the case of potentially stenotic movements. In both claudications walking becomes impossible Some definitions need to be clarified. The classic symp- but only in neurogenic is stooping or sitting necessary to tom characterizing spinal stenosis is neurogenic claudica- alleviate the symptoms. The pathophysiology of this phenomenon is not en- both cases during a walking test whereas cycling is inter- tirely understood. In this expla- genic claudication descending stairs becomes impossible nation claudication is caused by the venous pooling in- obliging patients to walk downstairs backwards to adopt a 90 forward flexed position, going upstairs is usually without problems, in contrast to arterial pathologies which all stair walking difficult. Arterial claudication involves the posterior leg muscles only, sometimes the buttocks, perhaps the thighs, always the calf, but never the anterior muscles and the groin. In- termittent numbness (hypesthesia) in the sole of the foot may occur after exercise. In neurogenic claudi- cation elements other than the leg pain are often present: sensory-motor disturbances and low back pain. The diag- nosis is to be oriented by history (smoking, previous arte- rial disease, cold feet, previous lumbar problems, postural and occupation pain factors, walking stairs) and by a com- plete examination including appropriate orthopedic, neu- rological, and vascular tests. Given the age group involved, both pathologies may be present in the same patient. In these cases the differential diagnosis, especially if surgery is foreseen, may be a headache. Vascular and stenotic problems are maybe more frequently intercorrelated than generally assumed, and we advocate a basic vascular in- Fig. Myelography remains the only widely available examination patients it may be difficult to differentiate between lumbar enabling dynamic and upright assessment stenosis and diabetic polyneuropathy as the latter is also common in older individuals. Electrophysiological inves- tigations help to distinguish between these two patholo- gies although they are appear to be of more limited utility in the investigation of neurogenic claudication [1]. Central stenosis Central stenosis in the elderly is the result of a combina- tion of factors. Disc degeneration and collapse of the disc results in a uniform bulging of the posterior annulus, which encroaches the neural canal surface. In some cases symp- toms are present only in sagittal extension as a borderline stenosis may appear only in this position [30]. Also as a result of disc collapse a secondary zygapophyseal arthrosis with facet hypertrophy occurs, further diminish- ing the central canal at the intervertebral level. Due to this disc collapse and decrease in intervertebral height the often thickened ligamentum flavum [27] may age [28]. It must, however, be stressed that in the elderly buckle [24], thus further decreasing canal space at the disc central and lateral lesions very often both participate in level. Furthermore, fibrotic chondrometaplasic changes the stenostic pathology. This reduces the elasticity of the ligamentum, which may then bulge in the canal even if it Lateral or root canal stenosis keeps a normal thickness [24]. Several studies have shown a higher frequency of calcification of ligamentum flavum Lateral stenosis is defined as an entity in which a nerve in stenotic than nonstenotic subjects [28]. The extent of root, dorsal root ganglion, or spinal nerve is entrapped in these histological changes appears to be correlated with its pathway. The displacement due to facet hypertro- phy can critically narrow the canal. In contrast to isthmic spondylolisthesis, degenerative spondylolisthesis is self- contained and rarely reaches grade II. Claudication, or much more often sciatic pain, are the encountered symptoms in stenosis secondary to degenerative spondylolisthesis. This is related to the fact that degenerative spondylolisthesis is usually at one level, and the two level pathogenesis de- Fig. Central stenosis is rare in entrapment lytic spondylolisthesis but in some cases of L5–S1 displace- ment the posterior element can be pulled forward against root can be subject to compression secondary to the disc the body of S1, thus compressing the corda [35]. More of- collapse by approximation of the pedicles due to the de- ten the loss of height of the disc induces a posterior bulging, crease in disc height. Furthermore, hypertrophy of the which can trap the nerve root ion the foramen resulting in facet joint or other osteophytic changes can compress the lateral stenosis. The osteofibrous callus present at the isth- root at its entrance in the foramen or in the foramen itself mic fracture level can exceptionally become hypertrophic. Al- phytes at the insertion level of Sharpey fibers) are the rule though those conditions are usually discovered in younger in spondylosis, they seldom occur posteriorly.


  • Stomach pain
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Pale skin color
  • Loss of vision
  • Fluid buildup in the brain (cerebral edema)
  • Hernias often get larger with time, and they do not go away on their own.
  • Hepatitis B
  • Steroids
  • Follow a healthy, nutritious diet.

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Motor tasks and physiological implications Ia terminals on motoneurones of inactive Ia terminals on lower-limb motoneurones synergistic muscles of the lower limb involved in voluntary contraction the decreased presynaptic inhibition of hom*ony- At the onset of a selective voluntary contraction mous Ia afferents seen at the onset of a selective of one muscle impotence vacuum device purchase tadala black visa, presynaptic inhibition of Ia ter- voluntary contraction of a muscle is accompanied minals on motoneurones of the contracting mus- by increased presynaptic inhibition of the collaterals cle is decreased below its level at rest or during of these Ia afferents to inactive heteronymous mus- a tonic contraction with an equivalent level of cles erectile dysfunction in diabetes management order tadala black on line amex. This effect is highly selec- monosynaptic Ia connections are well developed in tive and of similar magnitude on both hom*ony- human subjects erectile dysfunction pills list buy discount tadala black 80 mg line, probably to provide the more elab- mous and heteronymous Ia terminals projecting to orate reflex assistance required for bipedal stance the motoneurones responsible for the contraction and gait impotence young buy 80 mg tadala black. The decrease in presynaptic inhibition one muscle erectile dysfunction on co*ke buy generic tadala black on-line, the Ia discharge from the contracting appears 50 ms before the onset of the movement, muscle will tend to excite motoneurones linked by persists unchanged during the first half of the ramp Ia connections. Enhanced presynaptic inhibition of Resume´ ´ 377 heteronymous Ia terminals to other motoneurone contraction resists the passive ankle dorsiflexion, pools prevents these pools from being activated. The increased pre- synapticinhibitionofthehom*onymousIaexcitatory Ia afferents to antagonists feedback contributes to this. During standing with- Presynaptic inhibition is increased on Ia afferents out support, the increased presynaptic inhibition of projecting to motoneurones antagonistic to the vol- soleus Ia terminals could contribute to the depres- untarily activated motoneurone pool. This increase sion of reciprocal Ia inhibition, through presynaptic becomes significant only when PAD interneurones inhibition of the Ia input to interneurones of recip- are activated by the peripheral feedback. Methodology Studying changes in the inhibition of a test H reflex Presynaptic inhibition in the upper limb elicitedbyaheteronymoustaporanelectricalstimu- In the upper limb, there is a slight decrease in pre- lus(D1)isthesimplestandmostconvenientmethod synaptic inhibition of Ia terminals to motoneurones for clinical use. There is a progressive decrease in of the contracting muscle at the onset of a volun- the amount of femoral-induced facilitation and in tary contraction, but this decrease differs from that heteronymous inhibition of the soleus H reflex with observed in the lower limb in several respects: (i) the ageing, and this must be taken into account when decrease is quantitatively less prominent; (ii) there investigating patients. The Over-interpretation of findings using prolonged lack of specificity in this slight depression suggests vibration of the hom*onymous tendon reticulospinal depression. A decrease in presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals has long been considered one of the spinal mech- Stance and gait anisms underlying the stretch reflex exaggeration characteristic of spasticity. This conclusion is, how- (i) Presynaptic inhibition of quadriceps Ia termi- ever, flawed: the method used to investigate pre- nals is decreased during standing without support synaptic inhibition was vibratory inhibition of the and in the early part of the stance phase of gait. In hom*onymous tendon, and the vibration-induced the early stance phase of walking, as in standing, the depression of the H reflex is then also caused quadriceps contraction may need to support much by post-activation depression and by activity- of the body weight. Thefor- bition of hom*onymous quadriceps Ia terminals then mer is decreased in spastic patients (see Chapter 2, observed assures that the excitatory Ia feedback is pp. During the stance phase, the triceps surae terminals in the lower limb of spastic patients with 378 Presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals hemiplegia. In the upper limb, presynaptic inhibi- REFERENCES tion of FCR Ia terminals is consistently reduced on the affected side of hemiplegic patients. Distribution of presynaptic inhibition on type-identified Patients with spinal cord lesions motoneurones in the extensor carpi radialis pool in man. Whatever the lesion in the spinal cord (traumatic, Journal of Physiology (London), 522, 125–35. Mechanical cutaneous stimulation alters Ia pre- multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), synapticinhibitioninhumanwristextensormuscles:asin- presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals is decreased gle motor unit study. The´ ´ level of presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals in nor- effectofDOPAonthespinalcord. Behavior of human muscle receptors when reliant terminals in patients with spinal cord lesions and in on proprioceptive feedback during standing. Reciprocalinhibition reflex exaggeration observed at rest or for the occur- betweenforearmmusclesinspastichemiplegia. In Progress in Clinical Neu- modulation of presynaptic inhibition of Ia terminals rophysiology,vol. Of particular interest was the finding that tion of Ia afferents during voluntary wrist flexion and in those patients who were examined on and off extension in man. Experimental Brain Research, 137, L-dopa medication, the amount of presynaptic inhi- 127–31. Inhibition of mono- synaptic extensor reflex attributable to presynaptic depo- improvement in bradykinesia and walking speed. Presynaptic and postsynaptic effects in the mono- the radial-induced D1 inhibition of the FCR H reflex synaptic reflex pathway to extensor motoneurones follow- is decreased in all types of dystonia. Archives Italiennes de the dystonia the more marked the decrease in pre- Biologie, 108, 259–94. Journal of Physiology the response of Golgi tendon organs to single motor unit (London), 210, 18P–20P. Methodological implications of the post-activation response of human muscle spindle endings to vibration of depression of the soleus H-reflex in man. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery the cortical command for voluntary movement in man. In NewDevelopments in Electromyo- effectofa*geandvoluntarycontractiononpresynapticinhi- graphy and Clinical Neurophysiology,vol. Tizanidine and electrophys- graphy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 89, 177–86. The audiospinal reaction in Parkinsonian patients reflects (1987) Difference in the amplitude of the human soleus H- functionalchangesinreticularnuclei. Differential paradox: excitatory and inhibitory effects of tendon vibra- effects of a flexor nerve input on the soleus H-reflex dur- tiononsinglesoleusmusclemotorunitsinman. Primaryafferent stretchandthepresynapticinhibitionofthegroupIapath- depolarization evoked from the sensorimotor cortex. Presy- afferents from forearm muscles to motoneurones supply- naptic inhibition evoked by muscle contraction. Amplitude Inhibitory casting decreases a vibratory inhibition index of modulationofthequadricepsH-reflexinthehumanduring the H-reflex in the spastic upper limb. Berlin: for the selective electrical activation of tendon organ affer- Springer Verlag. Depolarization of stimulus intensities when using surface electrodes in man. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 93, Journal of Physiology (London), 160, 62–93. Motor effects of vibratory pathwaysresponsiblefordepolarizationofprimaryafferent muscle stimuli in man. ChangesinpresynapticinhibitionofIafibresatthe tic reciprocal inhibition in the cat. Differences in hemiplegics and para- depressionoftheH-reflexinhumansubjects. Soleus H-reflex gain in humans walking monosynaptic reflexes in the lower limbs of subjects with and running under simulated reduced gravity. Inhibition of monosynaptic reflexes in the human genetic inhibition of motoneurones by impulses in group lower limb. Soleus dence for further recruitment of group I fibres with high H-reflex tests and clinical signs of the upper motor neuron References 381 syndrome. In vitro studies of prolonged Comparison of soleus H reflex facilitation at the onset of depression in the neonatal rat spinal cord. Journal of soleus contractions produced voluntarily and during the Physiology (London), 447, 149–69. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 84, 698– muscles to forearm motoneurones in humans. Gatingoftheafferent cramp and other occupational cramps, symptomatic volleyofthemonosynapticstretchreflexduringmovement hemidystonia and hemiparesis due to stroke. Jour- Pattern of monosynaptic heteronymous Ia connections in nal of Physiology (London), 426, 369–80. Electromyographyand mapping in dystonia reveals both endophenotypic traits Clinical Neurophysiology, 34, 67–72. Reflexexcitationofmusclesdur- mission on pathways mediating PAD of Ia and Ib afferent ing human walking. Seg- stimulation of group I afferents from flexor muscles mental reflexes and ankle joint muscle stiffness during co- on heterosynaptic facilitation of monosynaptic reflexes contraction of antagonistic muscles in man. Experimental produced by Ia and descending inputs: a test for Brain Research, 102, 350–8. Conditioning effect in single human motoneurones: a new Pierrot-Deseilligny, E. Evidence favouring presynaptic inhi- dependent hyperpolarisation of human motor axons bition of Ia fibres due to the activation of group III tendon produced by natural activity. Contribution of presynaptic inhibition of the soleus H reflex is temporarily peripheral afferents to the activation of the soleus muscle reduced by cortical stimulation in human subjects. Vibration-induced changes in EMG during human maneuver with segmental presynaptic inhibition. Pre- of muscle spindle discharge on the human H reflex and synaptic inhibition, EPSP amplitude, and motor-unit type the monosynaptic reflex in the cat. Cutaneous afferents are responsible for a wide range of sensations, but most are also capable of modula- Withdrawal responses ting motor behaviour through spinal, supraspinal Theseresponseshaveaspinalpathwayandarecom- and transcortical pathways. There is a tendency for monly but erroneously thought to involve a flexor clinicians to group all cutaneous afferents together, synergy activated by a nociceptive stimulus. With- and this creates confusion, leads to the usage of dif- drawal reflexes have a specific organisation, are rea- ferent terms for the same function and the same sonablystereotyped,andareelicitedbyconvergence term for different functions, and makes the systems of noxious and tactile stimuli (cf. A thesis of this flexion reflex, the corresponding pathways were book, addressed in many chapters, is that cutaneous named FRA (flexor reflex afferent) pathways. The nociceptive withdrawal vant pathways is inhibited by activation of pathways (flexion) reflex was subsequently shown to be poly- mediating short-latency FRA reflexes. The organisa- synaptic (for references, see Hunt & Perl, 1960), and tionoflong-latencyFRApathwayssuggeststhatthey this was confirmed by intracellular recordings from play a role in the generation of locomotor stepping motoneurones (R. Eccles & Lundberg, 1959;Holmqvist & the above responses can be generated by stimu- Lundberg, 1961). Further investigations showed that lating cutaneous afferents in isolation. In addition, administration of DOPA in the acute spinal cat cutaneous afferents contribute to shaping the motor suppressed short-latency FRA responses, releasing output through their extensive convergence on transmission in a long-latency FRA pathway, which interneurones interposed in pathways fed by mus- had a half-centre organisation, capable of gener- cleafferentsorcorticospinalvolleys(cf. Chapters3–7 ating alternating activation of extensors and flexors and 10), and onto PAD interneurones mediat- (Jankowska et al. However, when cutaneous and FRA volleys elicit different effects in Initial findings the same motoneurone(s), there is evidence for a specialised cutaneous pathway. Investigations of spinal reflexes received impetus from the work of Sherrington (1906, 1910)onthe Reflexes elicited by low-threshold nociceptive flexion reflex. He showed that, in the cutaneous afferents spinalised decerebrate animal, noxious skin stim- the toe extensor reflex of the cat uli excite flexors and inhibit extensors in the ipsilat- eral hindlimb (the flexion reflex), accompanied by This is the most clear-cut example of a specialised excitation of extensors and inhibition of flexors in cutaneous reflex. Gentle pressure on the central the contralateral limb (the crossed extension reflex). The ensuing movement gives rise to an impulse flow in FRA which is channelled back into the reflex already activated, so that its activity is reinforced and prolonged (see p. From data in Engberg (1964)(a), and modified from Schouenborg (2002)(b), Lundberg (1973, 1979)((c), (d)), and Baldissera, Hultborn & Illert (1981)(e), with permission. Background from animal experiments 387 response in the plantar flexors of the toes (i. This reflex is due ingmotoneurones,presumablydesignedfordiscrete to the activation of slowly adapting mechanorecep- movementsofthedifferentdigits(Sasakietal. This extensor activation Cutaneousreflexesduringlocomotionarealsomedi- is appropriate to avoid the stimulus. Inchronicspinal specific relationship between receptive field, acti- cats walking on a treadmill, tactile stimuli applied to vated muscle(s) and the resulting reflex withdrawal thedorsumofthepawevokeshort-latencyresponses has been revealed both in the rat and the cat (for involving the flexors during the swing phase, but review, see Schouenborg, 2002). The responses in ate cutaneous receptive field corresponding to the knee muscles are stronger and have shorter laten- skin area withdrawn by contraction of the partic- cies than those of ankle and hip muscles. This is illustrated for the recep- ternandtimingofactivation(i)distinguishtheabove tive fields for withdrawal reflexes involving the pero- responses from FRA-induced responses, which are neus longus, tibialis anterior and biceps of the cat in stereotyped and synchronous in all flexors, and (ii) Fig. Isolatedkneeflexion (ii) Nociceptors and, to a lesser extent, slowly early in swing is sufficient to overcome the obstacle adapting low-threshold mechanoreceptors provide touched by the pad dorsum, whereas the increased the afferent input to withdrawal reflex pathways. Projections to motoneurones innervating Reflexes in the forelimb slow- and fast-twitch motor units In the forelimb of the cat, low-threshold cutaneous A differentiation between FRA pathways and spe- afferents project to segmental interneurones inter- cialised cutaneous pathways has also been pos- posed in proprioceptive pathways (cf. Introduction, sible in the motoneurones innervating fast-twitch and Hongo et al. Alstermark & Lundberg, 1992; Chapter are excited from cutaneous afferents but inhibited 10,p. Burke, Jankowska & evokes highly specialised reflexes in digit motoneu- ten Bruggencate, 1970). A descending action on specialised reflex pathways from skin has been inferred because facilitation of cutaneous effects may occur without concomi- FRA reflex pathways tant changes in the FRA effects evoked from high- threshold muscle afferents. Flexor reflex afferents (FRA) (i) Rubrospinal facilitation of low-threshold cuta- neous excitation of extensor motoneurones inner- FRA include group III and, in the cat, group II vatingfastmotorunits(cf. Because of this convergence, above for specialised cutaneous pathways and in descending excitation of the relevant interneurones Chapter 7 for group II pathways. There are two may receive feedback reinforcement by impulses reflex patterns from the FRA: the short-latency evokedfromtheplantarcushionduringcontactwith (early) reflexes found in the acute spinal cat, and the ground (see Fig. There are di- There are multiple reasons to group these afferents synaptic reflex pathways (mediating both excitation together (cf. Lundberg, 1973, 1979, 1982): and inhibition to motoneurones) that operate only (i) They have a common action on motoneurones, with conjoint cutaneous and corticospinal inputs i. Lundberg widereceptivefield,which,formuscleafferents, (1973) speculated that the information from skin includes both flexors and extensors. The increased pre- andthismaybeexplainedbecausethedescend- synaptic inhibition of cutaneous afferents observed ing excitation of FRA interneurones (see below) during the dynamic phase of wrist flexion-extension requires information regarding activity in FRA movements in the awake monkey could function pathways. Following Background from animal experiments 389 intercollicular decerebration, FRA excitation (iii) Muscle contraction secondary to stimulation of flexors and inhibition of extensors is sup- of efferentsactivatestheFRAsystem(seeLundberg, pressed, and following an additional midline 1979). The term FRA is probably temwithamultisensoryinputmaythereforebeused a misnomer that has outlived its usefulness (Lund- to reinforce and prolong the descending command. Parallel descend- FRA reflexes ing excitation of FRA pathways mediating inhibition New perspective on the FRA concept to other motoneurone pools. Lundberg (1973, 1979) formulated the hypothesis that, during normal movement, pathways medi- Convergence of nociceptive afferents on ating short-latency FRA reflexes could provide selec- FRA interneurones tive reinforcement of the voluntary command from thebrain.

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A problem recently identified is the determination the basic design is to begin at about 80% of MTDs in paediatric trials that are lower of the adult maximal tolerated dose erectile dysfunction treatment atlanta ga buy tadala black 80 mg lowest price. Patients are than those defined in adult patients erectile dysfunction diabetes reversible discount tadala black, which may entered in cohorts and treated at increasing doses impotence may be caused from quizlet buy tadala black with mastercard. There is a well- three patients erectile dysfunction trick discount tadala black line, the dose is raised to the next established association between prior therapy level (usually a 20–30% escalation) impotence in young males order tadala black 80 mg, in succes- and reduced tolerance to myelotoxic drugs. If two or all three of these initially pretreated patients define MTDs that tend to be accrued patients experience dose-limiting toxic- lower than those determined in adult patients ity (DLT), the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) with minimal prior therapy, then application of will have been deemed exceeded. Finally, if one the paediatric MTD to less heavily pretreated patient amongst the initial three patients experi- paediatric patients, e. If six patients are needed, a dose escalation will occur if a total of one in PHASE II STUDY DESIGN six (i. Typically, the dependent variable can vary from study to study, but it generally is an objective all or none response variable falls into two categories: (a) Grade 3, 4 or 5 such as achievement of a complete or partial non-haematologic toxicity other than (1) Grade (>50%) response. Interim results are masked 3 nausea/vomiting; (2) Grade 3 transaminase from the participants until the study closes to elevation; and (3) Grade 3 fever/infection and accrual and response information for all patients (b) Grade 4 myelosupression, that lasts more has been established. There are three types of than 7 days, which requires transfusions twice in Phase II trial designs that depend upon the 7 days, or causes a delay in therapy exceeding study objectives. Phase I these studies, a fixed objective response rate is trials often require the evaluation of many dose specified for activity (null hypothesis), and the levels. At a given dose level, the probabilities of goal is to reject the hypothesis in favour of declaring that the MTD has been exceeded are the alternate hypothesis that the response rate is 9. Generally, since the ities of dose-limiting toxicities are respectively number of Phase II agents that can be tested 0. However, as and European investigators for the conduct of Simon33 pointed out, it is rarely advantageous to 110 TEXTBOOK OF CLINICAL TRIALS go beyond two stages. Two excellent references PHASE III DESIGN with regard to Phase II design are Simon33 and 34 33 These studies typically ask a randomised question Shuster the designs of Simon stop at the first about either survival or event-free survival (the stage only if lack of activity is demonstrated. Intent-to-treat is the analysis of choice the relative scarcity of patients with recurrent for efficacy, with other analysis done as sec- disease, designs that stop early for either lack of ondary supportive inference. The response would be event-free survival from the randomi- rate of the new study is statistically compared sation date. Makuch and Phase III studies are typically designed assum- Simon35 have provided methods to determine ing either proportional hazards or the cure model the sample size requirements for these studies. Randomised Phase II Comparison Nearly all Phase III childhood cancer trials are run either as two-armed studies or as 2 × 2 fac- Due to a limited availability of patients, it is torial studies. It is rare that sufficient numbers of exceedingly rare that a randomised comparison paediatric cancer patients are available to conduct of a new agent to a control is feasible in a three-armed studies, except perhaps in ALL, the paediatric Phase II study. The programme EAST38 A qualitative interaction between treatments A can be used for designs that allow for both and B would occur if a standard regimen plus A early acceptance and early rejection of the null is superior to the standard regimen alone, but the hypothesis that the new treatment is equivalent standard plus A plus B is inferior to the standard to the control treatment. For example, if a study is to randomise In paediatric oncology, with limited patient leukaemia patients to receive or not receive regi- numbers, only one or two cooperative Phase II menA,designedtohaveanimpactontheCNS, trials are conducted with each new agent, and while at the same time to receive or not receive all malignancies refractory to standard therapy regimen B, designed to have an impact on mar- are typically combined into a single paediatric row remission, a factorial design would seem Phase II trial, usually stratified by histology. Essentially, we can run two studies surprisingly, Phase II trials of novel multiagent for the price of one. If the two interventions have regimens provide greater evidence of activity much in common, this would be a contraindi- than single agent Phase II trials and offer cation for a factorial design. This can take the form of biologic studies, late effects, or zero or even harmful. These studies Phase III studies done in cooperative groups are designed on a case-by-case basis. Cases are defined as patients failing at planned intervals for efficacy, until it releases a protocol (typically a relapse) and controls the study to the study committee. These studies can be can occur no sooner than the earlier of (1) all done using sequential designs, typically two- subjects have completed the planned intervention stage designs. Other typical studies might look or (2) the study was closed early and a new at cognitive impairment (multivariate analysis intervention is needed for patients on one or of variance of neuropsychological variables), both arms. Any release prior to the planned date acute toxicity of a specified type (typical Chi- of final analysis requires approval of the board. ETHICAL AND OTHER SPECIAL Negative questions are often posed for paedi- CONSIDERATIONS AFFECTING CONDUCT atric cancer. For such studies, a very high cure OF TRIALS IN CHILDREN WITH CANCER rate of at least 85% has been shown possible on a conventional regimen. To vulnerable population of research subjects, often answer such questions with confidence requires grouped with other special classes, like the large numbers, and it is rare that even the entire mentally retarded, mentally ill and prisoners. For example, if a to all research involving children as subjects disease has a historical 4-year remission rate of which are covered by Subpart D of Part 46 of 90%, and an accrual rate of 200 patients per year, Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations a randomised study would take 6 years of accrual (45 CFR 46), requiring that institutional review (10-year duration) to have 95% power to detect boards (IRBS) give consideration to the degree a degradation to 85% under reduced therapy at of risk, the benefit to child subjects, the nature p = 0. While the benefits of reduced therapy Subsequent to the promulgation of the original may be obvious, such studies carry considerable rules, adopted in 1983 and modified in 1991, risk and must be carefully monitored for early there has been nearly continuous debate and evidence that the reduction in therapy is unsafe controversy surrounding safeguards for all human and is associated with an inferior outcome. Federal NIH policies promul- a major research university in which human gated in 1998 were aimed at increasing the par- subjects were not protected, adverse events had ticipation of children in research so that adequate not been reported and financial conflicts of data would be developed to support the treatment interest were involved, served to trigger several for disorders affecting adults which also affect new federal initiatives to further strengthen children, and rules mandated that children (i. As a result, the which impact the conduct of paediatric trials, ethical and regulatory framework within which there are also practical problems associated with paediatric cancer clinical trials are conducted, clinical cancer research in children. Due to an now and in the future, will continue to evolve, understandably greater concern for long-term and investigators must remain abreast. The frequency and severity of late the acute or delayed effects of cancer treatment effects also tend to progress with time off treat- on the growing child. For example, Lipshultz to enroll children in clinical trials as a result et al. International collabora- multivariate analysis showed that female sex and tion will probably be required in a substantial higher cumulative dose of doxorubicin were asso- segment of cancer types in order to obtain suf- ciated with depressed contractility, that there was ficient patient numbers to conduct randomised an association between younger age at diagnosis trials. Enlightened partnerships between industry and reduced left ventricular wall thickness and and academia, with the assistance of the FDA and increased afterload, and that the prevalence and NCI, will be needed for efficient development of severity of abnormalities increased with longer new agents. Tradi- of late effects of childhood cancer, the greatest tionally the field involved paediatric haematolo- challenge being data collection. Today, diagnostic imagers, bench scien- OF CHILDHOOD CANCER RESEARCH tists, geneticists, pharmacists, clinical psychol- ogists, health economists and others also play significant roles in the research. In the future, Despite the progress of the last half century there other fields of expertise will surely need to be remain a number of challenges in childhood can- added to the team. The focus of research in certain patient sub- disciplinary team and prompt referral of patients sets with very high cure rates will be on quality to paediatric cancer centres participating in clini- of life endpoints. For example, retinoblastoma is cal trials will be critical to achieving future goals curable in nearly 100% of cases, so preservation of refining and improving therapy. Cancer Incidence and Survival among Children and Ado- hood cancer will be developed which would be lescents: United States SEER Program 1975–1995. A geo- graphic analysis of cases from the Pediatric Coop- apoptotic pathways or blocking of anti-apoptotic erative Clinical Trials Groups. A lar proto-oncogenes or loss of tumour suppressor population-based study of the usefulness of genes are the proximate cause(s) of most forms screening for neuroblastoma. Progress against child- protein products will very likely be the targets hood cancer: the Pediatric Oncology Group expe- for the next generation of paediatric anti-cancer rience. The national impact of clinical coop- of contemporary therapies: a report from the erative group trials for pediatric cancer. Sem Oncol acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated with anti- (1980) 7: 332–9. Clinical lymphoblastic leukemia of childhood: a Pediatric characteristics and treatment outcome of child- Oncology Group study. J Clin Oncol (1992) 10: hood acute lymphoblastic leukemia with the 606–13. Child- and 5 among children with acute lymphoblastic hood acute lymphoblastic leukemia with the leukemia and high hyperdiploidy (>50 chromo- t(4;11)(q21;q23): an update. Cave H, van der Werff ten Bosch J, Suciu S delphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblas- et al. Clinical significance of minimal residual dis- tic leukemia in children: durable responses to ease in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Detection of minimal resid- positive pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia ual disease in acute leukemia: methodologic despite intensive chemotherapy. Systemic leukemia is associated with the t(1;19)(q23;p13): exposure to mercaptopurine as a prognostic factor a Pediatric Oncology Group study. Am J Ped Hematol/Oncol domyosarcoma and undifferentiated sarcoma in (1985) 7(1): 64–70. Pediatric oncology: regulatory of intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study Group initiatives. Optimal two-stage designs for single of adjuvant chemotherapy on relapse-free survival arm Phase II cancer trials. The impact of doxorubicin dose inten- for non-randomized comparitive studies. Contr Clin Trials (1999) tion of ifosfamide and etoposide to standard 20: 353–64. New Engl in the treatment of children older than 12 months JMed(2003) 348: 694–701. Link M, Donaldson S, Berard C, Shuster J, Mur- comparative clinical trials while allowing for cure. Results of treatment of childhood local- J Chronic Dis (1985) 38: 683–90. Matthay KK, Villablanca JG, Seeger RC, Stram III clinical trials of survival. Research involving children: recom- marrow transplantation, and 13-cis retinoic acid. Uniform approach to 116 TEXTBOOK OF CLINICAL TRIALS risk classification and treatment assignment for local or regional embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma: children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. J Clin results from the Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Oncol (1996) 14(1): 18–24. Biology and treatment of neurob- Benefit of intensified therapy for patients with lastoma. For example, in 1930, gastric cancer was the most common cancer diagnosis. Cancers of the gastrointestinal tract account for By 1994, gastric cancer had fallen to 12th in approximately 20% of all new cancer cases in incidence among cancers. In contrast, the rates the United States, and the same proportion of of colon and rectal cancer have remained very cancer-related deaths. Incidence rates for GI cancers also vary use a broad definition of GI cancer, including greatly worldwide: gastric cancer is tenfold more any cancer of a digestive organ. The TNM gallbladder, bile duct, liver, small and large intes- system has been widely adopted to describe the tine, rectum and anus. In addition to the high prevalence importance of early detection is clear, and some and the large number of cancer sites within the GI cancers are sufficiently frequent and amenable GI tract, the prognosis of patients with GI cancers to detection to allow cost-effective screening. For example, patients with can- In this chapter we will review, for the major cers of the large intestine, when discovered early sites of the GI tract, the important clinical trials in the course of disease, have 5-year survival that have been conducted. In contrast, the prognosis we will highlight the methodological and design for patients with pancreatic cancer is very poor, issues of these trials, in an effort to provide with a 5-year survival rate of less than 5% across insight into their results. In the past 50 years, the incidence rates well as presenting some of the most pressing for liver and gastric cancers in the US have issues for future research. Green  2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-471-98787-5 118 TEXTBOOK OF CLINICAL TRIALS OESOPHAGEAL CANCER advantage in disease-free survival in the treated group. In patients with localised disease (stage 1–3), the roles of patients, found a striking survival advantage for surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, alone or the combined modality pre-operative approach, in combination, have all been both advocated and with a median survival of 16 months in the questioned. In advanced disease, it seems clear multimodality arm compared to 11 months in that chemotherapy regimes have provided some the surgery alone arm (p = 0. Currently, the combined modality single modality, has been shown in two relatively pre-operative approach has been widely adopted, small randomised trials to provide no additional despite the conflicting evidence of benefit. These two trials, Additional controversy exists in this setting reported by Launois et al. Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) has Chemotherapy as a single modality added to conducted two randomised trials that have not surgery was investigated in 440 patients by included surgery as part of the treatment. The larger sample size of ation alone versus combined chemoradiotherapy. The two the study was stopped early (planned sample size modalities have also been compared to each other of 150 patients) when the first planned interim as single agents,4 andnodifferenceinpatient analysis showed a significant survival advantage outcomes were observed. The RTOG it seems clear that single modality therapy has then followed that study with a study comparing limited if any impact on patient outcome. The results in this regard have been benefit in the high-dose radiation arm. Four studies have been conducted, als to date have compared a surgical approach to three with negative results and one with a a non-surgical approach, such a trial would sci- positive conclusion. Historically, trials in this setting conclusion that the most important surgical prin- have tended to be small and underpowered for ciple is achievement, when possible, of a patho- detecting moderate effects on outcome. However, patients have improved post-operative quality of life if some of the stomach is retained, ADVANCED DISEASE and most surgeons resect only as much of the stomach as is needed to achieve pathologically Trials in advanced oesophageal cancer have free margins. The rich lymphatic networks of been plentiful, though attention in this setting the stomach can sometimes result in apparently has focused more on Phase II trials than ran- clear margins, yet residual intralymphatic disease domised Phase III trials. It is clear that progress has been made; cations regarding post-operative treatment, and over the last 20 years median survival for suggests a potential role for adjuvant radiation advanced oesophageal cancer has increased from to the tumour bed and regional structures. The empha- Many surgeons, particularly those in Japan, sis on Phase II trials, in an attempt to find a advocate extended lymph node dissections as promising new approach, is certainly appropriate a means to improve outcome due to the cen- given the modest results available from current tral location of the stomach with many lymph chemotherapies. In a landmark study the Dutch Gastric Cancer Group employed a single Japanese surgeon to GASTRIC CANCER train participating Dutch surgeons to perform the classical Japanese extended lymphadenectomy. Three-year that these numbers imply likely results from survival rates were 56% and 58% respectively for a better natural history than oesophageal or the two cohorts, suggesting no advantage to more pancreatic cancer, early detection via endoscopy, aggressive surgery.

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In the intermittent group one was 44 years best pills for erectile dysfunction yahoo order tadala black 80 mg line, the mean FEV1 in percent of pre- should not expect effects of any considerable dicted normal was 70% and the mean reversibility magnitude because the lung function is close to was 24% erectile dysfunction treatment jaipur purchase generic tadala black canada. All patients were on inhaled steroids normal erectile dysfunction quiz test cheap 80 mg tadala black, and the patient is impotence vacuum pump purchase tadala black 80 mg mastercard, for most of the time erectile dysfunction pill identifier discount 80 mg tadala black, when entering the study – the mean daily dose symptom-free. Thus the patients, patients often have obtained an irre- population must be characterised as being mod- versible component to the disease and therefore erate–severe. If the patient withdrew from the study before of the four treatments, simple mean values are the 90th treatment day, the mean of the last expected to produce a bias towards no effect. At three recorded days is extended from the least when comparison is done to placebo: in this last recorded day plus one to day 90 post- group there were more withdrawals and many of randomisation. This will introduce a selection bias subtract that from all daily means. The way this mean is computed for the run-in period, which is is done is as follows: used as a baseline, and then for the treatment period (from the day of randomisation and 1. The change from baseline is used as all missing values between the first and the last effect variable, and the analysis is an ANOVA recorded day for each patient. The following table shows the no asthma symptoms and no rescue medication adjusted mean values for the effect variable was needed. The percentage of such days is for the four treatment groups, adjusted to a often a useful variable, at least in studies on common baseline value (the mean over the full mild–moderate asthmatics. Another approach to diary card data is to mea- 95% Confidence sure time to first exacerbation. In a population Treatment Mean SEM limits like this, this is not expected to produce better placebo −10. Morning or evening PEF should be more than data, the explanatory power of the analysis is 20% below the period mean during run-in. The patient woke up during night-time and by first computing individual period means. Symptom scores and rescue medication are however variables for which the average value By scanning the diary cards we can, for each is not necessarily easy to interpret. Symptom patient, compute the time to first exacerbation, if scores are really ordered categorical data, and there is one, otherwise the patient is censored. We see a picture similar to rescue medication, the problem is mainly that that conveyed by the period means. Statistically we use the mean as a measure of location for we can compare groups either by log-rank tests a distribution which, for some patients, might be or semiparametric Cox regression. Also the distribution of period means over below treatments are compared to placebo based patients may well be skew. At ratio limits p-Value least the former is often for mild patients a A 200 µgvs 0. This idea can be carried one step placebo further: we can introduce the concept of an B 200 µgvs 0. Kaplan–Meier plot of the time to a mild exacerbation We see that the hazard for a mild exacerbation to the last one). As expected in this Such a study needs a detailed definition of what patient group, the results are, from a statistical is meant by asthma control. There is no such point of view, somewhat weaker than the ones universal definition, but lack of asthma control is obtained from the analysis of period means. So the working definition above could be used, and the algorithm is to step A Dose Reduction Study down until a mild exacerbation occurs. To compare the efficacy of two GCSs, a ran- In such a study the diary card variables per se domised, double-blind parallel group study with are not of independent use, they should not be two treatment arms (one for each GCS) was compared between groups, except possibly the designed. Instead it is expected tive dose potency by starting each arm on a high that the mean values are similar in the two dose of the GCS, treating for some weeks, step- arms over the treatment period, what varies is ping down the dose and treating for some weeks, the underlying dose producing those effects. This is done until effect variable of interest is the MED, which is the asthma is no longer controlled. On the one hand RESPIRATORY 391 it will be rather discrete in nature, with only a Moderate: the patient has breathlessness on few possible levels. On the other hand the most exertion and FEV1 in the range 40–60% of informative way of expressing the result is to predicted normal. The most appropriate way into two groups: symptomatic effects and disease to do this is to regard the data as interval censored modifying effects. This decline in lung function dose–response studies, it is informative for the leads to progressive symptoms and diminished interpretation of the results to relate the observed exercise endurance. This to the alleviation of symptoms and improvement can be done within a study, so that the patients of quality of life, whereas disease modifying are put on a heavy treatment, consisting of a effects are effects that lessen the decline rate in high dose of a GCS and a long-acting β2-agonist lung function. It during run-in, in a period after a run-in period should lead to improved symptoms, fewer exacer- or by adding on a period at the end of the bations and better performance on exercise tests. The purpose of Many drugs that were originally anti-asthma this is to be able to quantify the response in drugs have been tried, and licensed, for the terms of what can actually be achieved in the COPD indication. If we put this reference be due to the reversible component that many period at the end of the study, we must make COPD patients have in their disease – in other certain that all patients, including withdrawals, words an anti-asthma effect within the COPD. In pass it in order to avoid having problems with order to claim effects above this, studies have a selection bias. If we put this reference period been performed in which one tries to exclude before randomisation, we might have carry-over patients with reversible components by using effects into the randomised treatments with their exclusion criteria on patients with a reversibility potential problems. To claim that short- as reference often helps in the interpretation of term effects seen in the population are due to the results. However, regula- the patient has FEV1 > 60% of predicted tory requirements make FEV1 the primary effi- normal, no breathlessness and is in general cacy variable in COPD studies – at least as of unknown to the health care system. In fact the intensity of the rhinitis is dependent on pollen CPMP guidelines require two primary efficacy counts in the air, and lack of treatment effects variables in COPD studies – one should be FEV1 can well be due to insufficient pollen exposure. Prevention of exacerbations is perhaps the most One of the challenges for drug development is important aspect of COPD treatment, so a 6- to prove that a new treatment is therapeutically month study is the minimum. In the area of A COPD drug which claims disease modifying respiratory diseases this problem appears in two properties has a heavier burden of proof on different settings – when we want to register a it. The effect of disease modifying is that the new formulation, most often a new inhaler, and rate of decline in lung function is reduced. The statistical analysis should focus on the rate of decline, Bioequivalency of Two Devices which could be done using a linear mixed Bioequivalency refers to a specific problem. Assume that a drug is delivered as a tablet or in some other form, such that it must pass through Rhinitis Trials the bloodstream before reaching its site of action. Classification of rhinitis patients into groups Then the plasma concentration profiles of the according to severity is lacking. This reasoning division is between occasional and continuous is the rationale for the bioequivalence concept: expression of symptoms, i. The rhinitis lent, show that the plasma concentration profiles symptoms are the same, so the measurements, are sufficiently similar. As already logically infer that the therapeutic effects are suf- indicated symptoms are often recorded in diary ficiently similar to have the same therapeutic cards for blockage, runny nose, sneezing/itchy effect. This is in general a rather straightfor- and eye symptoms, and the sum of the first three ward problem, requiring only small pharmaco*ki- make up the Combined Nasal Symptom score netic studies. We reduce the general question of similar rhinitis lies more in the study design/conduct. For plasma concentration curves to key measures of perennial rhinitis the situation is similar to that rate and extent of absorption, including AUC. For hay fever, however, bioavailability of the two formulations and the the study must be conducted over a rather short requirement is that the ratio of the means (anal- period of pollen exposure. What makes these ysed under a multiplicative model) should have trials more difficult is that ideally the patients confidence limits within 80–125%. Thus plasma concentrations cannot response is similar, but also that there is a similar predict effect by pure logic! These are, rela- dose does not by logic imply the same effect tively speaking, simple studies to perform. For that reason, to bridge from one inhala- study – when are two inhalers considered to be tion device to another is not necessarily a sim- similar? There seems to be two approaches used ple case of measuring plasma concentrations. One is to use the word of this writing there is substantial confusion on comparability. This is, for good reasons, not well how to proceed with bioequivalence studies for defined and essentially means that there is a inhalers. We will discuss some aspects of the dose–response relationship on each device and problem here. Thus there is particles, and these will be deposited differently no true statistical decision plan associated with depending on size. To give an equivalent effect, the study and it is not used as proof per se, we therefore need equivalent in vitro performance only as supportive information to what in vitro of the two inhalers. The other approach is we assume that in vitro data is similar for the strictly statistical. At present, in the case of bioequivalency appears in the bloodstream does not have to for pMDIs for albuterol (salbutamol in the US), have passed the site of action, systemic exposure, FDA requires that the 90% confidence limits for as measured by drug concentrations in the this parameter should be contained in the inter- circulation, is not necessarily enough to conclude val 2/3–1. However, similar systemic exposure not clear, but they imply that the mean effect is should be sufficient to deduce similar systemic so similar for the two pMDIs that they could be effects, and therefore reduce much of the question switchedonthemarket. The problem is that in most spray it is hard to see how it can fail to do so. Marketing Therapeutic Equivalence If we consider a bronchodilator as an example, we need the drug to hit the receptors of the the other aspect of therapeutic equivalence is contracted muscles. To check that the drug has to show that a new treatment is as effective as hit these, we can therefore do a pharmacody- an old one, whereas it has some other benefits namic study, e. FEV1 is followed for a number of hours, or a Proving that two treatments are equivalent bronchoprovocation study if that is preferred. A has, however, a long history in the context of suggested design is to study two or three doses medicine. The traditional way was to misuse the 394 TEXTBOOK OF CLINICAL TRIALS p-value technology – if we could not demonstrate dose of A that has the same effect as treatment a difference (p > 5%) the treatments are equal. This is because half the dose has less now acknowledged by most, but not all, work- effect and twice the dose more effect. A theoretically valid approach itly this assumes that the clinical response to a became legitimised by the ICH guidelines,29 suboptimal dose is to double this, which is what which defines an algorithm borrowed from the is done with most drugs in the respiratory area. First you prespecify some limits (cor- responding to the 80–125% above) and if your Often one tries to establish the therapeutic 95% (sic! Basically I do not think this val, you can declare therapeutic equivalence. This is the way to go about this kind of problem – in approach is however complicated, when your most cases it is probably a problem that should effect scale has no obvious interpretation, like a be discussed in terms of therapeutic ratio, as lung function scale or a symptom scale. However, whether to forsee that this can actually be done in the a drug ends up being superior or inferior to field of respiratory medicine, since many effect what is on the market is not determined by what changes mean different things depending on what dose it is given in. The therapeutic ratio for a drug relates key there is to translate from the effect scale the positive effect to the negative effect. Also assume, for the time being, ple doses, and when two treatments (drug plus that the dose–response curves for positive and inhaler) are to be compared, at least one of negative effects are parallel. Then a therapeutic them can in general be varied on some kind of ratio for this drug of 2 means that twice as dose scale. Thus we can define prove that dose a of a treatment A is therapeuti- the therapeutic ratio for drug A as TR(A)= cally equivalent to a treatment B (dose need not ED50(side-effect)/ED50(effect). If we have two be specified), we can study doses a/2 and 2a of A drugs, we can define the relative therapeutic (not dose a! By assuming a lin- index of A to B as TR= T R(A)/T R(B),which ear dose–response relationship (versus log-dose) is equivalent to the ratio ρ(effect)/ρ(side-effect), for A, we can estimate the dose of A that has the where ρ is the relative dose potency for the same effect as treatment B. Now, if the 90% confidence limit for the relative therapeutic index, but also confidence RESPIRATORY 395 intervals to the estimate, by assessing the relative means together with straight line approximations dose potencies. Moreover, we can define the to the dose–response curves for each variable. From it only requires that the dose–response curves these straight lines we can estimate the relative for efficacy are parallel and the dose–response dose potency, as discussed earlier, for each curves for the side-effect are parallel. We can variable separately: estimate the therapeutic index by combining effects from two studies – one on efficacy and 95% Confidence one on side-effect, but better still is to obtain all Variable ρ limits the information in one study. The first problem to solve is the precise FEV 147 65, 534 1 definition of outcome variables, both positive and S-potassium 60 41, 91 negative. It is therefore Thus we see that in terms of efficacy, the long- important that the precise objective is spelt out acting drug A is almost 150 times more efficient and the outcome variables related to this. A is 60 times more potent, so from this data we see that the relative therapeutic index is estimated Example: Estimating the Relative Therapeutic to be 146. To obtain confidence Index limits is somewhat involved since we need to take In order to assess the relative usefulness of a into account the covariation of the two variables. The study was of crossover design with single- the conclusion from this is, that in terms of the dose administrations and serial measurement of variables of this analysis treatment A is estimated both variables taken. Of course, this result index we need many patients, relatively speaking, is not better than data. We crossover study was designed with the following can repeat the analysis by only incorporating the single dose treatments: placebo, 6 µg, 24 µg doses 24 and 72 µgofA and 1800 µgofB for and 72 µgofdrugA and 200 µg and 1800 µg serum potassium. Each treatment period consisted of a single dose administration which was OTHER ISSUES followed for 4 hours and from each experimental sequence the maximal FEV1 value and the PHASE IV minimal S-potassium value was extracted for statistical analysis. We with competitor products in order to demonstrate see (period and baseline adjusted) treatment the advantages of the new product. This has been 396 TEXTBOOK OF CLINICAL TRIALS 124 100 98 120 96 94 116 92 112 90 88 108 86 104 84 100 101 102 103 100 101 102 103 Dose Dose Figure 22. Adjusted mean values for each treatment and outcome variable discussed in previous chapters and will not be devices, consultations with physicians, emer- repeated here. In addition to that, special safety gency room visits and hospitalisations.

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Tarok, 37 years: In some respects they are a marketing tool, 1 THE A–Z OF MEDICAL WRITING enabling potential readers to decide whether they should read the paper in detail. On each trial, the animal ini- tially pressed a sample lever presented in one of two positions in a test chamber, then maintained the memory for several seconds, and then finally demonstrated the mem- ory by choosing the alternative lever when both were presented in the nonmatch phase of the trial. In the next section, this formalism is used for the dynamics of the nervous system.

Georg, 29 years: Saline laxatives are generally useful and safe for short- term treatment of constipation, cleansing the bowel prior to Miscellaneous Laxatives endoscopic examinations, and treating fecal impaction. Although the healthcare com- munity has known of many of these quality-related challenges for years, it was the 1998 IOM publication To Err Is Human that brought to light the severity of the problems in a way that captured the attention of all key stakeholders for the first time. Hypotheses ex- pressed in terms of the model parameters are assessed at each voxel with univariate statistics.

Yorik, 60 years: Consequently, several synthetic drugs have been developed in an effort to increase selectivity Nerve ending Presynaptic vesicles of action on particular body tissues, especially to retain the containing acetylcholine antispasmodic and antisecretory effects of atropine while eliminating its adverse effects. Upper limb Upper limb the D1 inhibition of the FCR H reflex, whether elicitedbyelectricalstimulationtotheradialnerveor In the upper limb, the dominant effect is cor- by aweak ECR tendon tap, was increased by a corti- ticospinal facilitation of PAD interneurones. The main function of the progestin is to progestins in postmenopausal women may be indicated for decrease the risk of endometrial cancer; thus, women who have management of menopausal symptoms.

Pavel, 27 years: Thus, therapeutic and adverse anticholinergic effects and can cause urinary retention effects are less predictable. He gulped down large quantities of milk, bread, some meat, and eggs before he was made to stop for fear he would rupture his stomach. Red had been a combat medic in Korea and stayed in the army after the war.

Gnar, 62 years: Courses vary from those that bring in eminent talking heads to talk to groups of 100 or more to smaller workshops with fewer than 10 people and one tutor. By increasing urinary excretion of vitamin B-complex (2) Isoniazid (INH) decreases effect. Surgeons may tained cholinergic, serotonergic, and other phe- implant, in the near future, smart biopolymers notypes.

Malir, 24 years: Range in Neonates of mothers with myasthenia gravis who have 24 h: 60–1500 mg. Some aspects of therapy is that 30% or more of a dose may adsorb into con- the nursing role include mobilizing and coordinating health tainers of IV fluid or infusion sets. When amantadine is given to prevent or minimized by monitoring renal function (eg, at baseline, treat influenza A, dosage should be reduced with renal im- 2 to 3 times weekly during induction, and at least every pairment, and older adults should be closely monitored for 1 to 2 weeks during maintenance therapy) and reducing CNS (eg, hallucinations, depression, confusion) and car- dosage accordingly.

Cruz, 58 years: J Clin Oncol 20:19–36 (1997) Primary bone tumors of the epidural masses. When walking on uneven sur- finding that one limb can manage a previously faces and when confronted by obstacles, BA6 learned task from another limb may have im- and 7, S1, SMA, and the cerebellum partici- plications for compensatory and retraining pate even more for visuomotor control, bal- strategies after a focal brain injury. Due to the time and (type 1 error) of 5% would require 63 subjects cost involved in the drug development process, per group (assuming no drop-outs) comparing many sponsors are currently carrying out com- drug to placebo for significance to detect a 50% bined phase 2/3 studies.

Tom, 28 years: Noxious input from one trodes at vertebral levels T-11 through L-1 and hip appeared to initiate the rhythmical locomo- measured surface EMG activity in five muscles tor activity. Sural stimulation, adjusted to be insufficient by itself to Evidence for a different effect on facilitate tibialis anterior motoneurones, increased motoneurones of different type the facilitation of the H reflex produced by TMS (e) and the peak of cortical excitation evoked by TMS in In the cat, stimulation of the sural nerve produces the PSTHs (i), but did not enhance the facilitation IPSPs in small motoneurones of triceps surae, i. The test of the null results, since there is a greater chance of missing hypothesis has an associated false positive rate the clinically important difference, resulting in a GENERAL ISSUES 31 waste of resources.

Raid, 55 years: It is essential that diet therapy continue as the 30% of calories from fat, less than 10% of calories from benefits of diet and drug therapy are additive. Descending effects Strong contractions Corticospinal excitation During strong contractions, cutaneous and joint Spatial interactions have been found between cor- afferents facilitate the transmission of hom*ony- tically evoked and Ib inhibitions of the soleus H mous Ib inhibition of quadriceps motoneurones (cf. Lotion and cream preparations are the cleansers (eg, Basis, Cetaphil) to avoid further skin irritation; least irritating.

Rhobar, 51 years: What we have attempted to clarify in this section are several points relevant to a hardware implementation of biologically realistic neural network models. 0 Perhaps an advanced powerlifter, who reads Milo, already knows all that stuff, they need to do to get stronger, but not necessarily bigger.

Ugrasal, 33 years: Specific drugs often associated with errors include in- ized, locked cabinets for which each nurse on a unit has a sulin, heparin, and warfarin. With At the present time, the cause of AD remains the demonstration of a cholinergic deficiency in unknown. Thus, when the spindle There is extensive literature on the reflex effects of primary ending in Fig.

Rasarus, 23 years: Treatment method: Treatment in this study was given by a Hi-Ne Laser (JG-1 model) machine using an electric current of 15-20 megaAmperes with a power of 5 megaWatts. In the fetus and young child, tetracyclines are deposited itor laboratory tests of renal function for abnormal values. This creates a network ade- quate for translation of descending commands for the hypothesis regarding the role of group II path- multi-joint movements into the appropriate coordi- ways in supporting isometric contractions, pre- nated muscle synergies which underlie those move- sented above for one muscle (see p.

Killian, 59 years: When the ventromedial corticospinal tract pharmacologic modulation of inputs to the was lesioned 4 weeks later, forelimb reaching spinal motor pools (see Chapter 8). Study subjects show a marked decrease in injurious falls, reduction in blood pressure, and improved measures of balance and confidence. With octreotide, observe for arrhythmias, bradycardia, These are more common effects, especially in those receiving diarrhea, headache, hyperglycemia, injection site pain, and octreotide for acromegaly.

Dawson, 56 years: Morphology of layer in motor impairments after injury to primary motor III pyramidal neurons is altered following induction cortex. Plastic sectable hepatocellular carcinoma: a prospective Reconstruct Surg (2000) 105: 1566–8. Review important vitamins, their benefits, and Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs).

Gunock, 39 years: This phase is characterized by decreased CD4+ cell counts, viral entry, where the virus infects epithelial cells, produces prog- loss of immune responses, and onset of opportunistic infections eny viruses, and eventually causes cell death. Beta blockers are not recommended for clients in acute HF Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors because of the potential for an initial decrease in myocardial con- Captopril and other ACE inhibitors (see Chap. These differences led to the convening of a consensus Activated charcoal is usually mixed in water group of toxicologists from the American Academy (about 50 g or 10 heaping tablespoons in 8 oz.

Gorok, 52 years: She thought for several minutes and said, Treat me for lice and I will be satisfied. This calf muscle resistance needs more complex than in the cat, with activity of exten- to be overcome if the body is to be brought for- sors that is not in phase and a pattern which, as a ward, and, together with other mechanisms, weak whole, is not one of reciprocal activation of flexors Ia connections between the different heads of tri- andextensors(seeCapaday,2002;Chapter11,p. Treatment method: All patients in both groups took the Chinese medicinals, but the first group also received acupuncture in addition to the herbs.

Kayor, 45 years: In advanced disease, it seems clear multimodality arm compared to 11 months in that chemotherapy regimes have provided some the surgery alone arm (p = 0. Hyperlordosis, or an exaggerated arch of the lower back, is rampant in the United States. Since the data in this table were not obtained from designed longevity experiments, but resulted from routine procedures and culture usage, it is likely that with special care, such primary cultures can survive for up to a year or longer.

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