Barrie Examiner, 21 Oct 1966, p. 10 (2024)

Barrie Examiner, 21 Oct 1966, p. 10 (1)

10 11m BARN EXAMINER FRIDAY 06mm 21 Spam Edno Wnsaifia sumrim OWEN SOUND After 50 as the Colling wood Shipbuilders the team now be known as Collingwood Georgian Chlnas Its hand to say what hockey fans and sports writers will hang on the Col lingwood team for nickname good guess would be the Chlnamen After all they have good tar get in former NHL netmlnder Ham LumLoe On the serious side Gollingwood should be one of the major threats in the revamped Senior dmuit Coach Jack Grier has the roper mixture of youth and experience among forwar defencemen and in goal Collingwood moved off to stmng start in the 40 defeating 93W QMMAMMW fng defending champwn Guelph Regal right in Guelph In each of the games they displayed stmng netmlnding mu handtumble defence two lines fly of scoring pun and third Line of pesky penalty CHUCK JEWELL the former Midland netminder is one of the major reasons the Georgian China crew feel they have an excellent chance for league laur els Jewell was an allstar pick last season in the old WDFEFAOPW° Emit 01d Ap 1e Cheeks Harry Lumley will be the second netm ndex for Collingwood He is well known 1m th years in the NHL with Detroit Toronto Chicago and Boston Lumley who brings wealth of expel fence to the Colllngwood club is expected in the lineup later in the seasons The defence corps is an Ad example of youth and experience The latter is supplied by Ray Gariepy and Gary Collins Gafiepy who spent several seasons in the AHL was up ln the blg time with Toronto Maple Leafs for the proverbial cup of coffee He coached the Barrie intermediate club several years ago and last year plgyegl for hfldlandz Comm is no stranger to Senior ranks He comes to Callingwood directly from Galt Hornets and once played with Quebec Aces His Junior apprentice ship was with Toronto Marlboros MICKY KAY Ron King Taylor and Ted Hender son round out the bluellne brigade Kay and Hender son both played Junior hockey for Owen Sound Gmys Kay came straight to Collingwaod while Hen derson had four seasons of American Intercollegiate hockey at the University of Michigan Taylor is the only Oolflngwoodborn player on the roster and has been with the club for several seasons Slx Owen Sounders form the top two forward lines for the China crew Fonner Cleveland Bamn Dave McComb centres left winger Dave Fitter and right winger Hec Eminard All three were with the Junior Greys Fitter and McComb were members of the 106061 Greys who advanced to the a110ntario Junior finals againstSt Michaelsanzefsl The second line conslsLn of Arnold Smith at centre left wlner Bill Abbott 2nd right winger Joe Hamley Smith payed Junior with Barrie Flyer and Senior with the nowdefunct Owen Sound Mercury Ab hot and Hamley both advanced from Junior play to Central Ontario Senior ranks GERRY McBRIDE Fern SL Onge and Guy Wats mmbine for the third line and are used primarily in fenaltykllhng roles McBride native of Barrie was nvolvod in prescmn swap for Guy Levesque He played junior for Newmukct and Owen Sound St Ongo halls mm Knpusknsing whllo Walls Tim mlns product Both are in their second season with gdlllngwood after Junlm activity with St Thomas axons Atprcsent Collingwood ls negotlaung or the ser vices of two young forwards with pm experience An annottrllnccment in this regard is expected later thls mon The My two players gone from last seasons club aside from Loves uo are defenceman Frank Bergcron and forward Kex Smcllzcr Back at the helm as teanl manageth Dr ngg Ggydncr Coilingfiomi enich their first séason of Senior competition with an impressive record of two consc cuuve Central Oninrio Senior liiics Collinginrood Club WellBalanced Mum Lehnw ndgnry mm in Imlllnn uifll hln Inlet mm hu look lur wnrd Io lho Stnnmlcrl LN two 5mm in tho um yrMnII roam Ovulrmnro Imam 111a Slnmpukr scum1m lief MINI km 11L NI Cuhnnbin Mom Monday mml vldo Aloumh Iha 835ml gtmn In or nmm lull flmmlly lhrir onuro Vnckllrhl Hannah In sum mly lhll Ienwn but have ram bound wanrmnrk lrlo Unto lo Jnln rmcam ma or No limit rpm NMnII km rhumplon Mkmhv wnlllmmyklm Cilénrylnmllw 1mm le In Wle ntltr By 11 CANADIAN PM Stampeders On The Spot As West Race Nears End EDS NOTE Thll ll Oh lonflh In nrlu of axehangu column with nporh adllou from OHA Ssnlor clllu Todays onlrlhund by Ted Brlgal of H10 Owon Sound SunTim town Col llngwaod Gearglnn Chlnu Burris Flyon wlll Naval Io Colllnawoad nm Tuudny nlaho 0h am of IR meulngl SATURDAV 160000 CANADIAN INYERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSMP GREENWOOD OPENS MONDAY POST TIMI EM py an mych hlmonmn Enklmm and mu Linn nuke lhelr claim In playnlf Input Smkaldmnn mpulnl lend om he mnnd pim anlpal Hm Ilombcr who Imld Hm dcndiovked HIkL and Cllcnry by lwo po1nu each The Llnnl mnny hnh pluro mm mm behlnd 11w himnlonHeulna 1mm Will he lrlnvlml Ill pm CSI nn lhu th wmrm nahwk 1le ColunIbinWlnnlwz mm ho lulmlml um cm by LTV Ram xluh In Um vehnm emu1m tun luo mm m4 malnlnl Loinw mu for ha km to Unn AHhvm leknn 1an My rump was mm by May AHrn ml the Findlay on the Uuruynn Inn me pic inMexlco says if Illl county does not send its ath letes In Mexico at least three week in advance at the 1968 Olympia it might as wdl for get about sendan them You just can deposit peo ple in mango place and ex pcd them in do mil Hender son said in an lnlervlnw after returning in Monto Mrsday He won silver nwdal iwr his mend place finish in Finn Class yachting at the Mule Olympics which wound up Thursday The Oanadlan Yaahlm M50 clailon sent him to Mexico to study the new and problem um will face Canadian sailors in 1969 man of Morita Can 0M 01 the major problem fading alhlotel 11111191968 Olymplu will be the mum mm at Mexico City Henderson who was not com named WMI altitude during safling competitions at Acapulco on the Pacific Coast said than is more than rari li kite gnrw fawn them the Athletes Icclknauud ma him um lude wont be the nnly problem may will face There are daz cm of lime Mug ma only unnpelilor who has been at Ihe 91359111 More would real MEXICO CITY AmTom mle Smilh ol Lo Angch cam wilhln onoIenth ol second of the worm Mord and matched the Olympic mnrk Thursday Oshawa Taronlo Kitchener St Catharine Hamilton Nlamn Full Montreal Prlnrborouxh London Thundlyl Hull Pelerbomuzh Hmnumn Todayl films Ptlcrhurnuzh at Kllchmcr Any hm cmrr uflhou an Wuxy nm Haw he HIM AMERICAN POLE vaults Bob Ssagren of Annexes displays hl ahamplonshlp town that wan Mm argold mm wan him old mndal in Memo Citys Mo nlmy mmpthI lhn TC nulvply um gmna Tuwhy unlnu Saskalrhvvrnn 311 Ilnnnnn mm Ilcxlnn 1unLuy ml Ilrllbh Oulnmbln Ir rh lo Vlnanou or game May Ibknl Innumtrmlon No In the Imu It has tamrd Mm lhn right mm nuthut Sn knlnhrwnn Ithrw MM Ikhnw MM er llnprnvlnl every Inn on ml wfll wowed lur lhu Mm ho ulna conlhlcnu In MI nhllily vwh lime Kn ol Sam kalrhmmn mlmltlul ha II not mined nlvl wmlkl Ilka In play nnw ml ywm pInym In Ill hullwlnm In No mm Records Challenged As Canadian Speaks Out By THE CANADIAN PRESS Tonom mam Heng HOCKEY Onllrlo Junior WLT PAP Mien ha won ha mens 200 mm dash Mexicos Inter willow Sporu W50 Ln 2105 In his second goldmcdnl per oxmanco ol the meet 5mm equalled the recnrd sat by Henry Can of Detroit in lohn In 1964 Can we the vmrhd ord of in 19647 Bub Scamn of the U5 cquaflod the Olympic mom of la eel indie In winning the pole vnult mlly unkan Colom bian Mme Mails won his sec ond gold medal by taking the 10000 mum He had surprised the expert by winning 41m 500Mnon rage 0m Lillie NHL met at Illa home 01 President thil Phiiilpa wilh all members present It was decided lhul the annual gum ai meeting will be held Monday evening Oct at Guihrie schonl mm or the commz man will be discussed and an Elec lxun of dirnctm will lake pinch This year plans Include the pos slble Introduction of mldxct any Juvcnfla team Rafem of pfiym last years colche Ind ofllcen are urged to nllrnd 21mm Ailoucués mm mm 11qu Bombcrl BC Ham Arm Ti Gnu MUNICIPAL LEAGUE Gama Scum Qulelon Mark Snlpcn Grave Kmy Km Chrlsucs Couplund Drillers Tum snmuuu Kmy KM 31 Snlpm 18 Gram 11 Ques llon Marks 20 Christie ll Cour lnnrls Drlllm ll High samba Merlin om Inmls Dan McFadden zoo wally Gr seam ma Him 10 al nl Harrison 31 1M lllgfiiTripIc Grant llnnlaon 62g Mcrl Cogplnnd 61 OLVmpics Seamm VIM 16 feet em and vhmquafler qdml to mug thp Present Oro Little NHL To Hold AGM Swan Inn Trlfilezmamm llrArrhon lnlly llcltl 722 Snason llkh Mange Grnnl llnnisnn zu Gall Porkr KEMPVIEW LAIIIEI Tum slnndlnxu Exklmbl 17 Blue Dumber TlCuu Iloufih Rider leu summer 10 Arm ll Mau rllrn 613mm reééxdj hélii Hin other Amexlcan Fred Han musmle June Morrow 301 ny Flown D01 Human usnn mm Sinuln lunu Mon hp gunman mm Tram kn mm rm nl Human nu Junm Murrow Henson llhzh Trl la Kny Flow tr 7M Mllllo Ca rnl M1 Srnmu IIIKII Avrrnuo NIH lo Cnlrm 101 My Hour In hi Colombias home town Game Scorrru Vlisldmina SKIERS um 11 umnl hum mmth nu Inl lnum lllml Ill Ulvmnl mm mm nu mm mml In M04 In prOlHInl mum nu mm mm mm mm ummvHh um pl In mm mull WIN up lo W1 II Ml Ill rllu TM nllllll WWII In In mu HAND NM SKIS BOOTS POLES OSKIWEAR up In 25 OFF Al Hwy 400 Ext MI Loull Rd colovlul mllu mu Emit Moonllnno MW OPEN DAYS WEEK BOWLING Mt St Louis ol Bogota Is an even higher alfilude than Mexicos 7349 rm which pasxlbly gives hlm an advantage hm over ath Mu mm other parts at the mm Tomorrow marks Ihe begin ning of brand new feature for the Barrle Examiner sports pag an column entitled Curling Cue by cc Gervuln wm ap pear each Saturday throughout lhg winter months must curling followers know Gcrvalr one of the be known campeflllva curlers In lha world Winner numcm bon sple In Wulern Cnnndu Ger valr reached the peak hl career with the mrld champ lonshlpnln 1961 native of St Albert imnll community nine miles nwny mm Edmonlan Alberta Ger chloken and palm lnrmor when ha not mnkinl himself known on he curling rinks ol lhc world Now 32 years 01d Gcrvuil snarled curlinz at the ago 15 Ho Wham his 15 Maodnmld Brlcr in 1954 hen MM Bald wln captured hls first of Ihm 9mm 11va Mm that Galliumnod W0th Gall Khuflm Gudph he wo ranch that pinnacle sumo duy Ha made lhII dream come true just six your Intu and his rink Ihnt lravcllmi to Scotland In ml stlll hold the record In the un altever champlop Oaknlle Orilh Ilelimllo MIME hum in lmulphl HAIUIIII Hrllmfllc may Inlt at Kinuatm To mnm Wooidodx Onknilo It 6mm fialunlay 01115 GJIL Sunday Kinfllm Wood dock Ihlbvfllo 01mm an The game are scaled dwm versinn of tho 0mm and are belnl held ust run or the 1968 Olympiad at Mexico City MP Wlwphoto Followan his lucccn over seas Gnrvals was runnnrup lo Ernie Richardson In 1m and second Ignln to Norm Houck Winnlpex In the int Taurna man Chum lam hold at anlo Lon Gar an In WM round back to lulul on wet fin Ihl cvan my lalqr Gnnni 1035 line prnmln an wins Incl numerous cu bonwioh in Western Canada nnd hut conmvcranl Cnlznry Chumphnshlp In ION when rlnk agreed in mm Ihl reward wilh he llldllrdsmu fix1M lmfln Curling Tips Start Saturday Tho columislhiwéno the SENIOR STRX The only unanswered question in Lra Eastern Football Conlero encewhure Monirell Alouelie and Hamilton TilerCain will play their sudden death 55mi iinai could be decldad by lup pertima Sahuday Aha Tim play iha third placo Mounties in Montreal Saturday allurnaan and can clinch second place with vic tory That would live Hnmllian Iha horns field nduaniala ior Otlawn Rouzh Elders who clinched Int placn last week end and Toronto Argonnuu who sawed up Inst spot meet Sunday Inernonn In Toronto In xnma that L1 nothing man than Ayofi lunaup or the Elders eyll play the lam 1nn1 winner In Iwoznme to IIIpoint final for tha right to unmem tho East In lha Grey C1131 Each team has two game left In Illa regular schedule For Mammal In each Hamilbon an Al must wln Saturday and de laat Ottawa the allowing week end whlla Illa mm loaelo Tar onto That would leave the two clubs led with 14 polnls Monk real would get the and though for wlnnlnl two of thus lame against Hamlllon pal vlclarlu woulcl also veflmMsn17reemdhe as for Ike team since 1959 Montreal conch Darrel Mudn will um Georg Bork at quir biggest Iklp In Canada llpplng ohesealesatzwmxt Reba unique push style of ddsvzr hin Noted or his pin po tacnuncy Gervak equal afiech Wm draw and take out shots Ho tried unsuc cexsfull Lh Edrggontol Egkk and cam plenty ma tn dome to curling In the winter mnnlhsr He hl curled close to 200 game prior to 11 annual run the Brier Ind damn about 800 harm annually man colorful personality Gervad use his an lull mt vantage He can easily 11ft wpognd Mpg byvqhis my By THE CANADIAN PRESS one in each hind favor hlck la plok up alone In each hand Ind clean them all by rubbing them across hh chest not recommended for everyone Iha Darrla Knlzhu Colum bus lunch oolbnll lengua will hold lhelr nnnnnl Llllla Gray day Ihl Sunday Oct 23 Compellllnu will lake place ll Sh Mnnlcal School on Steele 51 Three Kayne wlll be playcd cov crlnl mm dlflmnl ale Iruups Game me me Junior pm lnlermedlllu pm Ind Scnlnr BORK WILL START The League hu mum and Salurdny with boyl partici flux Tho wn 01 lennu lrum rash dlvlslnn will play In lhu null Touch Football Slates Finals No smooth whisky selling at any price delivers as much rich rye flavour as Adams Gold Stripe Get off the bland wagon ADAMS GOLD STRIPE Cmdlan Ryo Whhky mow ADAMI nnmuu uu vonomo tes Challenge idts For Second telback In plncn Burnla F04 lonay and wul have Bob mm more In actlan In place 1n ured flanker Donnie Davls lost or the balance of the season with lam km ligament Mudn also plans lo use hull back Don Lisbon llld Phil Brady agnlnsl Hamilton and wfll have Bflly James Doss In both ways at offensive and In linebacker Hammon wiil havefullhack An Baker back In the lineup Baker Mm ed WM lwo pre vluus Guy winnus In Ham WEBSTER SALES AND SERVICE RR STROUD ONT PHONE Requires person 10 distribute furnace all stove oil and gasoline in Barrie and surrounding areas IVE WI SUPERPUWEHED Guaranlaad Income Complete Financial Auislanco Small Invnlmanl raqulnd for truck chanln APPLY TO BOX A80 the hghzweight chain sawhuit for fast action Business Opportulfl MAJOR OIL COMPANY Car of Tho Blrrla Exnmlnor ton was dropped by Clixnry Stampede early thin lesson and paed up by the MI and Argos 11cm coach Ralph Sula pIcked him up min as backup Insurance for ullbnck Bobby Kunkz The EH03B 10111mm In the Rough Riders in hnlhlnl gum in Ounwn last waekand came through with no mlnux huglei The Montreal Vgnma mm Al pm EDT and will bu ela vlselg on tha CBC eastern nel war PHONE 4363



Barrie Examiner, 21 Oct 1966, p. 10 (2024)


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The National Archives may also hold records relevant to your research – try searching for keywords such as 'newspaper'. You can also find whole newspapers, newspaper articles and cuttings which have been inserted into The National Archives' records.

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If you're looking for a smaller local newspaper, try contacting that city, town, or region's nearest public library. Local papers are usually microfilmed and archived by local libraries, and reference librarians there can tell you about their holdings and if there is an index to help you find articles.

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How to read old newspapers online: More websites
  1. British Library Newspapers. Learn more about the library's collection of over 34,000 old newspapers.
  2. Discovery. ...
  3. Gale Digital Collections. ...
  4. The Gazette. ...
  5. The Guardian. ...
  6. Internet Archive. ...
  7. Manx National Heritage. ...

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The British Newspaper Archive is an online newspaper archive created by the partnership between Findmypast and the British Library.

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Collections of Toronto Newspapers

The Toronto Public Library Richview Branch's Local History Microtext Collection has a good collection of newspapers from the Etobico*ke and Lakeshore areas. The Archives of Ontario also has an extensive collection of Ontario newspapers, including Toronto.

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Any newspaper issue published before 1923 is out of copyright and can be freely reproduced. Newspapers published after 1922 are potentially copyrighted and can only be digitized if their copyright was not renewed and a copyright notice was not provided in the paper.

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Use the Google News archive for an easy, searchable experience. This search engine allows you to enter the subject you want to research to find old newspaper articles about that subject.

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Google News Archive is an extension of Google News. It provides free access to scanned archives of newspapers and links to other newspaper archives on the web, both free and paid. Some of the news archives date back to the 18th century. There is a timeline view available to help you select news from a specific period.

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British Newspaper Archive Access
  1. Follow the link at the bottom of this page to the British Newspaper Archive.
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Any newspaper issue published before 1923 is out of copyright and can be freely reproduced. Newspapers published after 1922 are potentially copyrighted and can only be digitized if their copyright was not renewed and a copyright notice was not provided in the paper.

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Use the Google News archive for an easy, searchable experience. This search engine allows you to enter the subject you want to research to find old newspaper articles about that subject. To explore the archive search engine, open your web browser and go to

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.